Ballparks Research Committee
The Ballparks Committee was founded in 1982 to research and collect the history of current and past ballparks in the major, minor and Negro leagues. The committee now has an extensive set of files containing thousands of documents pertaining to ballparks.
In 1985, the committee published Green Cathedrals, which was reissued in 1993. A revised third edition was published in 2006. The committee completed City Baseball Magic, the SABR Urban Baseball Design Project, in 1989.
An ongoing committee project is to make an effort to erect plaques or memorials for historic ballparks sites. The committee has lent its efforts to publicize the historical importance and value of parks such as Detroit’s Tiger Stadium and Chicago’s Wrigley Field. A subcommittee is collecting photographs of ballparks.
- Newletters: The committee publishes a newsletter twice a year. To find current and past Ballparks committee newsletters, click here.
- Social media: For timely updates from the Ballparks Committee, like our Facebook page at SABR Ballparks or follow our Twitter account @SABRBallparks.
- Announcements: To sign up for email announcements from this committee, click the “Announcements” button above, then click “Join Group” (
). All SABR members are eligible to sign up for announcements from any committee.
To learn more about the Ballparks Committee, contact:
- Kevin Johnson (Co-Chair)
- Ron Selter (Co-Chair)