1874 Boston Herald coverage of the Red Stockings tour

This article was written by Bill Nowlin

This material was gathered and re-typed from the original newspaper stories by Bill Nowlin, in 2016, to accompany publication of the SABR book Boston’s First Nine: The 1871-75 Boston Red Stockings.

Boston's First Nine: The 1871-75 Boston Red Stockings


Some Newspaper Coverage of the 1874 European Tour of the Red Stockings and Athletics

The bulk of the material presented here is comprised of the detailed, lengthy accounts of H. S. Kempton, a Special Correspondent for the Boston Herald who signed his stories “Kemp.”

An advance story appeared in the Daily Inter Ocean of Chicago (July 13, 1874), and a report about the voyage to England appeared in the Boston Journal of August 10, written by “Doctor” – almost certainly E. A. Pope.



The Athletics and Bostons will sail for England Thursday, and all the arrangement have been completed. They will sail on the steamship Ohio, of the American Steamship line, and expect to arrive at Liverpool in time to play their first game, July 30. The day before their departure they will play in Philadelphia, and there is no doubt but the contest will be close. We learn from a Philadelphia paper that President Grant has been invited to attend, also Governor [John F. ] Hartranft and Mayor [William S.] Stokely, and other city and State officials, the officers of the steamship company, and the officers of the steamship Ohio.

The party will be comprised as follows:

From the Athletic Club – James M. Ferguson, Esq., president of the club; Mrs. James M. Ferguson, Jr., Master C. Collins, Master J. Ferguson, Jr., Mrs. M. A. Dougherty, David F. Houston, Charles R. Cragin, Esq., George Taylor, William Milligan, James Houston, A. F. Gerhard, J. R. Rockhill, W. T. Gaine, J. Spering, F. C. Waterman, J. A. H. Carr, H. Gunmere, James Cambell, D. F. Lynch, John Haley, and William Schilling. Player Members of the Club – J. D. McBride, W. D. Fisler, J. P. Sensenderfer, A. J. Reach, M. H. McGeary, A. C. Anson, J. E. Clapp, E. E. Sutton, J. F. McMullen, Joseph Batting, T. Murnan, A. W. Gedney.

From the Boston Club  — C. H. Portert, Esq., T. E. Long, H. S. Kempton, J. O. Egerton, L. K. Brigham, J. Wright, E. D. Dougherty, C. M. Bromwich, H. R. Terry, Jos. Wainwright, E. A. Pope, George Will, J. H. Farrington, D. L. Howell, J. H. Kane, H. G. Gibbs. Playing Members of the Club – George Wright, George W. Hall, T. L. Beals, S. G. Spalding, C. A. McVey, A. J. Leonard, R. C. Barnes, H. Wright, S. Wright, James O’Rourke, Harry Schafer, and James Wright.

[The proposed schedule was then printed, which anticipated a possible three-day trip to Paris – though not for baseball. Names are as spelled in the newspaper, including obvious errors such as Portert and S. G. Spalding. A query: Who knew George Will has followed baseball for parts of three centuries now?] 

In anticipation of the visit of the Americans, the English cricketers are training a base ball nine with which they hope to beat the Americans. This is just the result hoped to be achieved by the trip, and will probably finish in the organization of a base ball club which will be able to compete with the best clubs of America, and thus enter into the struggle for the international championship, instead of the superiority of clubs in America alone.

The new Athletic uniforms for this trip have been provided and in all are very handsome. The new uniform will consist of white flannel pantaloons and shirt, with shield over the breast, and the word “Athletic” embroidered thereon. The remainder of the uniform will consist of white flannel caps lined with white silk, blue stockings and white shoes.   – Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago), July 13, 1874: 8.





Probably a daily record of the life of the Red Stockings while on board ship will be as interesting as any that can be given.

Before bidding good bye to the little group of friends who accompanied us from Boston, Mr. Appollonio, the President of the Boston Base Ball Club, call all into the ladies’ saloon and made a short address to the Club stating that they were going abroad under the charge of one of their directors, Mr. C. H. Porter, and their captain, Harry Wright – that the honor of the Boston club was in the hands of the players by whom it would be maintained, and in conclusion he wished to state that while it had been rumored in certain quarters that the Boston and Athletics were to win and lose alternately, the Management of the Boston Club assented to no such thing, but the Red Stockings would always play to win.

Soon after five o’clock the cry of all ashore that’s going, was heard, and the tug Bruce ran alongside and took aboard a merry party for Philadelphia. At Cape Henlopen the pilot left us, and at 5:20 we were on the Atlantic. Very few stayed on deck to see the light fade from view, more finding rest and quiet below.

Friday morning we were greeted with the cheering intelligence that during the night we nearly ran down two coasters that were sailing without any lights – a custom which is altogether too common among sailing vessels.

The day passed very quietly on deck. A few were seasick, Barnes being the champion of the Bostons in this respect, and Sensenderfer of the Athletics. All were disposed to keep quiet, although they are all good feeders.

The officer of the deck, to contribute to our amusement, supplied the means for pitching quoits and playing shuffle-board, a ball was produced by one of the club but after a few passes it bounded overboard. On Sunday all games were dropped and quiet reigned supreme. There being no member of the clergy aboard, all idea of having devotional exercises was dropped, and a large number of the cabin passengers adjourned to the Fourth ward (that being the nickname given to the forward part of the ship) where they passed the greater part of the day looking for flying fish and sail. Monday was but a repetition of Saturday. At night we were informed that we had nearly passed the Banks and might expect to see icebergs –which expectation was raised early Tuesday morning, as we passed a few miles south of two large ones, one being nearly square, some two or three hundred feet high and half a mile long, the other looked like a gigantic snow drift, not showing any blue ice; the air was much cooler while we were passing them, and overcoats were in demand for the first time.

The second and last copy of the Ohio Daily Graphic was issued to-day. The first number came out Saturday with a flaming prospectus. It was edited by two of the steerage passengers, one a clerk in the War Department at Washington and the other a Professor of Languages in an academy at Cumberland, Md.  It started out with a large circulation, price fifty cents per copy, but it met the fate of most papers, failed for want of support. The editors say the reason was that steamer passengers don’t understand the value of advertising.

Wednesday, the most uncomfortable day yet. We are in the midst of a dense fog, running at full speed in hopes of getting through it. A large ship under full sail passed under our stern, not being seen until she was in our wake, not a length from us. Thursday, one of the brightest days, we are out of the Gulf Stream, and the temperature is much lower. The wind is fair for the first time and our sails are helping us along about a knot an hour.

We had a sample of the ship’s discipline in boat and fire practice. The boat crew were called together, fasts thrown off, boat lowered and crew in it in less than a minute. The ladies had been informed that we were to have fire practice, but the others being ignorant crowded on deck when the fire bell rang, and for a few moments things looked lively. The officers and crew appear to be perfectly competent, and they attend to their duty, leaving the entertainment to the gentlemanly purser, Mr. J. C. Justus, and the steward.

In the afternoon, the press party, comprising representatives of the New York Graphic, Times, and World, Brooklyn Eagle, Philadelphia Despatch and Mercury, Chicago Times, Cincinnati Times and Boston Herald and Journal, made a tour of the ship under charge of the purses and chief engineer. The Engineer’s department was the first visited. Here everything appeared in perfect order, including the means of extinguishing fires, that are under the control of the engineer, a ???? pump and steam pipes to each compartment so that turning a valve will let a full head of steam to any part of the ship. From the engine room to the steerage, which is very light and ???? and pure as in any part of the ship, the forecastle, officers’ quarters, carpenters’ and machine shop, store rooms, mail and baggage room, ???? and the hold were visited in succession and all were in good order, showing that while the deck saloon and staterooms we see daily cleaned and brightened up, that means of our safety and comfort are not neglected. [with apologies for occasionally illegible microfilm]

Friday was cooler, in the afternoon stormy. Early in the evening the party gathered in the saloon and we had an impromptu concert, Sensenderfer and Gedney performing on the piano. Andy Leonard and Hall gave us several ballads in a very acceptable manner. McMillen was the funny man and supplied the Howard Atheneum department. Saturday, after dinner, a meeting of the cabin passengers was held.  Mr. C. H. Porter of Boston was unanimously elected Chairman and Fred Allen of New York Secretary. The gentlemen was short and gracious speeches, accepting the honor conferred on them. On motion of President Ferguson of the Athletics a committee comprising Mr. Farrington of Boston and others was appointed, and the resolutions offered by them speaking in praise of the ship and thanking Captain Morrison and his assistants for their uniform courtesy and kindness were adopted.  Sunday morning divine services was held on deck at 10:30, Mr. Porter officiating. The service consisted of morning prayer from the Episcopal service, reading a lesson from the Bible and singing the doxology by the congregation. Most of the cabin passengers attended and a large number from the steerage. The afternoon passed quickly, those who were to leave at Queenstown being engaged in packing up. We dropped anchor at 11 P.M. and transferred our passengers to a tug and then steamed on up the Irish Sea.

A resume of the trop we be: We took a southerly passage, were deeply loaded, have had fair weather most of the time, the waves washing over only once, that early Sunday morning as we were nearing the Irish coast, few have been sick, but all very quiet, and the club so far have behaved in a manner to command the respect of all.

We arrived at Liverpool at 8 P.M., having made the passage in 11 days, 3 hours 40 minutes, even time. Were taken ashore in a tug, and after examination of baggage went to the Washington Hotel, where we are to remain while in Liverpool.


Liverpool, July 27, 1874                                          

— Boston Journal, August 10, 1874


The Bostons and Athletics on Foreign Soil
How They were Received in Liverpool – John Bull’s First Lesson in Jonathan’s Game

[from our Special Correspondent.]

LIVERPOOL, July 30 — For the success of the Boston Red Stockings and the Athletics of Philadelphia, in the undertaking in which they are now engaged, it is to be hoped that their reception in Liverpool is not a sample of what is to follow. If such could be known to be the fact, the managers of the enterprise would keep dollars in their pockets by embarking for home in the first steamer from this port. I have faith to believe that something better is to come, and that in spite of certain mistakes which have been made in the management of the enterprise. The tour will yet be a success. When our steamer anchored in the Mersey river, last Monday night, two gentlemen from Philadelphia, who had been in this city a short time, went out on the tug to meet the Athletics, waving American flags and manifesting some enthusiasm. If this can be called a reception, then the American ball players have been “received,” but aside from this, up to this afternoon, there has been no interest shown in our arrival, and as it seems to me, very few persons are aware that two American ball clubs are in town. The other guests at the hotel have found out that they party comprises the “Hameircan Barss Ballers,” and probably some others in town, who have succeeded in finding the obscure posters announcing the game to-day, or the very brief reference to the arrival of the clubs in some of the papers, have become aware of the same fact. Certain I am that if the intention was to draw a crowd to witness the first game of base ball on English soil and to pocket shillings,

The Thing Has Been Managed Wrong,

as far as this city is concerned. There has been a complete failure to stir up public interest, which may be attributed to a sparing use of printer’s ink. The thing has been very poorly advertised, and the want of a little Yankee shrewdness and enterprise is seen at once. The newspapers, which seem far behind the American journals in the matter of obtaining news, have made only the briefest mention of the American party, and not even that until a day or two after our arrival. It is said that not much was expected from this city, and it is probably the expectation will be full realized.

Something About Liverpool.

Liverpool, though one of the most important commercial cities in England, with its magnitude of shipping and magnificent system of docks and quays, seems wonderfully backward in many of its institutions and customs, to an American who is unfamiliar with the English usages. A striking illustration of this was furnished on the day following our arrival, when a destructive fire broke out on the landing stages, immense floating structures which are the key to the whole shipping business. They consisted of massive pontoons covered with a flooring several inches in thickness, the whole forming an immense raft, 2100 feet in length and 300 feet wide, connected with the land by bridges at frequent intervals. From 3 o’clock P.M. until day break next morning the fire raged here, resulting in the total destruction of the Prince’s and New landing stages, and a loss of L 250,000, or over a million and a quarter of dollars.  The fire brigade, consisting of quite a number of hand engines and two steamers, was not of the least avail in checking the fire, though all the papers next day praised it for efficiency. Such a fire in such a locality in an American city of any size would be hard to conceive of, and would be death to the fire department which permitted it. One admirable feature of this town is in the paving in the streets, for which a particular kind of stone is used, being very hard and durable. The other prominent characteristics of the place are the low, squatty-looking houses, built largely of dirty-looking bricks, the slouchy, ill-dressed people on the streets, and the swarms of bandits in the shape of watch venders, fruit venders and numerous other varieties of venders who are always under your feet, striving to find the depth of your pocket.

These Industrial Pursuits

 are conducted mainly by street Arabs, some of whom are started into business with a half dozen boxes of “fusees,” or matches, as soon as they can walk. Americans are the special prey of these parasites, and the perspicacity with which they cling to a stranger is simply wonderful. It is impossible to step outside of the hotel without being surrounded by a crowd of urchins, who will polish your boots, supply you with matches, sell you a paper, turn handsprings, stand on their heads and do a thousand other things for your accommodation or amusement, so that you reward them with a penny. The older people possess the same traits, on a larger scale, tradespeople, cabmen, and in fact everybody with whom a stranger has to deal, being very free to take him in. You go to a barber’s for a shave, and during the whole operation you are bored with solicitations to buy a razor (which is flashed before your eyes as an inducement), or to invest your money in rosemary, cosmetics or other stuff. The operation concluded, you are charged a shilling (regular price being sixpence), and are glad to escape. For a cab, the regular fare is a shilling per mile, though

If He Thinks You are Not Posted,

cabby unblushingly demands half a sovereign.  The best plan to adopt in dealing with these swindlers is to act as arbitrator between yourself on the one hand and the claimant on the other, and bestow what you consider a proper compensation for the service performed.

