Baseball and the Arts Committee: SABR 50 update

SABR’s Baseball and the Arts Research Committee met for its annual meeting at SABR 50 in Baltimore on Thursday, August 18, 2022, from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Co-chairs Joanne Hulbert and Jay Hurd welcomed 35 attendees, and updated all on the status of Volume 3 of Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts. Expected to be available in 2020, publication saw delays – chiefly the COVID pandemic and SABR editorial challenges and setbacks. Cecilia Tan, SABR’s Publication Editor, secured the stellar editorial assistance of Meredith Evans, who worked closely with Joanne Hulbert and Jay Hurd to complete steps for T3 publication. Unfortunately, T3 was not available for SABR 50, but will be published within the 2022 calendar year. Turnstyle 4 submissions have begun to arrive!

Additional Discussion Points:

• Newsletter – at least twice per year
• Skits – including “pop-up” presentation during SABR Annual Convention
• Collaboration with school age artists, writers, poets, et al
• Regular committee reporting, digitally, through This Week in SABR

Highlighting the meeting was a panel presentation by five contributors to Turnstyle Issues 1, 2 and 3. George Skornickel, Adam Korengold, David Holden, Francis Kinlaw, and Ron Kaplan discussed their work, which ranged from baseball card art, to poetry, and memoir type essays. The panel members spoke passionately about their work, and welcomed questions and comments from attendees.

Joanne Hulbert,
Jay Hurd,



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