Pick Wisely: A Look at Whom Select Baseball Players Choose as Their Heroes and Why

This article was written by Kevin Warneke - John Shorey - David C. Ogden

This article was published in Fall 2015 Baseball Research Journal


Table 1: Race and Favorite Player

Favorite Player N Caucasian African-
Hispanic Other
Caucasian 271 148(55%) 49(18%) 69(25%) 5(2%)
21 3(14%) 10(48%) 8(38%) 0
37 14(38%) 7(19%) 16(43%) 0

N = 329, X2 = 21.56, p < .01


Table 2: Race and Hero

Hero N Caucasian African American Hispanic Other
Caucasian 135 73(54%) 44(33%) 16(12%) 2(1%)
African-American 12 4(33%) 7(59%) 1(8%) 0
Hispanic American 12 2(17%) 4(33%) 6(50%) 0

Note: Although 277 respondents named a hero, race of the hero could be verified in 159 cases. An example for when race could not be determined would be when the player named a relative. X2 = 17.70, p < .05

Table 3: Age and Hero Selection

Age Parent Ballplayer
7 to 11 45 45
12 to 14 55 91
15 to 17 1 4

X2 (2, N = 241) = 4.48, p = .106

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