The Washington Hotel, which is the headquarters of the party, and which claims American patronage on the strength of a picture of George Washington prominently displayed near the entrance, is a roomy and very comfortable hotel, facing St. George’s square, which may be called the center of the town. The clubs are lodged and fed for ten shillings ($2.50 gold) per day for each man, the feeding consisting of two meals per day, breakfast at pleasure and dinner at 6 o’clock. The manner of serving meals, with long waits between the order and the execution thereof, is especially distasteful to the Yankee boys, who are accustomed to having their wants answered at once,

The First Day Here

was spent by the boys in seeing some of the sights of the place. Singly or in small groups they visited the places of interest and amused themselves noting the novelties to be met with everywhere. St. George’s Hall, the Exchange, the Town Hall and the parks came in for their share of attention and afforded considerable gratification. Two or three of the party who had accompanied the clubs in the steamer left for London, not caring to stay longer among the minor attractions of this place. In the afternoon the boys rode out to the grounds upon which they were to play at Edge Hill near the pleasant Wavertree Park. They are the grounds of the Liverpool Cricket Club, and were found to be almost as smooth as a carpeted floor. In extent they are a third larger than the grounds of the Boston club, being nearly as wide as the latter are long. Balls and bats were quickly produced, uniforms donned and

The American Eagle Was Soon Flapping His Wings,

while it looked like home indeed to see the red and blue legs upon the field and a Yankee-made ball flying through the air propelled by an honest ashen bat. Some of the party found a cricket ball and wickets and began practice with these. “Doctor” Pope, who is likely to prove a valuable man for the Boston club to fall back upon in the event of an emergency requiring a relief pitcher, gave the boys a little practice with his deceptive delivery of the ball. Several of the crack batsmen of both nines were forced to acknowledge that the wiry “Doctor” was too much for them.

Cricket Practice.

Yesterday the two clubs went out to the grounds and had a practice game of cricket, the elevens, or “tens,” being selected by Harry Wright and McBride. As it proved, the sides were not evenly matched, as Harry’s men easily won in one inning, a fact which was, however, largely due to Harry’s batting, as he made a stand for thirty-three runs. McBride’s men went in first, but got only thirty runs, O’Rourke, McMullin and Hall being the only ones who made a decent show. Harry’s men got seventy-five in their first inning, though the majority of the batsmen lost their wickets for no runs. McBride’s underhand bowling being very disastrous for them. Looking at the game were two or three members of the Liverpool club, one of them a professional player. He greatly admired the fielding, though he thought the bowling did not amount to much, and the batting very weak. He wondered at the skill displayed in stopping the ball and in “shying,” which was interpreted to mean throwing. The boys found the ground  so smooth and slippery as to interfere somewhat with their fielding, and experienced the need of the long spikes which the cricketers wear in their soles. Following is the score of the first game of cricket ever played by American clubs in England:


The Base Ball Opening.

The first game of base ball has just been concluded, and the Red Stockings lost by a score of 14 to 11 in ten innings, as the HERALD was informed some days since by cable. As the boys went upon grounds about half-past 2 o’clock this afternoon, the prospect was discouraging enough, as there were less than a dozen spectators upon the grounds. Visions of the tour ending in failure floated before the eyes of the managers, while the boys treated the matter jokingly, making facetious remarks about the “crowd” and offering their condolences to Murnan [sic] and Beals who were “on the gate,” and who found themselves with nothing to do. Benches had been placed upon two sides of the ground but the prospect of their being occupied was small enough. An extent of canvas had also been placed across the lower end of the field to shut out the view of intruders, but even

The Sight of Intruders Would Have Been Welcome.

There were several urchins posted on the tops of cars overlooking the scene from the railroad near by, and on a neighboring railroad bridge there were a few spectators. Harry Wright and a few others went bravely at work, measuring the ground and laying out the bases with as much care as though the championship depended upon the game and thousands were to witness it. By 3 o’clock, however, people began to straggle inside the enclosure, and by the tie the game ended there were about 500 persons present. It was a curious and withal an admiring crowd, everything connected with the game, the men, the bats, balls and bases coming in for their share of attention. “Jimmy” O’Rourke’s legs were the objects of especial admiration on the part of several, and the crowd in general commented favorably on the agility and skill displayed with the ball in the preliminary practice. “Ah! But they’ll show Englishmen the way home on fielding,” remarked one man to a companion, and the true English response, “Quite so, quite so,” made it plain that there was an agreement of minds on the point under discussion. Another man curiously inquired if they had no “professional barss ball players” in America, and was taken aback when told these were professionals. “Ah! Then they’re not gentlemen players;

I Thought They Were Gentlemen, Do Yer Know,”

and do they bat with that blarsted round club? they must be smart to keep their stumps with that.” All through the game these running inquiries and comments were kept up, though towards the close the spectators began to get an insight into the game and to applaud the good play. The running fly catches, several of which were made during the game, were the most appreciated – it seeming wonderful how “one of those fellers could catch the ball turning round and round like a blarsted top.” The Liverpool paper were well represented among the spectators, and their reporters took their first lessons in scoring, though it is doubtful if any one of them could tell what he had got at the end of the game. Everything finally being ready, with the distance between the bases lined off with whitewash and some English manufactured bases placed in position, John Sensenderfer of the Athletics was agreed upon as the umpire, and the coin was tossed for choice of position, an operation which one of the crowd took to be

Tossing Up for the Beer.

Harry Wright won the toss, and took the Reds into the field at 3:25 P.M. The first three men at the bat were retired without seeing the first base, and then the Bostons scored two, Barnes getting his on an error by Sutton and McVey, making a home run. The next scoring was done in the third inning, when the “Reds” muffed badly, George Wright, Barnes and Schafer each making two bad errors. The consequence was that eight runs were scored. The crowd, or rather that portion who were informed how the score stood, now set it down for certain that the “Blues” would win. Leonard put in a home run in the fourth inning, and O’Rourke got a safe hit, but was doubled up by splendid play of McGeary, Battin, and Fisler on Harry’s hit. Then for three innings

The Play Was Superb on Both Sides,

George Wright and Gedney winning a good deal of applause by two wonderful catches, and Schafer making a stop and a throw to first, which was perfection in the way of a fielding exhibition. In the seventh innings they Athletics scored one on an error by Barnes (wild throw), and the score was 9 to 3 as the Reds went in for their eighth. An error by Sutton gave Barnes his base and then Spalding flyed out. McVey took first, second, third, and home on McGeary’s high throw to Fisler. The next man went out, but the next two got upon bases by good hits and were brought home by Hall who made a hard hit to right field and came home himself on the strike. Shafer (sic) got a safe hit and was brought home by George Wright’s three-base hit, tieing the game. The ninth inning was played without runs. On the tenth the Athletics did some good batting and the Bostons made three bad errors, giving the “Blues” five runs. The Bostons went in, but could only make two, and came out beaten. The umpiring was on the whole satisfactory, two or three close decisions being given in favor of the Athletics, and nearly the same number in favor of the Bostons. The following is the full score of the game:


People here only know the clubs as the “Blues” and the “Reds,” and have somewhat vague ideas about the places they are from. Some think they are Canadians, and others think the Athletics represent various States in the Union. To-morrow another game is to be played here, and a larger crowd is expected.

Kent, of the Harvard club, arrived yesterday, having taken an easy passage in the Brooklyn, from New York.  The admission fee to the games is one shilling (twenty-five cents), but the clubs are not much richer on account of their first game.           



Their Second Exhibition in Old England.
Some Interest Manifested But No Dollars Pocketed – Bostons Victorious.

[From our Special Correspondent.]

LIVERPOOL, Aug. 1 — Gladly do we shake the dust of Liverpool from off our shoes and seek some more promising fields. The American ball players have been here nearly five days, and have given two exhibitions of their game and their skill, and the pecuniary result has not been sufficient to pay the expenses of the grounds. It is probable that if the clubs could remain here for several months, giving the inhabitants time to learn the game and, liberally advertising meanwhile, they might at the end of that time derive some benefit from playing games; but as that is a trifle impracticable, there is not much to hope for in Liverpool. The fact is, that now as we are going away the people have just begun to find out that there is such a game as base ball, that it is played by Americans, and that Americans are in Liverpool for the purpose of playing it. From what I have seen I can say that Englishmen take an interest, and quite a lively interest, in base ball, but it is necessary to begin operations on them sometime in advance. It was hoped that there would be a crowd of spectators to witness the second game played here, as the newspapers had become partially interested and had reported the game of the previous day with a description of the method of playing. The morning was dark and raining and the afternoon, as the clubs went to the ground, cold and raw. There were not more than two or three hundred persons present, most of whom were of the better class of English gentlemen, with two or three ladies. There was little enthusiasm and no great amount of interest except that resulting from pure curiosity. Under such circumstances it was no wonder that the playing was spiritless and poor. The chief characteristics of the game may be summed up in four words – heavy batting, poor fielding. The wind was high, and fly balls went soaring through the air as though inflated with gas. The extreme smoothness of the grounds made it a matter of ease, when the ball was sent between the fielders, to get second or third base upon a hit which ordinarily would yield but a single bag. A hard, high hit to left or right field, which on any American ground would be stopped by the fence, sent the ball such a long distance that, to a good runner, a home run was a matter of certainty. We are told that upon all the English grounds, we shall find things the same, so that heavy batting may be expected. To make matters worse, yesterday, a shower came up, when the game was about half through, stopping the play for nearly an hour and making the ground and the ball slippery and disagreeable to the touch. The Bostons won the toss and after putting their rivals out in quick style, began their slashing batting at once, making three runs, two earned on the first inning and earning eight on the second.  This string lead they kept all the way through the game, though the Athletics crept up pretty close, with seven earned runs in the ninth inning. The fielding of both nines was very bad, but that of the Athletics was the worse. McGeary was retired from play, having made some bad errors on the previous day. The game started with Murnan as short stop, Anson right field and Gedney left field, but bad play by the latter soon compelled the taking of positions as shown by the score. There were some good plays in the field.  Leonard made a fine catch, and McMullin plated nicely. Barnes and Gedney were “off color,” the former being sent to right field in the seventh inning, “Andy” taking second base and Hall changing over to left. Harry Wright was the only man in the two nines who played without error. McVey led the batting, making thirteen total bases.

The full score was:

At Manchester, which is or next stopping place, and where the boys play this afternoon, it is expected to do better, as the day is a holiday and the coming of the Americans is more generally known than it was here.  The boys are all in splendid health and anxious to get before a crowd where there will be some encouragement for them to do their best.


The preceding was published in the August 15, 1874 Boston Herald.


Good-Bye to Liverpool – A Game at Manchester – Flying Trip by Night Across Merrie England and Arrival at London – Generous Reception by the Marylebone Cricket Club,

[From our Special Correspondent.]

LONDON, Aug. 3 — At high noon on the 1st instant, the Yankee ball players took seats in half a dozen of the cramped up English railway coaches, on the Cheshire line from Liverpool for Manchester and London. A plunge into one of those tunnels, which give ingress and egress to railroad trains at all the large cities in this country, and a rush for a quarter of an hour through the blackest of darkness, partially relieved at intervals by light from above, and we came out into the open country, our first view of merrie England’s green fields. The scenery was beautiful, and its attractions increased as we were whirled swiftly inland, leaving Liverpool and its recollections behind. It was a lovely day, the bright clear sunlight falling upon the broad fields of waving grain, green hedges and neat cottages, the whole forming

A Charming Panorama,

which was much admired as we sped along. Everything seemed to wear a quiet, home-like look, that was charming to eyes wearied with barren stretch of water and the sight of brick and stone. The harvest had been begun, and here and there we saw the golden grain, bound into sheafs and standing thickly on the ground, while in other places the mowers were at work. Not a stone or a stump, or any unsightly object in sight, but everything orderly and regular, the hedge rows trimmed with exact evenness, the thatched roof cottages neat and tidy, brooks flowing noiselessly along between green banks lined with gently undulating trees, and all so quiet and calm, that it seems like some mimicry of nature, something almost too pretty to be defiled by human touch. But we are on a fast train, and the scenes change quickly. Hurrying on past peat fields and banks of limestone and red gravel, we approach a town, unmistakably a manufacturing place, as shown by the scores of tall chimneys giving out volumes of black smoke, which we discover hanging over the place when some distance away. This is Warrington, and as we alight from our coach to stretch our legs for a moment and take a draught of warm water from an iron cup at the station, our noses tell us that gas is a stable article of manufacture here. As the train moves on we notice that the streets of the town are finely paved, and that the houses of the working people, standing in rows, are neatly kept outside, most of them having a bit of land in front, with green grass and flowers growing.

Arrival at Manchester.

Early in the afternoon we alighted at Manchester and discovered that we had ridden too far, as the station nearest the Manchester cricket grounds, where the game was to be played, was two miles back. Nothing to do but wait for a return train, which luckily was only about fifteen minutes in coming. This delay gave us an opportunity to study the usages at English railway stations, and to remark with satisfaction the manners of the railway porters who were trundling trunks and portmanteaus about the platform. We contrasted the deferential “by leave,” which notified us of the approach of danger, with the thundering command, “one side!” which the American baggage smasher uses as a preliminary to thrusting the end of a barrow into your ribs and dashing you off the platform.  We also observed the politeness of the other passengers in waiting, and their readiness to give any and all information about the trains, and made the further discovery that the more a person told us about the trains, the less he really knew. We got back to Old Trafford station, however, and in some way or other (I don’t know who, as there seemed to be no leader of the party), found our way to the grounds of the Manchester Cricket Club, some being fortunate enough to secure conveyance by cab and the rest on foot,

Lugging Their Valises and Hand Baggage

a distance of a mile and a half. Kent, the new recruit, was pressed into service and required to carry the championship flag, which he might have justly considered a hardship, considering he took no share in the honor of winning the emblem.

The ground was found to be a beautiful expanse of green turf, circular in form and surrounded by a high fence. Within the enclosure was a handsome cottage built of stone and belonging to the cricket club, containing all the appointments of any well furnished country house, with a spacious dining room, attendants, etc. The turf was as smooth and as yielding to the feet as a parlor floor, and the ball bounded from it in a manner quite unknown upon American grounds. In the centre of this beautiful field the diamond was laid out in lines of whitewash, the spectators in the meantime coming through the gates in goodly numbers and flocking around the field, watching the movements of the Yankees with a good deal of curiosity. The ground properly laid out, the boys went inside and donned their uniforms while the spectators continue to come in, While the number was very gratifying, after

The Total Failure to Arouse Interest in Liverpool,

the quality and style of the assembly was not less pleasing. It was, without doubt, the bon ton that had gathered to see the Americans. Here were “fine old English gentlemen,” wealthy, fat and good-humored, who played cricket and enjoyed it when they were younger, and who wanted to see what this new sport was like. Then there were middle-aged men, young men, youths, and better than all – ladies, many of them, who seemed to take a very lively interest in the sport. The practice, preliminary to the game, excited the wonder and admiration of the crowd who looked with surprise upon the skill displayed by the strangers in throwing and catching the ball, and marveled at the stopping of swiftly thrown balls or “pick ups” as the boys style them. When everything was ready the spectators retired from the centre of the field and ranged themselves in line near the entrance, some occupying the seats around the field. There were about 1500 persons upon the ground.

