Fall 2024 Baseball Research Journal

- Satchel’s Wild Ride: How Satchel Paige Finally Made the Hall of Fame
Mark Armour - Rachel Balkovec: A Comprehensive Profile
Barrett Snyder - Gavy Cravath’s Hall-Worthy 200 Home Runs
Rick Reiff - The Pitcher’s Cycle: Definition and Achievers (1893–2023)
Herm Krabbenhoft - Closing the Gap: The MVP Cases for Lew Fonseca, Joe Cronin, and Hack Wilson
John Racanelli - Desperately Seeking Singles: The Palpable Heartache of Near-Miss Cycles
John Racanelli - The Single’s Slow Fade: The Diminishing Role of the Single Since the Deadball Era
James Musso - Ghost Stories and Zombie Invasions: Testing the Myths of Extra-Inning Outcomes
Connelly Doan - Does the Home Team Batting Last Affect Game Outcomes? Evidence from Relocated Games
Woody Eckard - The Third Time Is the Charm: The 1939 Pensacola Fliers
Sam Zygner - Do Baseball Batters Keep Their Eye on the Ball?
Mason Clutter and Nick Fogt - Plummeting Batting Averages Are Due to Far More than Infield Shifting: Part Two: Strikeouts
Charlie Pavitt - Scanning the World of Baseball Streaks: Part Two
Ed Denta - Editor’s Note: Fall 2024 Baseball Research Journal
Cecilia M. Tan - Jews and Baseball
Peter Dreier