Cast your vote for the 1919 Retroactive All-Stars
The Boys Are Back From The Front And Are Ready To Play!
Cast Your Vote For The 1919 All-Stars
The Voice of the Fan — YOU — will be heard in the Retroactive All-Star Game Project!
After a long 19 months away from their families and their sweethearts, our fighting boys have put an end to the tyranny of The Hun and have returned to do battle with each other on the base ball diamond where they belong.
And now, the very best Base Ball has to offer are getting ready to show off all the skills they can muster at once in the 1919 All-Star Game at Fenway Park in Boston, Mass., home of the World’s Champion Red Sox.
The Great War robbed us of our beloved All-Star contest in 1918, and robbed YOU of the opportunity to vote, as we marshaled every last resource of our Democracy to defeat the evil Kaiser and his wretched band of nefarious Heinies. But Freedom has won out, and now the All-Star Game and the VOTE are available to you once more!
Voting is taking place RIGHT NOW. The 1919 starting players at each position, plus three pitchers, will be selected by YOU, The Fan.
The games will be played using Out of the Park 14, and the game account and box score will be posted over at
Vote for the 1919 All-Star starters and pitchers here:
Voting will be open until 3:00 a.m. EDT on October 25, 2013. At that time, we will count up the votes, put together the rosters, and sim the game.
To learn more about the Retroactive All-Star Project, or to view results from previous games played, visit
Originally published: October 10, 2013. Last Updated: October 10, 2013.