2018 Southern Negro League Baseball Conference

SABR’s Rickwood Field Chapter joined with the Center for Negro Baseball Research, the Southern Negro League Baseball Museum, and Friends of Rickwood to host the inaugural Southern Negro League Baseball Conference on October 4-6, 2018, at Rickwood Field in Birmingham, Alabama.

The conference is dedicated to the preservation of the history of Southern Negro League Baseball, and the history of Negro Leagues players from the South.

This year’s conference’s theme was the final Negro League World Series in 1948, including a visit with Rev. Bill Greason, who played for the Birmingham Black Barons in that series 70 years ago.

The full schedule can be found by downloading the registration form (PDF). Thursday night included a reception at the Negro Southern League Museum, hosted by Dr. Layton Revel. On Friday, attendees enjoyed an all-day event at Rickwood Field, the only ballpark still in existence that hosted a Negro League World Series. Saturday’s session included presentations on the 1948 Negro League World Series, which was played at Rickwood Field.

Click here to find a photo gallery from the conference, courtesy of SABR member John Wakelin:


Originally published: August 23, 2018. Last Updated: August 23, 2018.
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