Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 9/8/2014

On Monday, September 8, 2014, 30 SABR members and friends of the Larry Dierker Chapter were thoroughly entertained by former Houston Astros batboys Justin and Kevin Nowak, who as they said, were with the club during the “good years”, 2001-07. Both had terrific stories to tell about how they were chosen as batboys, being there for the 2004 All-Star Game and the requests of Barry Bonds, how they computed from A&M daily to fulfill their duties and how proud they were of their 2005 National League Championship rings.

They discussed their favorite player, Morgan Ensberg, the superstitions of Craig Biggio, and told a fabulous story about Jeff Kent. You had to be there!

We welcomed two new members, Chris White and Ben Brink, and Ben, while young in years, knocked off our socks when he ran away and won the trivia contest prepared by Mike Vance.

Bob Dorrill reviewed the SABR 44 survey which reinforced the success of the convention.

Our next meeting will be on TUESDAY, October 14 (as the room is not available on Monday) and we discuss four important topics:

  1. Select a committee to help in the selection of future meeting speakers
  2. Select a committee to interface with new SABR members
  3. Plan chapter projects for 2015 which could include hosting the 2015 Annual Baseball Dinner
  4. Hear a presentation from Greg Lucas on his just-published book which will be available.

— Bob Dorrill

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