Cook: “Out of the Park Baseball” Q&A with SABR member Chuck Hildebrandt

From Brad Cook at OOTP Developments on September 26, 2014, with SABR member Chuck Hildebrandt:

Out of the Park Baseball and the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) are the perfect couple, so it wasn’t a surprise when Chuck Hildebrandt, SABR’s Baseball and the Media Research Committee chair, chose OOTP for his Retroactive All-Star Game (RASG) series.

The idea behind the RASG series was to imagine that the All-Star Game began in 1916, rather than 1933, and then simulate the results of those contests through 1932. Hildebrandt set up online voting for each game, and Seamheads‘ Mike Lynch simmed the games and produced box scores and game logs on which Hildebrandt based his write-ups.

As Hildebrandt dove into OOTP for the RASG series, he “was very quickly knocked out by just how in-depth the game was,” he told us. That led to another idea: What if baseball became popular in England toward the end of the 19th century? And thus The English Baseball League (est. 1888) was born.

Here’s our Q&A with Hildebrandt.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: October 1, 2014. Last Updated: October 1, 2014.
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