The coin was tossed, and the Athletics, losing again, were sent to the bat, playing beginning at half-past 3 o’clock. We soon discovered, as in Liverpool, the spectators liked to see the men run, and there was hearty applause when Fisler, after two men had been put out and two on bases, made a tremendous drive to left field and got home on the hit. He was touched out at the home plate by McVey, Leonard and George Wright assisting, but the umpire (Murnan, of the Athletics,) refused to allow the play. The Bostons tied the game by scoring three in the first inning, two errors by Sutton, a passed ball by Clapp and a muff by McGeary allowing them to earn none, though McVey, O’Rourke and Harry batted well. Six men went to the bat for the Athletics in the second inning but only one run was scored, the side going out with McMullin, who was run out between third and home, McVey to Schafer.

Another Crowd-Pleasing Play

The next inning gave them another run, for which they were indebted to Beals, who played in place of Barnes, and failed to hold the ball, thrown nicely by McVey. The Bostons made no more until the fourth inning, when after two outs, Battin let a ball hot from Leonard slip between his legs and Anson made a square muff of an easy fly. These bad plays were followed up by a safe hit by Harry, a home run by Hall and good batting by Schafer, so that the inning, which should have yielded no runs, closed for five, the score standing eight to five. Then there was pretty play for three innings, with only two errors for each side, and only one run scored, that by the Athletic on a wild throw by Schafer. George Wright got a hard three-base hit in the seventh inning, but was put out at home, McMullin and Sutton assisting Clapp in a way which made the play the prettiest of the whole game. In the eighth inning Battin and Sutton batted safely. Clapp then batted to Beals, who had a splendid chance to make double play, but who hesitated and finally threw the ball home to cut off Battin, but threw it so badly that no one was out. Soon after this McGeary came in and cleared the bases with a three-base hit, coming home on a wild throw by George Wright to McVey. Here were four runs, and the score was 10 to 8 in favor of the “Blues.” A bad decision by the umpire allowed the Bostons only two runs in the eighth inning, O’Rourke being declared out at third in a manner which was plainly unfair, Then the Athletics went in with the game tied and did some fine batting, scoring three runs, two of which were earned. This won the game, though the “Reds” made two in their half, Hall and Schafer scoring from safe hits. George Wright also batted safely for a base, but was out at third in attempting to run from second after a fly caught by Sensenderfer at short centre field. The crowd expressed themselves much pleased with the game.

The Score of the Game.


After the game the boys had an opportunity to witness something novel in the shape of

A Polo Match,

which was going on in a field near by. Polo is different from all other out-door games, in that it is played on horseback, there being two sides, with seven men on each. Like lacrosse, the game consists in knocking the ball between goal flags placed on opposite extremities of the field, and judging from what we saw it is a lively sport. The managers of the two base ball clubs accepted an invitation from a gentleman living in the vicinity, and went to dine at his home, while the boys got their dinner at a hotel and waited the departure of the train for London. At 10 o’clock the party set out for their all-night ride. Packed into the uncomfortable apartments, the journey was tiresome enough, but the train was a swift one, and we made the best of it. As daylight dawned the spires of London loomed up in the distance, and at half-past 4 o’clock, after whirling through the preliminary tunnels and under numerous bridges, the train came to a stop and the party alighted at the Midland Railway station and were in London. Rooms had been secured beforehand in the Midland Hotel, which is a part of the railway station – one of the English railway hotels – and beds were sought without delay.

The First Day in London

Sunday was devoted to sight-seeing, and the boys wandered off in different directions, taking in what was to be seen. This morning the boys were up bright and early, and on hand for their first game.  Lord’s cricket ground is located in St. John’s Wood, in the northwestern section of the city, and is about three and a half miles from the hotel where the players are stopping. It is a spacious and handsome ground, containing about nine acres. The turf is not quite so smooth and soft as that at Manchester, but it is a splendid ground and occupies plenty of space. The boys left their hotel about 10 o’clock, this morning, and proceeded to the ground, where they found quite an assemblage already gathered. The buildings facing on the field, within the enclosure, were decorated with bunting and flags, and in one place the words “Welcome to England” were prominently displayed. Here was indeed

Something Like a Reception,

and the spirits of the boys began to revive. The want of success in Liverpool had certainly been enough to depress in a large measure the hopes of the managers of this enterprise. In Manchester things were found changed for the better, but still there had been a lack of what had been expected and hoped. This reception gladdened the hearts of players, managers and friends. The American flag floated side by side with the English colors from the piazza of one of the buildings fronting upon the ground, and from the top of the club house waved the championship pennant of the Bostons. Upon the ground there were over 1000 person and the number was constantly increasing, though the larger portion did not come till afternoon, the great attraction to see the novelty base ball. It is Canterbury week, which to London cricket-lovers means a good deal of sport out of town, otherwise the crowds might be larger. To-day is bank holiday, however, and as nearly all kinds of business are suspended, people come out to the ground to enjoy a day of out-door sport. It is not like an American crowd which sites for two hours through a base ball match or a horse trot, and then departs satisfied. The crowd at Lord’s came to stay. At quarter past 12 o’clock,

A Game of Cricket

Was begun between the ball plyers, or the “American eighteen” and eleven gentleman players from the Marylebone Club. The latter went in to bat, the bowlers being Harry Wright and McBride. The first man to bat, Mr. A. Lubbock, made a stand for 24 runs, Harry finally taking his wicket. McBride captured Messrs. C. Courtenay and J. Round for ducks’ eggs, and Schafer, who was playing point, caught A. C. Lucas after he had made 12. At half-past 2 o’clock, with four wickets down for 42 runs, play was suspended for lunch and was not continued till the close of the base ball game. It was then resumed, and Mr. V. E. Walker scored 37, when Harry Wright took his wicket and with five out for 88 stumps were then drawn, the game to be concluded to-morrow. The spectators, and especially the cricketers, expressed much satisfaction at the fielding of the strangers, McVey’s wicket-keeping being much admired. When the base ball game was begun there were

Nearly 4000 Paying Spectators

upon the ground, in addition to about 1000 members of the cricket club and their invited friends. It was subsequently ascertained that 3580 persons paid at the gate, and the admission fee being a shilling about L185 or over $900 were realized. The cricket club generously gave the entire proceeds to the visitors.

At half-past 3 o’clock, the field was cleared and the game began, the Athletics losing the toss for the fourth time in England and going in to bat, while the immense crowd was on the qui vive to see the play. In front of the club house there was a lively crowd, among whom were many especial admirers of the Athletics. The players were warmly applauded as they began the play. McMullin led off with a clean hit and got second on a ball which McVey threw a little high to Barnes. McGeary “flied” to Harry and Anson to George, who took the ball neatly on the line and came near catching McMullin off second.  McBRide earned a base and got to second on “Andy’s” error, after which Fisler batted way over Harry’s head, and while the ball skipped along over the smooth grass, made the round of the bases and got home, while

The Enthusiastic Crowd

In front of the house shouted wildly. Battin earned a base, but was left on first, Sutton going out third by a neat foul tip to McVey. In the opening inning for the “Reds,” runs by George Wright, Barnes and McVey tied the score, the first and last batting well, and Barnes getting his base hit on an error by Fisler. O’Rourke got a base hit and stole second and third, being left on the latter. The second inning was a quick one for the Athletics, Barned doing some splendid assistance to capture two of the men and taking the third on the fly. Fisler injured one off his hands in picking up a hot ball from the bat and retired from the game, Anson going to first base and Murnan going in to play right field. No fewer than five errors by Battin gave the Bostons six runs and George Wright got a home run, the inning closing for seven, leaving the score 10 to 3. Then the “Blues” took another duck egg, going out with two men on bases by safe batting. Four earned runs by the champions, with such free batting as a three-base hit by Barnes and a home run by Spalding, helping the result. Schafer stealing home from third while the ball was rolling along on the ground from first base to pitchers, was a feature which caused

A Good Deal of Laughter and Applause.

The fourth inning was played without a man on either side seeing first base. On the fifth, Anson got a home run and the “Reds” piled on five, all earned, home runs being made by Leonard and O’Rourke. Small figures and ciphers abounded for a couple of innings and then the Bostons got at it again and ran five men around the diamond, though only one run was earned, McBride dropping an easy fly and two or three others making errors. After this the Reds scored no more. The game was virtually won, though the Athletics helped along their score of base hits in the last two innings. The final figures were twenty-four to seven. It was the greatest victory yet achieved by the Americans on English soil.  Considering the lively state of the grounds the base hits made by the Blues were few, while the Bostons batted very strongly. In fielding, as in batting, the Bostons excelled. The umpiring of “Tommy” Beals was an excellent feature of the game, being prompt and very impartial. So eager was he not to lean towards his own club, that he gave the Athletics the benefit of nearly all the close points. The score of the game was:


In the evening, the hospitality of the cricketers was further manifested by a

Splendid Dinner Complimentary to the Base Ball Players

by the members of the Marylebone club. Plates were laid for sixty-five persons, and all of the players, with a few of the friends who had accompanied them, sat down to an elegant banquet. At the head of the table sat J. H. Scourfield, M.P. and ex-president of the Marylebone club, while on his right and left were Mr. C. H. Porter on the Boston club and Mr. D. F. Houston of the Athletics.  After the dinner had been served, the president spoke in complimentary terms of the American visitors, and proposed the health of “The Queen” and “The President of the United States.” A toast to “Our Visitors,” coupled with the names of Messrs. Porter and Houston, was warmly received by the cricketers, and both the gentlemen responded, thanking their hosts for their reception. Thomas Burgoyne, treasurer of the Marylebone club gave “success to the base ball nines,” which was drunk with cheers, short responses being made by Harry Wright, Al Spalding and McBride. Several members of the Marylebone club spoke of the reception given to the English eleven in America and expressed pleasure in welcoming to England the representatives of America’s national game. In fact it was a generous and hearty welcome, and it was appreciated by the boys as the first attention paid them after their arrival on English soil.


The preceding was published in the August 18, 1874 Boston Herald.


How America’s National Game is Received n London – Getting Up a Reputation for Cricket – A Mullin Nine Beaten by Britishers – Courtesies to the American Visitors at Richmond.

[From Our Special Reporter.]

LONDON, Aug. 8 — On the 6th the two clubs made their first appearance on Prince’s ground, which is a beautiful spot in the southwestern part of the city. American can know but little of the high state of perfection to which a play-ground can be brought until they see some of these English grounds, and Prince’s is acknowledged to be as complete as any in the realm, or, for that matter, in the world. The land is owned by some earl or other, the Earl of Cardagan, I believe, from whom Prince’s Cricket Club has it on a long lease. The club does not derive its name from the special patronage of a prince, but from the fact that a gentleman named Prince is one of its prominent members; nevertheless the club is the particular pet of the royalty and nobility, the gentle blood of sovereignty flowing through the veins of many of its members. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales appears at the head of the membership, and there flow dukes, marquises and other titled gentry in great number. During the season, probably no place of outdoor amusement in London has such a high class of patronage as this, but unfortunately we strike London “out of the season,” and everybody is own of town. At least, so they tell us, though but for the telling we would hardly suspect the fact. We see people enough in the streets every day, and, according to our democratic ideas, they belong to a class which is good enough to take an interest in American’s game of base ball; but somehow this class doesn’t seem to have been informed that the American ball players are in London. Previous reference has been made to some mistakes in the management of the trip, and I have not yet seen any reason for altering my opinion, though matters have improved since leaving Liverpool.

The prospect was utterly discouraging when the boys arrived at Prince’s ground, last Thursday forenoon, and prepared to play cricket and base ball, as announced.  The place was

Destitute of Spectators,

and only one or two members of the Prince’s club were there to receive the visitors. Thoughts of home arose in the minds of many, and even the idea of giving up the remainder of the trip was broadcast by some of the disheartened ones. The weather was delightful, and if people were interested in the matter there seemed to be no reason why they did not come out. The boys got into their uniforms, however, not without some grumbling, and got ready to play. Everybody admired the grounds and all their appointments, everything being fitted up with the utmost care and taste. The enclosure is about thirteen acres in extent, and the field is a perfect level, covered with a closely-cut turf, which is almost as smooth and regular and as free from protuberances as a piece of velvet spread upon a floor. Upon one side of the field are the buildings used by the club, which are fitted up in a style to meet the tastes and requirements of the gentlemen of wealth and refinement who occupy them when their pleasure dictates. There is a grand pavilion, a spacious dining hall with all necessary appointments, lawn tents spread upon the turf, a spacious building used for playing racket and a level, open-air area covered with a fine smooth cement for the amusements of skaters. The latter is a favorite resort for the lady friends of the members, many of whom were enjoying themselves in gliding about on parlor skates. Around the enclosure are rows of trees, graveled walks, and comfortably-arranged seats for witnessing the games. It is, indeed, a lovely place, and its like is quite unknown in America.

A Disappointment.

The first thing down on the programme for the day was a game of cricket between the Prince’s Club and the American Eighteen, but it was discovered that the former was not on hand. “All of our fellahs” were out of town, and no little difficulty was experiences in scraping up an eleven to meet the Americans.  Finally three or four men were got together and the wickets were pitched.  It was of course impossible for the three or four Englishmen to take the field, so tow of their numbers went in to bat. Harry Wright and McBride did the bowling, and the wickets went down so lively that the stock of English batsmen was soon exhausted, and they had to wait for men to come. A requisition was made on the quarters of some military near at hand, and with several recruits from the Grenadier Guards, with some other outsiders, and one of the gentlemen who was standing as umpire, eleven men were secured. It was far from being an eleven from the Prince’s club, and what they knew about cricket was not much. Lunch was served at 2 o’clock, but before that time a majority of the wickets had fallen, so that after refreshing themselves the Americans disposed of the second eleven very quickly, their first innings closing for only 21 runs. While the inning was being played the spectators began to come in, and by the time it was over there was a crowd in attendance. This was encouraging to the boys, and the

Dissatisfaction of the Morning Began to Melt Away,

in spite of the fact that everybody was out of town, there were 2000 persons on the grounds. Base ball was what they had come to see and at the close of the first inning at cricket their curiosity was gratified. On the following day the cricket match was resumed, but the weather was cold and disagreeable and the attendance was small. The eighteen went in, Spalding and Anson first facing each other, but both taking goose eggs. The first man to make a stand was Leonard, who started with a boundary hit for four, then got two 3’s and a single, after which he was caught out. Cap. Harry Wright showed the best cricket, doing some good batting and making a total of 22. McVey, Hall and McGeary also did well, the latter making the cricketers open their eyes at his hard batting, as he slugged for four 4’s and ended with 18. The total of the inning was 110, and then the desire to

Beat the Britishers in One Inning

was irresistible. This was easily accomplished, only two of the batsmen making any kind of a show, and a majority of them being bowled for nothing. It was no great victory, considering what our boys played against, but it was the best eleven Prince’s Club could raise, and it stood for a victory over Prince’s Club.

