2014 Malloy Conference includes visit to Hamtramck Stadium in Detroit

The 2014 Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference will be held in downtown Detroit from August 14-16. As the only national conference devoted to the history of the Negro Leagues, the Malloy is coming to Detroit for the first time. This year’s theme is “Turkey Stearnes and Black Baseball in Michigan.”

In addition to great research presentations and an education program a few highlights for the conference include a visit to location of the old Hamtramck Stadium, a discussion with Robert Paige and the family of Turkey Stearnes, a Tigers-Mariners game on Friday night, and a panel with former Negro League players. Come and join us for the full conference or even just a day. 

Registration is open to all baseball fans; single-day rates are available. Learn more at SABR.org/malloy.

For questions, please contact Tom Salvner at (734) 730-0081 or tsalvner@gmail.com, or Rick Meister at (734) 397-3692 or fjmeister@sbcglobal.net.


2014 SABR Malloy Conference information

Thursday, August 14 to Saturday, August 16, 2014
Marriott Courtyard Downtown (333 E. Jefferson Avenue), Detroit, Michigan

The annual JERRY MALLOY NEGRO LEAGUE CONFERENCE is hosted by the Society for American Baseball Research’s Negro Leagues Committee. Since 1998, the Conference is the only symposium dedicated exclusively to the examination and promotion of black baseball history. SABR’s Negro Leagues Committee encourages the study and research of black baseball and its influence on society and sport history. The Conference promotes activities to enhance scholarly, educational, and literary objectives.  The 17th annual conference is being held at the Courtyard by Marriott on East Jefferson Avenue, across from the RenCen.

Thursday, August 14

  • Educational Forum at Wayne State University
  • Trip to Hamtramck Stadium—home of the Negro League Detroit Stars from 1930 to 1937. At least 17 members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame once played in Hamtramck Stadium, including baseball immortals like Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, Norman “Turkey” Stearnes, Oscar Charleston, and Cool Papa Bell. A Historical Marker will be unveiled during this visit.
  • Meet and Greet gathering at the Detroit Historical Museum

Friday, August 15

  • Players Panel will include special guests Walt “Coach” Owens and Ron “Schoolboy” Teasley
  • A rare presentation by Robert Paige about his father, Satchel Paige
  • Research presentations to discuss the history of black baseball in Michigan
  • MLB game at Comerica Park—Seattle Mariners vs. Detroit Tigers

Saturday, August 16

  • Research presentations
  • Authors Panel
  • Special presentation by members of Turkey Stearnes’ family
  • Awards banquet with live entertainment
  • Silent and live auctions

For more information or to register, visit SABR.org/malloy.

Originally published: July 10, 2014. Last Updated: July 10, 2014.
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