Red: A sitdown with former Yankee teammates Eddie Robinson and Bobby Brown

From Christian Red at the New York Daily News on April 25, 2016:

Eddie Robinson is puffing on a stogie and looking out at the 6th hole of Woodhaven Country Club from his front porch when a Chrysler sedan pulls into his driveway on a recent afternoon.

The driver’s side door opens and out steps one of Robinson’s oldest and closest friends, Dr. Bobby Brown, a four-time Yankees World Series champion and a former Bombers teammate of Robinson’s (albeit briefly) when both men played in the majors during a Golden Era of baseball.

They first met 70 years ago in the minors, during the 1946 International League season, when the big lefty-swinging kid from East Texas (Robinson) played for the Indians’ then Triple-A affiliate, the Baltimore Orioles, and the medical student (Brown) by way of Seattle, New Jersey and San Francisco played for the Triple-A Newark Bears after he had signed with the Yankees that same year for a whopping $52,000 signing bonus — a king’s ransom back then.

“If I was fortunate to get on first base, I could visit with (Robinson). We’d converse a little bit,” says Brown.

“He was on first base a lot,” jokes Robinson.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: April 26, 2016. Last Updated: April 26, 2016.
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