The Score


The attendance at the first game of base ball played on Prince’s ground was much larger than there was any reason to expect, and there was

A Large Amount of Interest Manifested in the New Sport.

When the bell upon the top of the pavilion rang as a signal for clearing the ground, the crowd left off its interested inspection of the bats, the bases and the diamond as laid out in whitewash on the smooth grass, and fell back to the seats and waited for the play to begin. For the fifth time the Bostons won the toss and sent their opponents in to bat. Two of the Athletics, Fisler and Sensenderfer, being in Paris, and McBride being tired out with bowling, the Blue Stockings were short-handed. McMullin took the pitcher’s position, and Kent, whom the Bostons “generously loaned for the occasion,” as the bills say, covered their first base. Mr. Houston of the Athletics acted as umpire, the arrangement for the trip being that the two clubs alternate on choice of umpire. For the first two or three innings the “Reds” could not get the hang of McMullin’s delivery, their first run being scored in the third inning, by Schafer, on an error by Kent and a passed ball by Clapp. The Blues started off with better batting, earning a run in the first inning and one in the second, also taking one additional on Schafer’s wild throw and McVey’s passed ball in the third. The poor pitching of the Athletics in the fourth and fifth gave Boston five runs, which set them ahead. When next at the bat they

Punished McMullin Cruelly,

and scored four earned runs. A muffed fly and a wretched throw home by Barnes did something toward equalizing the score by giving the “Aths” three runs in the fifth inning and five runs in the eighth, three of which were obtained by fine batting, and brought them within respectable distance. They got no more, however, and the final figures were 14 to 11 against them. The ground was not as lively as either Lord’s, Manchester, or Liverpool, and it seemed more like playing a game at home, though so large a number of runs is not usually seen in a championship match. There seems to be something about these splendid English grounds which prevents such excellent fielding displays as we have at home. In none of the games thus far played has the fielding been on the whole what we would call first-class, though in every game there have been individual plays which have excited the wonder and

Admiration of the Crowd.

This lack of general fine play cannot be attributed to any want of interest on the part of the players. Each nine seems as anxious to win as though the games were to be counted in the championship record. The boys struggle hard against each other in every game, and struggle as warmly for the victory as though they were at home, instead of being 3000 miles from their friends, engaged in giving exhibitions. One of the pleasantest features of the whole trip is the harmony and good feeling existing among two the clubs when they are off the field. In a game they may get excited and perhaps a little out of temper with each other, but their training has been so complete at home that they do nothing which could bring discredit upon themselves or their friends either by word or action. Off the field all

Petty Animosities are Immediately Dropped

and forgotten, and the boys all agree as perfectly as though they were members of one club, instead of being rivals for public approbation. In some of the games, particularly those played in the earlier part of the trip, certain things occurred in the matter of umpiring which were not very pleasant, but which were allowed to pass unnoticed. In one or two cases the umpire evidently so far allowed his friendship for his own side to influence his decisions as to overbalance his sense of right and fair play. Such cases were passed by unnoticed by the side wronged, and as the crowds were not familiar enough with the game to notice anything out of the way, no harm has been done and no discredit brought upon the clubs. In the case last Thursday, Mr. Houston no doubt intended to do even justice to both sides. He made several bad mistakes in judgement, but he favored neither side. Below is

The Score of the Game


At the close of the cricket game on Prince’s ground there were a couple of hours of daylight remaining, and they were taken up with a scrub game of base ball, in which two or three of the cricketers took part. The Bostons had two of these enthusiastic amateurs and the Athletics one. Harry Wright pitched, and the Athletics batted him for 8 runs in the first inning.  This gave them a lead, which they kept throughout the eight innings which were played, the score standing 15 to 8 in favor of the Athletic side.

Meanwhile some of the “duffers” of the party got up a nine and went to the Kensington oval, at the solicitation of the Surrey Cricket Club, to show the latter how base ball was played. I grieve to record the fact that here was sustained

The First Defeat for the Americans

at their own game. We had “Dr.” Pope for pitcher, but we couldn’t support him, and we met with a disgraceful defeat. A game of cricket had just finished, and there was a good crowd of spectators. Many of whom looked on us as the American ball-players, and perhaps wondered where we got our reputation for fielding. However, we showed them some of the points of the game, and didn’t mind the walloping they gave us. In two innings, we got one run and the “blarsted Henglishmen” got twelve or thirteen, and then darkness stopped the play. It was immensely funny to see them run around the bases after making a hit, paying no attention to the “home plate,” but bounding across it after making their run, and galloping around the diamond a second time. The crowd enjoyed the fun hugely, and shouted and cheered to see the foreigners get beaten.

To-day the American athletes have been the guests of the Richmond Cricket Club, and have met with a most generous and hearty reception. At no place since our arrival in England have we been received with so many kindly expressions of good will. Through the efforts of the club, public interest in the appearance of the players was aroused as it was not aroused elsewhere, and the result was a good attendance at the games, which makes it pleasant in a financial point of view, as well as otherwise. Richmond is about half an hour’s ride by rail from the city, and our party reached there soon after 10 o’clock, this morning, having taken breakfast a little earlier than usual, thanks to the energy of Capt. Wright, who is bound to have his men always on time, and who looks sharp after the lay-a-beds. Harry has charge of both nines as far as cricket playing is concerned, and if the men keep on as they have been doing since landing in England, they will come to be a formidable team at cricket. Most of them take an interest in the game and like to play at it, though a few allow that they can see no fun in it and deny that it affords any sport except for the batsman. On arriving at Richmond the ball players were met at the station by a gentleman from the cricket club, who had carriages in waiting. Before going to the grounds a drive was taken through the town, and opportunity afforded for viewing some of the finest scenery England can boast of.

Richmond Park

is a charming place, and a bridge, over which we passed in crossing the Thames, affords a view which alone is worth a long journey to see. On the return the party took refreshment at one of those old wayside inns which we read of, and then proceeded to Old Deer Park, the play grounds of the club. The ground is not so level as those of the more wealthy and aristocratic clubs, and it seems more like one of our home grounds. During the day there were two or three showers, but otherwise the weather was highly favorable. The sport opened with a match at cricket, the entire twenty-two of the American party taking one side and thirteen of the Richmond Club the other. The latter went in first, and lunch time came and went while they were still defending the wickets, only three or four of which had fallen up to that time. The boys found that they had some scientific batsmen opposed to them, and were not contending against the Prince’s eleven. Harry Wright and Dick McBride opened the bowling, but after half a dozen “overs” the latter retired and George took the end opposite his older brother. The twenty-two men, in red and blue stockings, looked as thick around the wickets as flies around a drop of molasses, but, in spite of their number and their activity, the batsmen would frequently get a cut or a drive which would send the ball between them, and then two or three runs would be made. Occasionally the batter would get a hard rap beyond the boundary line, and that yielded four runs. The men played

A Very Careful Game

at the bat, and when there was no chance for a hit would “block,” and so save their wickets. The first two men made a long stand, one of the men being a player who frequently reached his hundred runs in an inning. George and Harry kept pegging away towards the wickets, and finally one of the batters raised his bat from the found and lifted a high ball from Harry, and Hall captured it on the fly. The first man was out for 37, and his partner kept on till he had reached 22, when Harry relieved him of his middle stump. The other men made smaller scores, through two of the number played good careful cricket, and got 15 each, the last wicket down for 108 runs. The twenty-two then went in, and three men were quickly bowled before the score reached 10. Anson and Barnes got in as partners, and did some hard, heavy batting, each getting two or three boundary hits. Anson was at last run out by Barnes on a hit which gave the latter two runs with six wickets down for 45 runs. The stumps were then drawn, it being 5 o’clock, and a crowd of nearly 2000 having collected to witness the base ball game. Our boys felt confident they could have beat the inning of the Richmonds, and the chances are that they would have done so. The Richmonds were delighted with the fielding of their guests, and were surprised at the excellence of the bowling. They said they had no idea there were any such bowlers in America. Following is the score of the game as far as played:


The base ball game was marked by

A Total Failure

in batting by the Bostons and poor general fielding by both nines. O’Rourke stood behind the bat, Kent played first base and McVey centre field. Spalding was batted disastrously in the first inning, and eight runs were scored by the Athletics. The Bostons kept taking blank after blank, and did not make a single run until the eighth inning, when a high throw by Sutton gave McVey a lift, and enabled him to cross the home plate before the ball could be returned. On the last inning “Tommy” Beals made a home run, bringing home Kent also, and making the grand total more respectable than it had promised to be. After the first innings the Blues were kept down closer, though they scored on errors in the fourth and eighth. Five catches were made by Hall, McGeary and McMullin, but bad plays exceeded the good, there being a great propensity to throw badly to bases by the in-field of both nines. Here is the score:


The Richmond Club had its annual dinner to-night, and the entire

American Party Was Present

as the special guests of the evening. The dining hall in “The Greyhound,: where the banquet was served, was hung with English and American flags, and everything that could be done was to show the good feeling existing in the minds of the hosts for their guests. The toast of the evening, after the healths of the Queen and the President of the United States had been drank, was “Our American Visitors.” Col. Porter responded in his own felicitous style, thanking the Richmonds for their courtesy and kindness, and speaking of the pleasure which the day had brought to the Americans. He said he was glad our exhibition of fielding had pleased them, and closed by wishing the utmost extent of prosperity for the Richmond Club, a sentiment which was heartily cheered by the boys. Mr. Ferguson of the Athletics also spoke, and ended by presenting the chairman of the evening with the ball which had been won that day from the Bostons as a souvenir of the first game of base ball ever played at Old Deer Park. Other toasts were proposed and drank, and the festivity continued until nearly 11 o’clock, when our party was compelled to leave to take the train for the city. We were accompanied to the station by numerous members of the club, and bade them adieu to them and to Richmond with the unanimous feeling that at their hands we had received our heartiest welcome.

It is quite plain that public interest in the visit of our party is on the increase. The newspapers all have a good word for the Americans and their game, and at each match there are plenty of cockney reporters who manage to get up some interest in their own minds in regard to the sport. From this time to the end of the trip the results will probably be somewhat better than they have heretofore.


The preceding was published in the August 24, 1874 Boston Herald.


Base Ball in London – Continued Success of the Yankee Ball Players – Appearance at the Crystal Palace

[From Our Special Reporter.]

LONDON, Aug. 12 — It can hardly be said that London had been enthusiastic over the visit of the American ball players. Or that any great amount of interest has been taken in the event as something of international import and calculated to promote unity of sport among the people of the two nations. It is not probable that as the result of the trip base ball will be transplanted on English soil and made to thrive with any degree of vigor. As far as I have observed

The Motive Power with the Public

has been curiosity. Here was something novel to be seen – something nearly enough like cricket to be interesting to the lover of out-door sport, and yet so far below cricket as to stand no chance of superseding the latter in popular favor. The idea is pretty well expressed in one of the papers here, which, in reporting one of the games, says “it is seldom, even on the best cricket fields on England, that better catches or quicker returns are made.” The players themselves, when reading such comments as these, begin to think they are not appreciated. They say they would like to have some of the crack cricket fielders out in the field once, and give them some of the hot throws they have to take. They think it would elevate the English idea of fielding immensely. The crowds do not seem to appreciate the game or the months of constant practice, with the accuracy of sight and motion, the speed and direction in throwing, required to play it properly. A slashing hit from the bat, on which the striker earns two bases and then completes the round of the bases on a fielder’s error, evokes more applause than some fine point in fielding requiring quickness of thought as well as motion, and followed up with swiftness and accuracy in delivery.

During the three days of the present week the boys have been enjoying

A Comparatively Easy Spell,

having had no cricket and only one game of ball each day. There has been more time for sight-seeing, and considering the limited time the curious Yankees consider they have “done” the place pretty well. All the principal points of interest, such as the Tower, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s, the various museums, gardens, etc., have been duly inspected, admired, and wondered at. Your correspondent doesn’t intend to attempt any description of the sights of London or in any manner to infringe upon the rights of the numerous guide writers. In this connection it may be mentioned that the number of “Guides to London” seems altogether out of proportion to the number of persons to be guided, especially as they are of little use and less benefit.

Probably nobody who comes to London for pleasure goes away without having seen the

Crystal Palace.

The ball boys have spent the greater part of two days there, giving an exhibition on the afternoon of each day, and devoting the rest of the time to seeing the place. The games were played on the cricket ground within the parks belonging to the palace and were special features of the programme laid out for the entertainment of visitors. Hence a person by paying a shilling obtained entrance to the palace, with opportunities to see all the wonders and beauties displayed. With a varied entertainment, including the novelty – base ball. This arrangement was not calculated to reimburse the clubs for their trouble and expense, so a guaranty of L60 for the two days’ games was given. The cricket ground was beautifully laid out and is surrounded by rising land and a rich growth of old English elms. It is perfectly level, but smaller than any other ground which the Americans have played on, though affording plenty of room for the game.  Each day a full military band was in attendance and about a thousand persons stood around the enclosure watching the play.

The Two Games

played here were about alike in point of interest, both being one-sided and uneven, and consequently quite unexciting. At home they would have been set down as uninteresting games, and would have drawn forth little more enthusiasm that was shown by the crowds on the Palace grounds. One day victory perched high upon the red, and the next day there was a sudden turn-about and the blue was supreme. On the first day there were frequent showers before the game, and the turf was very slippery, so that fielding was a matter of great difficulty. The Bostons won the toss and, contrary to usual custom, took the bat. Opening with a slashing bat, they earned six runs in the first inning, and then blanked their opponents. Another streak of batting in the third gave them eight more runs and virtually settled the game. A heavy shower stopped the play in the seventh inning, and left the score 17 to 8. 


On the second day (11th) the Athletics took their turn at hard hitting, while

The Reds were Totally Powerless

at the bat. Spalding was batted all over the field. In the fourth inning Harry Wright went in to pitch, and his slow “coaxers” made the run-getting a little more difficult. Fisler began the game, but was obliged to retire, on account of an injury to one of this hands. The Athletics played a pretty fielding game, as the small number of errors shows.


To a great many people at home this trip must have the appearance of a hippodrome arrangement, the victories having alternated from one side to the other in regular fashion. Such people will insist that the first rumors were correct, and that the games were “put up” beforehand. Just let them keep on thinking so, as no amount of reasoning would convince them to the contrary.


The preceding was published in the August 25, 1874 Boston Herald.


