Sweet Lou Johnson Lexington Chapter meeting recap – 3/16/2019

SABR’s Sweet Lou Johnson Lexington Chapter held its March 16, 2019, meeting at the Eastside Branch of the Lexington Public Library.

This meeting marked the first anniversary of the Sweet Lou Johnson Lexington Chapter. There was a brief discussion about the great speakers and fun the chapter had during its first year. This last year’s guest speakers included the following: Andy Shea (CEO of the Lexington Legends), Jerry Sudduth (historian of the vintage baseball club the Blue Grass Barons Base Ball Club), Zack Getsee (head baseball coach Transylvania University), Joe Cox (author of “Fine Teammate: Jackie Robinson and the Lives He Touched”), and Clinton Riddle (baseball writer and photographer). Members also talked about the baseball games we attended and agreed we want to do that again this summer.

Our guest speaker was Emma Tiedemann, the Voice of the Lexington Legends. Tiedemann also does media relations for the Legends. What an interesting guest! Who knew they played baseball in Alaska? And what a determined and smart play-by-play announcer! Thank you, Emma, for a delightful presentation!

SABR member David Baker wrote and presented the Baseball Trivia Quiz. Bret Ripley was the winner of this month’s trivia game. He won two tickets to a Lexington Legends baseball game! Thank you, Lexington Legends, for the donation — and congratulations, Bret!


Our next meeting will be at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 27 at the Tates Creek Branch of the Lexington Public Library (3628 Walden Drive). SABR’s Director of Editorial Content and chair of SABR’s Black Sox Scandal Research Committee, Jacob Pomrenke, will be joining us by SKYPE to discuss some of the research used in his newest project “Eight Myths Out,” the true story of the Black Sox Scandal. Bob Tannenbaum will be kicking off our new Game Day project by telling the story of a baseball game he attended as a boy in the Catskill Mountains.

Important Announcements about the April 27 meeting:

All baseball fans are invited to write up to FOUR baseball trivia questions and answers. These questions will be used for the April 27 meeting’s baseball trivia game. Members should email these questions/answers to Cindy at lucinda.baker@kctcs.edu OR call her at 740-701-6545 no later than April 15.

We have a special prize for our April 27 Baseball Trivia Game. It is an Ashton Drake Lou Gehrig Figurine. This prize was donated by one of our members. This figurine is currently selling on eBay for $110 to $295.


  • *5 pm FRIDAY May 3—Tailgating before the UK Baseball Game
  • *1 pm SATURDAY May 18—Potluck picnic & Bluegrass Barons Base Ball Game at Waveland Museum
  • *1 pm SATURDAY June 8 Meeting. Guest Speaker—John McMurray—The Chairman of SABR’s Oral History Project!

Email with your Baseball Trivia Questions for our April 27 meeting!

Play ball!

— Cindy Baker

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