Call for papers: 2015 Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference

Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference
August 6-8, 2015
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Theme: “Baseball’s Best: the Grays and the Crawfords”

Black baseball has a long history in Pennsylvania, especially centered in the Pittsburgh area. When one thinks of the Negro Leagues in Pittsburgh, the first name that usually comes to mind is Josh Gibson. But there are other big names such as Buck Leonard, Smokey Joe Williams, Satchel Paige, and Oscar Charleston who spent time with the Grays and the Crawfords. Under manager Vic Harris, the Grays won three Negro League World Series and the Crawfords won the NNL title in 1935 and 1936.

The 18th annual Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference will celebrate this rich baseball history. In addition to two days of research presentations and player/author panels, attendees will also enjoy special presentations about local parks as well as a Pittsburgh Pirates game against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

This interdisciplinary conference welcomes proposals for oral and poster presentations from all research fields. Previous presenters have included college faculty, public school teachers, graduate students, and independent scholars.

Presentations may focus on any topic related to the theme, or other Negro Leagues issues. Some possibilities include: Josh Gibson, Pittsburgh Crawfords, Gus Greenlee, Cum Posey, Vic Harris, Cool Papa Bell, the Crawford Grill, and many others.

Proposals should include a 250-word abstract, plus a brief biographical note with contact information. For oral presentations, please indicate whether you will require any AV equipment. For poster presentations, please indicate the number and size of posters you wish to display.

Please email your proposal as a Microsoft Word attachment to by April 24, 2015.

Questions can be directed to Leslie Heaphy ( or Stephanie Liscio (

Notifications will go out by May 8, 2015.

For further information on the Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference, visit


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Originally published: March 6, 2015. Last Updated: March 6, 2015.
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