The Last Game in London – The American Eagle Above the British Lion – Another Victory at Cricket – Good-Bye to the Metropolis

{From our Special Reporter.]

LONDON, Aug. 14, 1874 — The capacity of the Americans for playing cricket has begun to win the respect of the Englishmen, who are learning that some of the essentials of good play at base ball are frequently convenient in winning a game of cricket. Aside from their fielding abilities, which no cricket club in the world can equal, the boys have a style of slashing at the ball, which proves most disastrous to most of the bowlers we have as yet seen. It is not the blind sweep of the wholly unskilled batsman, because it requires an eye trained to swift and slow balls, and just such accuracy in timing the delivery as professional ball players are constantly forced to exercise in hitting our best pitchers. Contrary to the expectations of everybody, our party of base ball travelers have thus far been beaten by nothing they have played against. Every game shows that they are improving in their batting, and the boys have reached a point where they begin to look for something more worthy of their best efforts. Four successive victories, or at least what were virtually victories, have given them confidence; and the cry is, “Bring on your first-class cricketers.” At Lord’s ground there was allowance to be made, and the Yankees were obliged to play against a “duffer” eleven, so that they got no credit for that victory. At Richmond there was no particular reason set forth why the visitors should be allowed to get more runs in one inning that the club eleven, and the inference was that the Americans were too strong for them. Now the last game in London has been played and

The Surrey Club Has Been Woefully Beaten

It was expected that on this occasion something fine was to be shown, and from the manner in which it was talked about among the boys, the impression was that they would stand no chance whatever of winning. Mr. Alcock, the manager of the trip, is secretary of the Surrey Club, and besides advertising the appearance of the Americans on his ground, as had not been done elsewhere, he took considerable interest in getting out what he no doubt considered a good strong team – one sufficient to show eighteen American base ball players how to make runs at England’s noble game. Speaking of advertising, this game was certainly well advertised. Some large yellow posters, the like of which we had never seen before, appeared on the bill boards on the Surrey side of the river, announcing that the “American champions” would give an exhibition of their skill on the grounds of the Surrey Club. Men and boys were also discovered carrying similar posters upon their backs and fronts in a manner quite familiar. The result was that knowledge of the existence of base ball was more widely spread, and Mr. Alcock predicted a large crowd for the first day’s exhibition, which was given yesterday.  The clerk of the weather (who, by the way, is a very unreliable character in London) interfered very materially with the calculations and made a botch of the whole day’s programme. Rain was threatened in the morning as the boys left the hotel for the grounds, and rain fell copiously soon after their arrival at the latter. Wickets were to have been pitched at 11 o’clock sharp, but while the ballists were on hand, the Surreys were not, and it was after 12 when play began. There were no spectators, and it was in the midst of a fine drizzling rain, a regular London rain, that

The American Went to the Wickets,

as the cricketers probably thought, to be quickly disposed of. The first man (Spalding) was quite an easy victim, as he was caught and retired for a duck egg. McVey and O’Rourke then got in as partners, and made quire a decent stand, each making some hard hits. McBride got in for 7, but after him the wickets fell pretty fast until the veteran Harry took a hand. He, as usual, showed the boys how to defend a wicket and also to make a drive or a leg hit occasionally. His total reached 23, when he lifted one and was caught mid-off. Sutton was lucky and hard in hitting, getting several bounding hits for four each and making a total of 13. The other men were weak, and when the seventeenth wicket fell, 100 runs stood credited to the Yankees. Frequently during the inning the rain compelled a suspension of play. After lunch had been served in the pavilion of the club

The Surrey Men Went In.

Their eleven comprised eight gentlemen players and three professionals, the latter considered good bowlers and strong batsmen. The first wicket went down for one run, one gentleman being run by the over-anxiety of his partner. Soon after this McBride took a wicket with one of his swift “shooters,” and with two out for nine runs the

Play was Suspended,

 till to-day. The rain kindly held up about this time and the sun came out. Out also came a crowd of people to see the ball players, and by the time the bases had been put in position, under the direction of Dr. Pope, there were perhaps 1500 spectators on the ground. Like all English crowds which we have seen, they were somewhat curious about the details of

The Game of Base Ball.

Various novel inquiries were made, such as whether they “played directly on the stumps;” if it didn’t “hurt them to have the ball corked at them;” how many runs there were in a game, etc. etc. One man, who was affected with stuttering, after watching the practice a few moments, saw clear through the principles of the game, and explained that all there was to it was to “p-p-p-pick up the b-b-ball and t-t-t-t-throw it.” “Sensy” was named by the Athletics as umpire and the Bostons having won the toss as usual, the game was began, while the crowd looked on without any very clear ideas of what was being done. They didn’t see why a man should be accused of stealing a base, why the “fellah” standing there in citizens clothes should shout “one ball” when half a dozen had been bowled and “one strike” when the batsman stood perfectly still. Why didn’t “wides” count in the score; how much did “that red legged chap” get for running all the way around; who’s the best player in the United States—these are specimens of the interrogatories put by some of the spectators, as they began to get a slight understanding of what was going forward.

At the Bat and In the Field.

McMullen started with a fair foul, but was forced on the weak hit of McGeary, the latter reaching second on a wild throw from Barnes to O’Rourke, who played first base in the opening inning, after which he went behind the bat, Kent coming to first. Called balls gave Anson his base, and both he and McGeary scored, the latter on a wild pitch by Spalding. The “Reds” should have had nothing on their first inning as there were splendid chances for three outs before anything was scored. George Wright was cleverly run out between third and home by Sutton, Clapp and McGeary, base runners being kept on second and first meantime. Then Battin muffed a ball and two Reds followed with safe hits, so that the result of the combination was three runs. George Wright dropped a fly in the second inning, but lost nothing by it, as he was able to secure double play on the hit of the next striker. Two pretty innings without runs left the score 3 to 3 at the end of the third. The Bostons had even a better prospect, as they got two men on bases with nobody out. Hall and Harry Wright carried the two men home by good hits, and there the runs ended, two men left on bases and the score a tie at 5 runs. On the next inning, after the Blues had been put out for no runs, Kent gave his side the lead by a fine fair foul hit which gave him a home run. After this the game rapidly assumed a one-sided appearance, 5 runs by the Bostons on errors by McMullin, McGeary, McBride and Gedney putting them a long distance ahead. The fielding was poor on the part of the Athletics from that point to the end of the game, McGeary missing two fine chances for double plays, Murnan dropping a fly, and several others showing up badly. The Blue Stockings only added one to their score, McBride scoring in the eighth inning from a three base hit and an error by Kent. A home run by Barnes in the last inning ended the scoring.


The Cricket Match was Resumed

 to-day, and the Surreys were treated worse than they were yesterday. Harry and George Wright did the bowling, and the eleven were put out for 27 runs, the three professionals succumbing in turn to Harry’s bowling. On the second inning for the Americans Barnes’ 24 were made by slashing batting, as were Schafer’s 12. Leonard made a long stand and run up a score of 28 by drives, cuts and leg hits, his number include a 5 and several 4s and 3s. The grand total at the end of the inning was 211, a number which is was almost a dead certainty the Surreys would not be able to reach, even had they time to finish their inning. Four were out for two runs and then stumps were drawn. The cricketers had a very exalted opinion of the bowling, as well they might. McBride’s swift underhands were the terror of the first day, and then men congratulated themselves that they did not have the pitcher to stand up against to-day, though they hardly found themselves bettered by the change. They allowed that they had a good strong eleven, but thought they played with bad luck.

The preceding was published in the August 27, 1874 Boston Herald.


From London to Sheffield – A Real Old English Inn – More Triumphs at Cricket – The Yankees Visit the Palace of a Live Duke.

{From our Special Reporter.]

SHEFFIELD, Eng., Aug. 17.  Leaving London at ten minutes before midnight on the 14th in a special Pullman sleeping car attached to the regular train for Sheffield our gallant ball players were soon comfortably stowed away in their berths and were well prepared for their five hours side. The Pullman seemed like home to them and before many miles had been traversed the majority of the party were sleeping the sleep of the tired and perhaps dreaming of home and friends. Those who kept awake noted the fact that the train was whizzing along at a rate of speed simply fearful, considering the rough state of the road, and thinking of the pleasures of a possible jump off the rails. Our English advance agent, Mr. Alcock, remarked next morning that the American Pullman car might be a grand institution, but for his  part he preferred the English straight-back coaches to such shaky means of conveyance. The 165 miles were accomplished in about four hours, and when the sleepers awoke they found themselves switched upon a side track in the station at Sheffield, the train have gone on and left them to complete their nap. It was 7 o’clock in the morning; they sky was black and gloomy, and the air was like that of

A November Day, Chilly and Raw.

Upon the platform was a little group of idle men and boys, who had in some way received an insinuation of who and what the party  was, and who were trying to peer through the curtained windows to get a glimpse of the Americans. A policeman was there to preserve the car and its occupation from too close inspection, and through him we first learned that we were being inspected. The boys got out and stretched themselves, shook themselves into their overcoats, shivered and strode way toward their hotel, whither the baggage had preceded them some hours. And no I come to speak of the hotel, as it must be called, though it seems almost insulting the place to give it such a name. Oh! you essence of all ideas of cosy comfort for travelers; you place of generous, monster joints and great open fires to drive away the dampness and chills; you house with a jolly fat landlord and pretty maids, you

Thorough English Inn.

Dickens has portrayed in glowing, truthful colors, but only seeing is appreciating. The very name is enough to recommend the place – The Black Swan – a name which the black painted representation of the long next water fowl over the door sufficiently announces. The exterior view of the house suggested limited room inside, as the entrance is through a narrow door, approached by two or three white stone steps. Inside, however, there are rooms opening off in various directions, spacious and ample. A few feet below the entrance there is another opening from the street and therefrom a paved archway leads to a paved courtyard, where in olden times the stage coaches rattled up to drop their loads of travelers. Here is the cook room, there the hostelry, and close at hand is the tap room, fames piece of good cheer and good beer. Ye shades of Joe Willett and the Maypole, here we find everything as in your day.  Here, too, is Boots, not quite the character whom Pickwick found in the vivacious Sam Weller, but yet an unmistakable specimen of his class. There is a good sized dinner room, located in the rear of the hotel by the courtyard. Thus you pass through the open air in going to your meals and everything you eat does likewise, being borne across the yard in huge covered dishes by stout kitchen maids. At either end of the eating room is a large open fire, one of which, kept constantly burning, proves an agreeable acquaintance. Cool weather we have become accustomed to, but nowhere have we found such winter atmosphere as this. We think of home, and try to imagine the condition of Boston sweltering through the dog days. The beds we sleep in are sights to behold – curtained, high, downy, and so nice. There are not enough of them to accommodate the entire party, and some of the boys have been obliged to take up sleeping quarters in another house near at hand, though all eat at the same table. There is no sparing at this table. The steaming dishes are all placed upon it, and as one of the boys remarked, “There’s some fun in seeing something that you are going to eat, instead of seeing it brought in homeopathic doses and stuck down your nose.”


Being a manufacturing city, is also a very smoky one, and after our experience in mid-summer we are pared to say that it is located nearer Greenland’s icy mountains than any place in England we have yet struck. It has 300,000 population and will probably have many more next year, as it is a great producer of babies. This fact would be apparent to anyone walking the streets, and to support this statement “Old Statistics” is at hand. He says the population of the place increased in one year 10,000 or in ten years 1000. I forget which, but it doesn’t matter. This is the place, which we have been told all the way along, is noted for the interest its people take in athletic sports, and the place where a big crowd might be expected to witness the American game. We have been greatly consoled for the small crowds at other place by the promises of Sheffield, and now the rainy,

Stormy Weather Follows Us

Here, and as far a one day is concerned, at least, our expectations have not been realized. Saturday morning (15th) the players went to the ground in the midst of a drizzling rain, and were glad enough to gather round the blazing fire in the house of the cricket club, while waiting for the cricketers to arrive. The location of the ground is in a part of the city called Bramall lane, and the labor which has been bestowed upon it, especially upon that part where the spectators are accommodated, shows that cricket must be immensely popular here. The field in itself, which is about as large as the grounds of the Boston Base Ball Club, is very level and smooth, the turf being even and soft. Upon all sides of the field the ground is higher and the seats are ranged round more in the style of a base ball ground than anything previously seen. This makes the place a sort of ampitheatre, and affords excellent opportunities for seeing games. I am told it is not an unusual occurrence for ten thousand persons to assemble on this ground when some important match is on, such as a county match or the like. Such crowds as this we are not very likely to see, though if the weather had been propitious, we would have done much better here. At half past 12 o’clock Saturday, a game of cricket was begun on Bramall lane grounds, the American eighteen playing against twelve of the Sheffield club. The latter was acknowledged to be as strong a team as the club could produce, and included several men who had played for their county, and were considered

Fine Bats and Scientific Bowlers.

The weather continued exceedingly disagreeable, with frequent spurts of fine, cold rain. Harry Wright won the toss and sent Barnes and O’Rourke in to bat. The former got two hits in the first once, one for 1 and one for 2, and then he was bowled. “Jimmy!” played more carefully, and by steady work he remained in to see six men follow “Ros,” the most of them being bowled for small figures. Sutton, “the smiler,” commenced by hitting the area ball to square leg for 4, at which the boys applauded. The next ball that came to him he served in the same manner, sending the ball clear to the fence and making another 4. The field was shifted to prevent a repetition and then “Sut” sent a high one to on for 3. A chance of bowling fixed the “slogger.” The next ball smashed his wicket, and he retired smiling, having been the first to make double figures. Andy Leonard then got in with O’Rourke, and the latter soon afterward had his wicket disturbed, having played a good inning for 13. Harry Wright succeeded him, and as Andy was caught at point after making 1, the two Wrights (Harry and George) faced each other. They made a good stand, both playing fine cricket and calling into requestion all the bowlers Sheffield had at command. Both hit freely, and with fours, threes and two the score ran up rapidly. Finally, after having tried his hand at six separate bowlers, the elder Wright succumbed, being caught at the wicket, and retiring for 15. The boy, Sam, then joined his brother George and made quite a good defence, getting two outs for 4 and 3 with two singles. About this time George lost his wicket and the board showed he had made 23. Ten wickets were now down for 93 runs. Spalding and McVey secured double figures and the former was run out, spoiling what promised to be a very good score. Beals got 7 and the next three men made duck’s eggs. Kent, the last man in, after giving an easy chance for an out by a fly which was not taken, drove to the on for 4 and then his partner, “Sensy,” was caught, the diminutive man from Fair Harvard carrying out his bat for 4, and the total being 130 runs. At half-past 2 o’clock lunch was served, and meantime the number of spectators kept increasing, the rain ceasing about this time. At half-past 3 the Sheffield men went to the defensive and played there for an hour. McVey caught the first man off George’s bowling for no runs. “Tommy” Beals caught the next man off George at point, and soon afterwards he got another off Harry, George took the wicket of the fourth man, the four being out for 11 runs. It was then time to commence

The Base Ball Game,

and play was suspended for that purpose. There were about 1500 spectators on the ground, and for the remainder of the afternoon the weather was pleasant, the sun coming out and shining comfortably warm at intervals.

