Apply for a SABR Local Grant in 2023

SABR logoNOVEMBER 16, 2022 — The SABR Local Grants program provides an opportunity for chapters, research committees, and chartered communities to apply for funding for their projects under SABR’s Four Pillars: Research, Scholarship, Preservation, and Future of the Game.

Applications are now open for a 2023 SABR Local Grant at Submissions will be accepted until January 16, 2023. A Grants Review Board will review all submissions and respond with their final determination in February 2023.

All SABR chapters, chartered communities, and research committees are eligible to apply. Individual SABR members and non-SABR groups are not eligible, so if you have an individual idea for a program grant, please follow up with your local chapter leadership or appropriate research committee to discuss an application.

The seven projects that received a SABR Local Grant in 2022 are well under way, including the dedication of a historical marker at Kelly Field in Daytona Beach, Florida, where Jackie Robinson and John Wright integrated Dodgers spring training in 1946; a new marker commemorating Roberto Clemente’s 3,000th hit at the site of Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh; and the repainting of a championship mural at Rickwood Field in Birmingham, Alabama.

Here’s a closer look at SABR’s Four Pillars, which are at the core of the Local Grants program:

The Four Pillars

  • Research
    Research grant submissions should showcase the need for access to tools and/or infrastructure that will facilitate additional research on the game of baseball. Examples: Creation of a research committee database, digitization of research files/notes, support of a chapter research project.
  • Preservation
    Preservation grant submissions should showcase the need to preserve, honor, or commemorate baseball history. Examples: Grave markers for notable baseball figures, commemorative plaques for historic baseball sites, restoration, or maintenance of pre-existing baseball landmarks.
  • Scholarship
    Scholarship grant submissions should showcase the ability to share and disseminate baseball research to a broader audience. Examples: Research committee or regional research symposiums, chapter or research committee websites, tools/resources to activate local Baseball Memories programs.
  • Future of the Game
    Future of the Game grant submissions should showcase the ability to engage with high school and/or college students through baseball research. Examples: Regional or committee-focused award programs, membership marketing efforts, funding for school partnership programs.

We are able to establish the SABR Local Grants program because of the overall health of our organization, which we owe to the sustained support and generosity of members like you. On behalf of all the future projects this initiative will help fund, thank you!

For more details on the SABR Local Grants program, visit

Originally published: November 16, 2022. Last Updated: November 15, 2022.
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