This morning the weather was as much the same as on Saturday, and there was a small attendance to see

The Resumption of the Game at Cricket.

The Sheffields went on with their first inning. Their wickets began to go down quickly, most pf the men having their stumps bowled clean by one of the Wrights. Not one of the number made double figures, and the eleven were out for 43 runs. Having made eighty less than their opponents they were obliged to follow their inning, which, after lunch, they did feeling not particularly pleased at the prospect of being beaten by the one inning of the Americans. On the second inning their wickets were mowed down like grass, only one of their number reaching double figures. When the eleventh man went out, 45 runs stood credited to the Sheffield Club, leaving their total 88. Several of the cricketers expressed their admiration of the bowling and everybody spoke of the fielding. One man thought “eleven of those fellers would stand us a tight game,” and there is not much doubt that his supposition was correct. The following is the cricket score:


The Game of Base Ball,

Saturday, was an object of considerable curiosity on the part of the spectators, who were not all sufficiently interested, however, to remain till the close. The Boston lost the toss and went in to face McMullin’s pitching, McBride being in Paris. In the first inning Barnes earned a run from a three-base hit, following by safe ones from Spalding and McVey, each of whom scored from an error by Anson in right field and a wild throw by Sutton to first base, the strong third baseman being troubled with a lame arm, the result of the ball-throwing on Kennington Oval. Good hits by Clapp, Battin, Sutton, “Sensy” and McMullin earned the Athletics two runs in the second inning. A good double play by Fisler, Battin and McGeary prevented the Bostons from scoring on the third inning, and the game stood 3 to 2, having been very prettily played up to that point. The next inning was opened by Leonard who earned three bases and came home on a passed ball by Clapp. Battin made an error off the hit of the next man, and for is was sent to right field, Anson coming up to cover the base. McGeary made a wild throw which gave the Reds a run and then “Tommy” Beals got the first home run of the game, which the crowd duly appreciated. The total of the inning was four runs and from this point out runs were scored by the Bostons in every inning, the Athletics seeming to lose their vim and to become demoralized, many of the nine evidently having lost that essential of good play – their temper. McMullin pitched wildly and Clapp had many passed balls, some of which were excusable. At the bat they made a spurt in the fifth inning, McMullin and McGeary each making a home run. They also batted well in the last inning, and earned two of the three runs scored, though it was too late for their efforts to be of any avail. The Reds batted for four in the seventh inning and played with that steady confidence which was sure to win. The last two innings were wretchedly played by the Athletics. They were mad all through, and foolishly talked about playing no more base ball, finding fault because some of their managers and their captain had not remained with them instead of leaving them to themselves. The play of Barnes at second was the admiration of everybody. He made some splendid stops in his old style, and played his position perfectly. A man’s play must be good when his associate players speak of it, and the members of both nines acknowledged that “Ros” “had ’em on.” Harry Wright did not play, and McVey’s hands being somewhat sore, he went to centre field, while behind the bat stood O’Rourke. The latter did not play the position for quite all it was worth, being a little weak on low balls, of which Spalding sent him several. Kent was a little “off” at first, dropping one or two balls. Leonard played third, as Schafer has not yet fully got over the rap he got from cricket on the Oval, and he played it well. McVey dropped two flies and captured two nicely. Hall made one or two catches and dropped one after a hard run. The applause of the Sheffielders was liberally bestowed on hard hits and good catches. Fine plays in the infield were not so much appreciated, and as for errors, it seemed that only dropped fliers were looked upon as such.


His Royal Nibs.

Yesterday (Sunday), by special permission of the Duke of Devonshire, the entire American party paid a visit of inspection to the ducal palace at Chatsworth, about twelve miles out of the city. Two barges, or “wagonettes,” as they are called here, each drawn by three horses, were the means of conveyance. Rain still stuck by the party, and several smart showers were caught during the ride. Stopping at the Peacock and the Checker inns for a few moments for refreshments, enjoying the beauties of the scenery, mostly bold hills and deep ravines, with lands neatly laid out with separations of stone fences and green hedges, the party reached the end of the carriage house and alighted at “Betty White’s tavern,” from which a private way led to the palace grounds. “His Royal Nibs,” the Duke of Devonshire, is among the wealthiest noblemen in the realm, having as estate of, I don’t know how many thousand acres, and an income of over half a million pounds yearly. Chatsworth is one of the finest places in the Kingdom, and attaching to it are several reminiscences inseparably connected with the history of the country. On arriving at the palace gates our party was met by a rotund and dignified porter, dressed in bright livery, with a high cocked hat. The palace grounds are never opened to the public on Sunday, but a letter which we had was an open sesame to the great gates, and we were escorted within the inclosure. The house is very large, and is built square and high. It sated back to the seventeenth century, the first Duke of Devonshire having been on the time of William and Anne. Within this building Mary Queen of Scots was for a time in confinement, under the Countess of Shrewsbury, and it is said that Anne Boleyn also suffered a part of her imprisonment here.  At present the proprietor of Chatsworth is away, and the place seems lonely and deserted, in spite of its splendor, as we pass through its grand halls and passages, under the guidance of the lady-like housekeeper. The present “Juke” is unmarried, and is not expected at the palace until the shooting season opens when he will come down with some of his friends and shoot off some of his thousands of deer and his myriads of birds of all kinds. The palace is filled with rare collections of paintings and engravings, antique furniture and carving of the most elaborate description and of almost priceless value. Spacious libraries filled with costly volumes, (which, by the way seem not much used,) statuary, etc. etc. After making the tour of the  hose and depositing a couple of shillings in the palm of the lady-like housekeeper, we passed into the grounds and made a tour of the hot houses filled with thousands of rare and beautiful plants. A guide showed us around over the grounds, pointing out the charms of the scenery, showing us weeping hash trees and spreading hoaks. There were high cascades, pleasant walks leading in and out among trees, shrubbery and vines, splendid fountains playing into artificial ponds, and in fact everything combined to make the place one of the most lively which can be imagined. A couple of hours were most pleasantly spent at Chatsworth, and then a two hours’ drive over the hills and moors brought us to the Black Swan, with excellent appetites for the excellent dinner which awaited us. Last night several of the boys attended

Prayer Meeting (1),

and, as the services were quite lengthy, were a little late in their return. At 10 o’clock the Black Swan folds her wings, and after that time those who are out are expected to remain out. In this case, however, Boots was aroused from his dreams, and let the belated chickens under the protection of the Swan.

The Second Game of Base Ball

On Bramall Lane ground had just been completed, and the Red Stockings won it. They took the lead on the start and kept it until the end, batting McMullin with tremendous force. Home runs were of frequent occurrence, and fielding errors were not few. The fielding was not quite up to that of Saturday. George Wright’s place was taken by “Tommy” Beals, who played it well, with the exception of dropping an easy fly. O’Rourke caught, and McVey played right field. On the eighth inning the Blues got a streak of batting, and by splendid hits crept up to within one run of their opponents. With one to tie and two men on bases, McGeary flied to Hall and ended the hopes of the Blues.


The Sheffield papers speak quite complimentary of the American ball players. One paper says they are a fine-looking, athletic body of young men and “manifest none of the peculiarities which some of our people expect to find in the Yankee.” Another paper says this of the cricket batting:

“The batting of the Americans generally was of the cross-bat, slogging order, a style learned, no doubt, from the manner of striking at base ball, bit this remark does not apply to the three Wrights and O’Rourke who showed decidedly superior form.”

Just before leaving the Oval in London, “Jimmy” O’Rourke was presented with a handsome cricket ball, as a prize for the longest throw. He threw 123 yards and Sutton was about a yard behind him.

Col. Porter took leave of the party this morning. He will sail for home next Wednesday, and if fortune favors, will be in Boston only a day or two behind this letter.


The preceding was published in the August 30, 1874 Boston Herald.


The Victorious Americans Coming Toward Home – A Cold Reception in Manchester – Another Added to the List of Cricket Victories – New England Looks at Base Ball

[From our Special Reporter.]

MANCHESTER, Aug. 21. — The English critics of the higher class, those whose opinions and judgments are Marsáns acknowledged as to true reflectors of the national mind in all questions brought before its notice, have not had full opportunity to scan the national game of American, as represented by its two leading clubs, and their criticisms are such as to justify the impressions heretofore formed by your correspondent and expressed in previous letters. The London Saturday Review in its last issue elaborated to the extent of a column its ideas of the novel game in comparison with cricket. The man of the Review probably witnessed one of the games which were played in London, as he seems to have made himself familiar with the rudiments of the play. He first goes into a length demonstration of the fact (if it is a fact) that as a man’s nature is most readily detected in his unguarded moments, so the characteristics of a nation appear more clearly in its games.

Here he takes occasion to speak of the “coolness, persistency, and careful skill of the English, as exemplified in their cricket exercise,” and the

The Spirit of Independence

which leads Americans to strike out a new game to be more especially their own. Still he can hardly allow that base ball is an American invention, for further on he says:

“Yet in the essence of base ball there is nothing new. A letter in the Times has pointed out that in 1748 a game called base ball was played by the family of Frederick, Prince of Wales. It is possible that the resemblance between this and the American game of today extends further than the name. The origin of base ball may be traced back without difficulty to the club ball of the fourteenth century. In Strutt’s Sports and Pastimes there is a representation of two men engaged in this amusement, or in one very closely akin to it. One is delivering a ball to the other, who stands with the deprecating aspect which seems inseparable from medieval figures, ready to receive it with a rude kind of club. In this delivery of a ball and its reception with a bat, the germ both of cricket and base ball is easily recognized. It is curious that the attitude of the two figures is more nearly approached in base ball than in cricket. This may be taken as an indication either that the American game is an intermediate step between club-ball and cricket, or that the base ball players have employed a conservative wisdom in rejecting the branches to get at the root of the tree. The former interpretation is likely to find general acceptance, inasmuch as all men who have been schoolboys will recognize in base ball the development of a game which was common in their school days, and, being held inferior to cricket, was regarded rather as a trivial amusement wherewith to while away an odd half hour than as a serious sport to which much time and practice were to be devoted. Base ball is, in fact, a kind of glorified rounders.”

That the English idea of sport is only half developed in plain for the

All Absorbing Importance

Which they attach to the batting in a game, their whole idea of scientific play being bound up in the man who chances to be defending the wicket. A cricketer with whom I was talking to-day had the whole thing in a nut shell when he said, “You couldn’t get our fellows out to practice at shying the ball, you know; they like to bat.” Thus in all their practice none of the gentlemen players will trouble themselves by throwing or catching. This is looked on as the drudgery of the game, and is done by the hirelings or professionals. A gentleman player will go out for half an hour’s practice with the bat, and will either have an automatic machine to bowl the ball for him, or else the professional of the club, who, by the way, is a mere drudge, will perform the office. On all the grounds which we have yet visited, and I doubt not it is so on all English grounds,

A Strict Line Is Drawn

Between the gentlemen payers and the professionals, the latter not being permitted to dine with the club members or even allowed access to the club house. There is what the Review says about batting:

“That the use of the bat is not the most important feature in base ball is at once evident. Thus one of the chief beauties of cricket is absent from the game. There are none of those pretty cuts, well-judged drives, and wary receptions of dangerous balls which are the delight of the spectators at Lord’s. On the other hand, it may be said that most of the niceties of batting at cricket are lost upon spectators without special knowledge. The hard hitting, which appears the main object of the batsman at base ball appeals to all who see it, however ignorant they may be of the game.”

The last sentence reveals the critic’s own ignorance of the game and his consequent inability to judge fairly. The same ignorance is also shown when he contrasts pitching with bowling, and says that :the constant employment of the same action by all the pitchers

Strikes the English Eye as Wearisome.”

That these deficiencies are partially made up for appears in the following:

“The interest lost in the matter of bowling and batting at base ball is made up in that of fielding. After due allowance is made for the difference between a cricket ball and the ball which is employed in the American game, the fact remains that the fielding of the American players is singularly accurate. The certainty with which catches are made, the judgment and quickness with which the field back one another up, the neatness and rapidity with which balls are stopped and thrown in, might serve as models to cricketers.”

Then, after noticing some of the peculiar features of the game, the English mind sums up thus:

“Base ball is certainly pretty to look at, and probably appears a game of considerable skill an interest when the intricacies which it has gathered to itself in the process of development from rounders are mastered. It is not likely, however, to become so popular in England as to endanger the reign of cricket.”

Well, here we are,

 Back in Manchester

again, after a fortnight’s stay in London and three days in smoky Sheffield. It was not a Pullman car that brought us from the latter place hither, but one of your honest English coaches, or rather half-a-dozen of them, with plenty of rattle and jolt and no end of discomfort. Manchester is the place of all others we have really had hopes of. The reception given the ball players on the former visit, and the good crowd of spectators who came out on that occasion, certainly encouraged the idea that the Manchester people would welcome our return, and that pounds, shillings and pence would make glad the financial men of the party. Alas! we are again disappointed in both particulars; but, as they say in novels, I anticipate more anon. We reached here at noon on the 18th, in the midst of a pouring rain – our faithful and incessant companion – and took quarters at the Queen’s Hotel, a very comfortable place. The following day there was nothing to do, and everybody was sorry for it, as the weather happened to be remarkably fine and the boys imagined themselves playing before an immense crowd. Everybody feared that the next day (yesterday) would bring the rain, but the contrary proved true. Old Trafford looked like familiar ground, and coming upon it to play seemed like taking

A Stop – A Short One – Towards Home.

It was a warm, close day, and the ground was in good condition for playing either cricket or base ball, but there were no spectators present. The Manchester cricket club had taken some pains to get together an eleven which would be able to beat the American eighteen, and there is not much doubt that they thought they had secured such a team. All their best bowlers were on hand, including two swift round-arm bowlers, and the veteran Reynolds, whose slow pace with deceptive breaks is considered very disastrous to batsmen. For the bat they had some strong men, one of whom (Rowley) has the record of the second largest score ever made by an amateur, he having secured 219 in a country match some time ago.

The Americans at the Bat.

The wickets were pitched at half-past 12 o’clock on Thursday, and the Americans having won the toss, went in to defend the wickets. O’Rourke and McGeary faced each other, and both soon fell victim to the fast bowling, though the little Blue Stocking did not lose his stumps until he had got two splendid drives for four each. Leonard made a good stand, and by scientific batting ran up a score of 19, including a leg hit for 5, and several 2’s. Spalding opened on the first ball sent him with a hard drive for 5, and the Englishmen began to think they had underrated the batting strength of the eighteen. McVey soon partnered “Al,” and after hitting to square leg for 2, and getting one more, he was bowled. Capt. Wright had not been in five minutes before he carelessly hit a wicket and went out for 0, while Spalding kept up a good defence, letting out when an opportunity offered. One hit to leg sent the ball to the fence, and yielded 5 runs and a drive gave 3. His middle stump next went down from the fast bowling, and his total was 21. Barnes got in with Hall, who proved a careful partner, and slashed away at the ball until he had knocked together 22, getting several of the balls at full pitch from the slow end, and hammering them to the confusion of the long fields. “Ros.” saw three or four wickets fall, and was in when the lunch bell rang. They had then been going for one hour and thirty minutes, and 102 Runs had been scored, twelve wickets being down. Hungry as bears, the boys all rushed for the dinner pavilion, as they had done of the previous visit to old Trafford. They enjoyed a hearty meal, at the close of which they were requested to pay three shillings per man. This took them somewhat aback, considering the renowned

Hospitality of the English

people, but the money was paid, and nothing was said. After lunch the inning was quickly finished, the last two of three wickets going down rapidly, though Sam Wright got some good hits for a total of 9. The last wicket went down for 121 runs, all scored in less than two hours.

After a short rest the Manchester team went in from their first inning, George and Harry Wright taking the bowlers’ ends. Not having done so before, I will give here an idea of

How the Americans are Placed

on a cricket field. Behind the wicket stands McVey, prominent in a red cap, and competent to take anything that comes within his reach. He doesn’t play close up to the wicket, as the two which he got in the mouth at Liverpool gave him warning. Schafer’s narrow escape from a serious blow at the Oval also tended to make amateur wicket keepers cautious. Behind McVey is Sammy Wright, who makes an excellent long stop. “Tommy” Beals, who is as quick as a cat, plays “point” to a charm. Schafer, who played to-day for the first time since the Oval, is “short leg” and makes himself lively. Kent also plays “short leg,” and in spite of the seeming incongruity in putting a man with his length of limb in such a position, he misses no chances. There is Barnes at “cover slip: and McGeary at “cover point,” both of which positions require nerve to take hot balls and accuracy in throwing to the wicket. Anson is at “short slip,” Sutton “mid off” and Spalding “mid on” and “long slip;” Hall and O’Rourke play “square leg,” and in the long fields there are such sure catchers and good runners as Leonard, McMullen and Murnan. George and Harry Wright have been acknowledged on all the grounds as fine bowlers: and then there is McBride, who delivers very swift underhand, in a way which takes the stumps before the batsmen get ready to play on the ball. Here is a team a great deal stronger than it has been given the credit, and the best part of it is that they are improving in their batting every day. The only trouble is that they can find no team strong enough to beat them. Such elevens as they have played against, with the single exception of the Marylebone eleven, they can beat easily with an equal number of men. What the boys want is to meet such players as Grace and Jupp, and it seems a pity that they could not have had the satisfaction of playing with a team which would be an acknowledged representative of England’s best cricketers.

The Scoring of the Manchester Club

Was very slow on the start, and the first two wickets went down for 3 runs. Then Rowley got in, and, with his partner, made quite a stand. After bowling a dozen overs, G. Wright was relieved by McBride, who got four wickets to five overs, Rowley being his first victim at all. With five men out for 31 runs, the game was stopped at 3 o’clock and

Base Ball

took the place of the stumps. But where was the crowd which was to witness the playing? There were only about 350 persons on the ground, and it was too late to hope for a larger attendance. The boys made the best of it, and went in to play as sharp a game as though they were at home and exhibiting their skill before thousands of appreciative spectators. It proved to be one of the best games yet payed in England.

The first inning was played without a run or an error on either side. On the second, the Blue Stockings scored two runs in this wise: Clapp hit a sharp ball to Schafer, who touched but failed to stop it. Battin sent a liner between George and Barnes, which secured him a base. Harry picked up the ball and threw it to George, who passed it to Schafer, putting out Clapp. Sutton sent one between Barnes and O’Rourke, earning first. Hall had a splendid chance to throw Battin out at third, but he threw the ball over Schafer’s head, and both the base runners scored. Leonard broke the monotony in the second inning by a hard hit for three bases, but was left on third. The first run for the “Reds” was made in the third inning, when Hall and Schafer batted safely, and the former came home after a long fly to McMullin. McBride scored one in the first inning, getting first on a misjudged fly by Leonard, third on Clapp’s safe hit, and home after Battin’s fly-out to Hall. O’Rourke dropped an easy ball from Schafer (beautiful pick-up by the latter), but the error did no harm as the next inning “Jimmy” dropped another ball from Schafer, and then McVey and Barnes secured a novel double play, the former putting Anson out on three strikes, and then throwing to Barnes in capital style and in season for “Ross” to touch the third man out. In this same inning Clapp wrenched his knee in running for a foul ball, being somewhat interfered with by the spectators, who crowded up rather too near the players. In consequence of the injury Clapp was forced to retire from the game, and McGeary went behind the bat, Murnan taking short stop and Sensendefer going to right field. The latter soon got a chance to distinguish himself by a splendid running catch, the finest of the game, which made the spectators applaud loudly. The sixth inning of the Athletics game them two runs, Anson and McBride batting well, the former earning his run and the latter getting him on a dropped ball by McVey, thrown home to him by George Wright. The Bostons took another blank, and the score was 5 to 2 against them. The run getting for the Bostons ended here. The “Blues” scored two additional in the last inning on a muff by Barnes, followed by three safe hits. The batting score shows how weak the “Reds” were in that direction. McBride pitched splendidly, and he was supported in old-time Athletic style.


The Game of Cricket

Was finished to-day and the Manchester club was badly beaten. Play began at half-past 12 o’clock and the remaining five men went out in twenty minutes. One or two misplays by the eighteen gave the Manchesters more runs than they should have had. Their score reached 42 runs, just enough by one to save them from following their inning. The Americans therefore went in. The prominent feature of the inning was the score of George Wright, who showed finer cricket than any Englishman has yet displayed to us. His 50 was splendidly made and included hard drives, scientific cuts, draws and leg hits. He got a 5, six 4’s, two 3’s and six 2’s. He was finally caught at long slip off the fast bowling. The inning ended for just 100 runs. The lunch bell rang, but our boys took no lunch. On every ground heretofore they have lunched at the invitation of the cricket club, but they received no such courtesy at the hands of the Manchester club. The latter lunched leisurely by themselves, and then went on and played their second inning, having ten men put out in an hour and twenty minutes. Whatson (professional) made a stand for 25, and one other man scored double figures, but the others were easy for the bowlers. The total of the inning was 53 and the final figures 221 to 95. The vanquished were not much pleased at their defeat, though nothing was said.


After the cricket was over there was

A Game of Base Ball,

in which three cricketers took part on either side. Considerable fun was caused by the awkward efforts of the novices. One of them got a ball on the end of his finger and received a smashed digit which will serve him as a reminder of the game for some time, and which may dispel his ideas of base ball, being “boys’ play” or “rounders.” Only six innings were played, and the Red Stockings side won by 18 to 9. The attendance to-day was no larger than that of yesterday, though the weather was beautiful. The total attendance for the two days, as indicated at the gate, was 710, and the receipts were less than $150.  Dublin is our next and last topping place, and we leave for there to-morrow morning.


The preceding was published in the September 3, 1874 Boston Herald.


Closing Exhibition of the American Players – Another Added to the Unbroken List of Cricket Victories – A Lack of Financial Success – Nearing the End of the Tour.

[From our Special Reporter.]

DUBLIN, Ireland, Aug. 25, 1874 — A visit to the Green Isle of Erin was one of the early contemplations in connection with the tour of the American ball players, and I must say that no efforts have been spared towards making this portion of the trip successful. The arrangements were placed in the hands of a wide awake, business Irishman, who had had experience in managing similar enterprises, and he certainly has done everything that could be done to awaken public interest in the event and to reap a pecuniary reward both for the ball clubs and himself. The city of Dublin has been liberally flooded with posters well calculated to stir up public curiosity, and the newspapers have been unsparingly employed in announcing our expected arrival. Yet we have found the general condition of the public mind much the same as on the mother island, and we are going away with the feeling that

There is a Lack Somewhere,

And somehow the trip has not been productive of all those satisfactory results which were hoped for. If anything could console the friends of the enterprise for the shortcomings, it must be the feelings of national pride in the fact that the representatives of American athletic sport have overmatched every team which Great Britain has put against them, and that, too, in a line of sport wherein they make no special claims to superiority.

Tracing the movements of the party from the date of my last letter, we start from Manchester on the morning of Saturday, 23rd inst. We are booked direct for Queenstown by the way of Holyhead, but have the privilege of remaining over in Dublin. The tediousness of the ride by rail for the distance of 123 miles by the uncomfortable English coaches may be partially imagined from hints previously given, but on this occasion, there happened to be

Some Alleviating Circumstances.

The day was fine and the scenery through which we passed was of an interesting character, especially as we came into Wales. Speeding along as we did, now under the rugged skies of the bare, rocky Welsh mountains, then over yawning ravines or through some dark and rumbling tunnel, and anon out upon the pleasant low lands with pretty streams flowing on towards the seas, we enjoyed a variety of landscape views such as are not soon forgotten when once seen. The passing panorama frequently afforded glimpses of old castle walls in various stages of decay, many of which are doubtless remembered in history, but which a party of fun-loving and irreverent “Yankees” have neither time nor means of identifying, and look upon only as extremely picturesque additions to the general view. The day was nearly gone when we reached Holyhead and transferred our selves to the steamer which was to take us across the channel to Ireland. Feelings of relief were experienced in embarking, and expressions of regret that we were not launching out upon the return voyage were overheard from some of the boys.

Our Fellow-Passengers

were rather a motley throng, and the number comprised some types of human nature the like of which we had not met with before. Several jockeys were on board, bound for the great Baldoyle races in Dublin, having their favorite horses with them. Then there was a gang of honest Irishmen, who had just seen the harvest season ended and were going home with their sickles upon their backs. These latter were jolly fellows, and, during the evening ride across the smooth waters of the channel, they mad the deck lively with singing and dancing. It was half-past 10 o’clock when the steamer reached Dublin, and an hour later the tired ball players were happy in the occupancy of their rooms om the fifth floor of the largest hotel in town. I call the hotel the largest simply for the purpose of saying something good about it, and I have no hesitancy in saying it is also

The Worst Hotel in Town.

The players all lodged and fed here on contract, as it were, so much per man per day, and a great many of them sigh daily for a “good, square American meal.”

Sunday was given up to rest, and on Monday the boys made their first appearance before an assembly of Irishmen. To play against the American team an Eleven had been got together from different parts of Ireland, consisting of gentlemen players and including some of the best bats on the island. It was probably as strong a team as could have been got together, and, in fact, it was claimed to be such. The ground selected for the playing was a very poor one. It is known as the Irish Champion Athletic Club Ground, and was a rough, unoccupied field only a year ago. At the present time it is little better, as the whole surface, with the exception of a small circle in the centre upon which the wicket is pitched, is as uneven as a New England cow pasture. On such a ground, anything like a fair exhibition of either cricket or base ball was out of the question. The prospect here was bad at the start. The game of cricket was announced to commence at 11 o’clock, but it was an hour later when the Irishmen arrived, and the play was then begun, with nobody on the ground to look at it. People came in slowly until near the middle of the afternoon, and about that time the event of the day caused a perceptible swelling of the number. This great event was the arrival upon the grounds of

His Grace the Lord Lieutenant,

who is the Duke of Abercorn, and who, as some Americans may not know, represents the Queen throughout Ireland. His Grace came just as the players had finished their lunch. He was attended by his suite, and rode in a splendid four-horse barouche, with out-riders, powdered footmen, etc. etc. During his stay upon the ground which was quite short, he was pleased to make some inquiries about the game of base ball, and Messrs. Spalding and McBride waited upon him and exhibited the ball and bat with the methods of using the same. As he signified a desire to try his hand, “Dick” tossed him a few balls, which he managed to hit by

Clumsily Wielding the Bat.

The crowd greatly admired this piece of royal condescension, and the papers next morning, in mentioning the occurrence, told about how “His Grace sent the ball flying all over the field.” The Lord Lieutenant seemed to be a quite a good fellow, though, as he takes an interest in all athletic sports, especially cricket, which he sometimes takes a hand at. He did not remain to see the ball game, perhaps thinking he had mastered it in “one easy lesson.”

The Play at Cricket

opened with the American nineteen at the bat. The Irishmen having twelve in their team. There was nothing noteworthy about the first inning, with the exception that we noticed the Irishmen fielded better than any English tem we had seen. Of bowling, there was a variety, and it was found quite difficult for our boys to manage. An underhand bowler awashed several of the wickets, and when the eighteen men went out only 71 runs had been made, the number being much smaller than it would have been with the same players on a smooth ground. Hard, clean hits, which on Lord’s or Prince’s ground would yield three runs, only gave one here. The batting of the Americans had not pleased the spectators, it was very evident, and everybody predicted a bad defeat for them. One of the Irish twelve confidently asserted that he would make as many as 71, and laughed at the idea of his side being beaten.  “Well, it is time you’ve lost a game,” they said, and “we shall have the credit of beating you when Englishmen couldn’t.” Their bats went in to defend the wickets and their

Best Batsmen Soon Began to Drop Off.

McBride’s underhand bowling was an eyesore to them, and Harry’s round-arm was about as bad. The man who was going to make 71 went out for 2. Only two of them got double figures, and the total of the inning was 47. The inning was not finished, however, till to-day, as the game was suspended at 5 o’clock to give place to base ball. The second innings were played to-day, and as the HERALD was aware two weeks ago, the Americans achieved a signal victory. The estimate of the Yankees was suddenly discovered to have been placed too low, and strangely it was also discovered that the Irish Twelve was only a third-rate team! Everybody on the ground admired the throwing and catching of the visitors, as has been done everywhere.


The Base Ball Games

were objects of some curiosity, but not a very intense interest.  Yesterday the Bostons won, through the fielding errors of their opponents, three of the six runs made in the eighth inning, having resulted from a poor throw of Sutton to first base. The Athletic out-fielders played wretchedly, Murnan and Sensenderfer dropping fly after fly in succession.


The Second Game.

To-day the Athletics had things all their own way. McBride was injured in the hand in the first inning and retired from the game, McMullin taking the pitcher’s position. Harry Wright pitched for his side till the sixth inning, but it was then too late to retrieve lost fortune. The Athletics fielded well and strongly outbatted their opponents.


The Attendance

yesterday was about 1000. To-day the weather was unpleasant, and there were not more than 500 on the ground. Mr. Lawrence, the manager, guarantees the clubs L100 for the three days, and the probability is that he is about that amount of money out of pocket by the enterprise. A full military band has been in attendance both days. To-morrow the programme will include a game of ball in which eighteen cricketers will play nine Americans. To-morrow evening we start for Queenstown, and then, good-bye to England.


The preceding was published in the September 7, 1874 Boston Herald.


Return of the Bostons and Athletics

PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Sept 9 — The steamer Abbotsford, with the Bostons and Athletics on board, reached her wharf here at 8:15 P.M.  She was met in the Delaware River and escorted to the city by a half a dozen tug boats filled with enthusiastic friends. One boat contained a delegation from Boston, which was warmly greeted by the Red Stockings. The greatest enthusiasm was displayed by all, and a splendid reception was given. A large crowd is expected to witness the home match tomorrow.


The European Trip
Resume of the Enterprise and its Results – What the Boys Accomplished and How They Did It – The Return Passage and the Welcome Home.

When the idea of a visit to England by the Boston and Athletic base ball clubs was first broached, there were plenty of persons to cry it down, and to predict that, if ever carried into execution, it would end if failure. There was sure to be non-success financially, and in addition to this the visitors would certainly be beaten at the game which they profess to understand, to say nothing of being completely demolished, if they attempted anything in the cricket line. Well, the idea has been carried out, the trip is a thing of the past, and we can now review it and see what the results have been, and how far the predictions of the sceptics have been fulfilled. In a financial sense, it must be admitted, there is nothing for the managers of the enterprise to boast of. If it was through any fault that more dollars were not taken in, it was the fault of

Meagre Advertising

previous to the arrival of the party. The English people, with their slower perceptive faculties, do not pick up the intimation of coming events so naturally as their more rapid American cousins, and there is little wonder that the advance agent, who is a genial, honest Englishman, but who lacks the snap and vim of the successful American business agent, should have failed to stir up public interest in the affair. In London, the first appearance of the Americans was made on Bank holiday, thanks to lucky chance or good management, and the result was the attendance of nearly five thousand persons. This, in view of the fact that it was a great cricket week, and everybody interested in out-door sport – was supposed to be at Canterbury – the Mecca of town-fleeing sportsmen – shows the true nature of Bank holiday, which is the great universal holiday – the day when all business is suspended and people of all classes take recreation. Here was the only attendance on the whole trip which compared at all favorably with the crowds who go to see first-class games of base ball in any of our large cities. In other parts of the metropolis, with much better advertising, the attendance was much smaller. Then, after two weeks in London, there was reason to expect something more satisfactory in Sheffield and Manchester – towns which would certainly take an interest in base ball, if any in England would. But still there was a

Failure to Come Up to the General Anticipation.

The green sod of Ireland was the last hope, and there, in Dublin, the great sporting city of the Emerald Isle, occurred the worst failure of all. Certainly there has been no money made out of the trip, but on the other hand the receipts proved nearly, if not quite, sufficient to meet the expenses of the trip. Now that the two clubs have gone through with the undertaking and have returned covered with laurels of victory, a certain prestige will attach to them over and above the other clubs in their contests for the championship of the present year, and this will lead to increased interest, larger crowds to witness the game, and consequently more dollars in the pockets of treasurers. Taking this into consideration, there is reason to expect that the trip will yet prove a source of pecuniary profit.

Laying aside money considerations, the trip has been highly satisfactory to all concerned in it, no unfortunate accident or incident having occurred to mar the pleasure of the tourists. When not engaged in giving exhibitions or to

Beating the Englishmen at Cricket,

our boys had their eyes open for sight-seeing and their ears open to receive information about the places visited, and they can now look back on the two months as a great event in the lives. In playing cricket the prowess displayed by the unpracticed Yankees is the special pride of the party. Capt. Wright seems to have taken a great deal of quiet pleasure, and has doubtless chuckled in his sleeve in solitary moments at the thought of the victories won by the green cricketers, who could play “rounders” very well, but who were “shocking bad batters, you know.” The very start-off in cricket was an indication that the Americans were to do something creditable on the trip. It was on the 3rd and 4th of August, the place was Lord’s ground, London, and the opposing club the Marylebone, to which all the other clubs look up as the only cricket parliament. The Marylebone is undisputed authority on all points respecting the game, and has a prestige possessed by no other organization of a similar kind. Twelve gentlemen players made up the team which was to show the American visitors what cricket playing really was. It was not the strongest team which the club could raise, it is true, but it was a fair representative twelve, and nobody expected to see it beaten, though Harry and his men were resolved not to die like dogs. The Englishmen went in and found that their

Wickets Went Down Quite Fast. 

They got 105 runs, however, before the eleventh man was out, and though the number was small, there could be no doubt that it would exceed the score of the Americans. The latter, however, slugged for 107 in their first inning, and as there was not time to play the second, the game was technically a draw, though our boys really won it. On the beautiful Prince’s ground, where the next game was played, a really weak eleven was put on by the Prince’s Club, and was badly beaten, making less runs by 50 in two innings than the Americans made in one. At Richmond there was a drawn game, though the visitors had decidedly the best of it when the stumps were drawn, and would doubtless have won it if the game had been completed. At Kennington Oval, the opposing eleven was fully up to the average and had no possible chance to win the game. Of the seven games played, six were in reality victories, and one was drawn. A great deal was said by spectators and players and a great deal written for the newspapers to the effect that the Americans had nothing to contend against, but the truth is that, although not quite up to the standards of “county elevens,” the teams which were put out into the field were such as to fairly represent the degree of skill to which the English game is brought in the majority of clubs. It is true that the extra number of fielders on our side was a serious obstacle in the way of run-getting, but the probability remains that

Eleven of the Americans Would Have Won

almost every game which the eighteen did win. A large measure of the credit for the victories is due to the bowlers. Harry and George Wright sustained a reputation as first-class round-arm bowlers. Dick McBride’s swift underhand delivery was found very disastrous for batsmen, and many of the strongest acknowledged their inability to defend a wicket from the defensive wanderings of the ball. The batting of the Americans would have been weak for professed cricketers, but for unpracticed wielders of the willow it was not so bad. A majority of the men never had a cricket bat in their hands previous to landing in England, and it was no wonder that they should take small figures. George Wright bore the palm for the largest score in a match, his 50 in an inning at Manchester having laid over the best efforts of the others. In every match the majority of runs were made by the Red Stocking boys, though there were several of the Athletics who got in good work. In one match Andy Leonard tried his hand at bowling, but showed that he hardly had sufficient practice to be very successful. Below are summaries giving the complete record of the matches and the individual scores:


At Base Ball,

fourteen games were played by the two nines, and, in addition to these, there were several scratch games, in which outsiders took part, or in which the players were transposed. The Athletics have the honor of winning the first and last games played in England and one of the two played on Irish soil. Of the fourteen games they won six, while the Red Stockings took eight victories. Two of the prettiest game of the whole trip were played at Manchester, both being one by the Blue Stockings and the scores 13 to 12 and 12 to 7. The game at Sheffield, Aug. 17, was an exciting one, the Bostons winning by a single run. The other games were mostly won by large odds, and would have been called poor games at home. The batting was free and heavy. Of first base hits there was nearly an equal division between the two clubs, though in total bases the Bostons excelled. Every game was played as earnestly on both sides as though the championship depended on the result. Off the field, the players harmonized like members of the same club, and all through the trip the same spirit of friendliness and good feeling prevailed without a single exception. Persons interested in statistics and desirous of tracing the individual record of the ball players abroad will find the appended tables suited to their taste:



Last Days Abroad.

Wednesday, August 6th, was the last day of the stay in the old country, and the party was in Dublin, Ireland, where there had been such want of success. The attendance on the games had been much smaller than was expected, and the gentleman who had undertaken the management of the Americans found himself considerably out of pocket. There were the Baldoyle races, the horse show, and some other attractions to take away the attendance, and so the base-ballists went begging for spectators. Exhibitions were given, however, two games being played Wednesday. In the forenoon half a dozen of the Irish cricketers were put in with some of the players and captained by Harry Wright, against a nine under the captaincy of Spalding. Only six innings were played, and Spalding’s men won by a score of 12 to 6.  The afternoon game was between mixed nines, and it caused a good deal of sport for those engaged, George Wright pitching for one side and McMullin for the other. In six innings George’s men won by the exciting score of 9 to 8. Then there was a scrambling for the hotel for the hotel, and in less than two hours’ time the whole party had taken seats on a train for Cork without stopping for any lengthy adieus to Dublin.

Homeward Bound.

The “Flying Irishman,” as the rapid mail train is called, left Dublin early in the evening and reached Cork with a tired party about 2 o’clock A.M.  Half a dozen hours’ sleep and breakfast at a hotel and then a ride of twelve miles brought us to Queenstown. Here the entire day was spent in waiting for the steamer from Liverpool, in which we were to embark. The boys got rid of what English money they had remaining, making purchases of such small souvenirs as they chanced to see. Like Liverpool, the place was full of beggars and pedlers, who showed great aptness for “getting their work in” on Americans. The time dragged heavily, and everybody was glad when the tug left the wharf and the party approached the Abbotsford, which had come to anchor in the mouth of the harbor. On board we found several of our fellow voyagers of the ???, and were warmly greeted by them. As the party sat down to supper the anchors were weighed, the engines set in motion, and the Abbotsford was headed towards home. It was soon found that the party would be crammed for room, as there were more in the cabin than the ship usually carried. Provided everybody on board remained healthy, the table accommodations promised to be inadequate. On the first morning out we found ourselves struggling along against a head wind and with a rough, heavy sea. The weather was cold and boisterous, and there were many absentees at meal time. For four days more this state of weather and wind continued, and meantime the ship labored along, making slow progress, and one day averaging only eight miles an hour. Monday night, 31st,

The Storm Increased to a Gale,

And there was little sleep on board, the main energies of the passengers being devoted to maintaining places in berths. On the following day, the storm subsided, the sun came out and there was joy on the ship. After this there was a week of pleasant weather, with smooth sea and favorable wind nearly every day. The time did not pass very quickly, however, with the boys, as all were impatient to reach home. Nobody could be found who was sorry he had come, but there were several who had had enough of England and sea voyages and who strongly announced their intentions of contenting themselves with America in the future. With good wind the ship made on an average ten miles an hour, and pretty slow it seemed. The rates of speed was eagerly watched each day and the officers were kept busy answering questions as to the probable length of the voyage, prospects for the weather, etc. Everybody recovered from the sea sickness and the steward and his men had to work hard to keep the crowd fed. On the morning of the 7th we encountered a storm, which fully satisfied the ambition of those who had been wishing for a touch of rough weather, and which made the whole party wish themselves on dry land. Fortunately our course only led us into one edge of the gale, so that we only got about four hours of the storm’s fury. It was

A Terrible Though a Grand Sight

to look upon the great mountain waves slashed into foam and breaking high over our ship, threatening every moment to swallow her up, and it was not pleasant to contemplate how powerless we were to save ourselves. The wind howled and shrieked through our rigging, tore away sails and bore off everything which was not firmly attached to the deck. The water swept the decks from stem to stern, and at one time a heavy sea dashed out the glass in the skylight and fell in a flood into the main saloon. The ship however rode the waves right gallantly, and when the sun came out again and the storm subsided, everybody had an exalted opinion of the Abbotsford. That night at 6 o’clock there was a

A Funeral on Board,

one of the steerage passengers having died of consumption on the previous night. The body was wrapped up in canvas, and placed in a rough black coffin, and after the reading of the burial service was slid from the hurricane deck into the water. As the box struck the waves the cover was torn off, the iron weights dropped out and sank, and the unpleasant spectacle of a corpse floating away in a coffin was presented to the passengers. For the remainder of the voyage we had beautiful weather. Tuesday evening there was a meeting of the passengers in the main saloon, at which Capt. Harry Wright presided, and resolutions were adopted praising the Abbotsford and her officers, and thanking the various officials for what they had done to make the voyage a pleasant one. As we neared the end of the trip there was considerable jubilation and on our last night out a jolly party out till  to 3 o’clock A.M. for the sale of seeing Barnegat light,

The First Token of Land!

At 8 o’clock on the morning of Wednesday, 9th, Cape May was discovered by an ante-breakfast gang stationed in the bows.  An hour and a half layer, we passed Cape Henlopen, and taking a pilot on board sailed up the smooth Delaware Bay, while the boys got off their sea togs and prepared to go ashore. Tim dragged as we sailed up the river, realizing that we were so near home and looking anxiously for friends who were expected to meet us. About 3 o’clock P.M. a tug hove in sight and the many flags displayed thereon with people waving handkerchiefs and hats, and giving vent to numerous expressions of joy, quickly revealed the identity of the party. The Abbotsford was gaily trimmed with lines of flags, extending from the deck to the topmasts,

The Champion Pennant

of the “Reds” occupying an exalted position. With firing of cannon and glad shouts our boys hailed the approaching party, and in less than half an hour the ship was surrounded by half-a-dozen tug boats, all filled with admiring friends. The word “Boston,” displayed on one of the boats, called forth the wildest enthusiasm on the part of the Red Stockings, and their shouts and cheers were loudly echoed by the friends whom they recognized on board the Bruce. It was through the kindness of S. J. Flannagan, Esq., of Philadelphia that the Boston party were able to go down the river. They arrived in the city too late to accompany the members of the Athletic club, but Mr. Flannagan placed at their disposal the Bruce, which, by the way, is the fastest tug on the Delaware, so that the adherents of the Reds were in good time for the welcome. Nobody was allowed to come on board the Abbotsford, but the small boats hovered around within speaking distance, and thus escorted the gallant ship to the wharf. As the boys landed they were warmly greeted. The Athletics scattered for their homes, and the Bostons were taken in charge by their friends and went to the Colonnade Hotel, where they were soon enjoying the rest which they needed.

So Breaks Up the Party,

which has spent two months far away from home and amid scenes of interest and pleasure. Everything went smoothly with the tourists, and although there were disappointments, and failures to come up to expectation, there is no one who can reasonably look back on the time with regret.

The preceding was published in the September 13, 1874 Boston Herald.

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