Goose Goslin

Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis called the 1935…

Andy Boswell

In Walt Disney’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane was…

Bill Plummer

Role players have long existed in baseball. At least since 1910,…

Tommy Thomas

Baltimore native Tommy Thomas signed his first professional baseball…

Ira Flagstead

A boxer turned ballplayer, Ira James “Pete” Flagstead became…

Rugger Ardizoia

The steamship S.S. Colombo arrived in New York from Naples, …

Jeff Burroughs

No less an authority than Ted Williams referred to him as “the…

Barney McCosky

William Barney McCosky, a Pennsylvania native who grew up in…

Claude Raymond

If it is true that every boy born in the United States comes…

Dick Whitman

Dick Whitman’s life was described by his brother-in-law Bob…
Courtesy of the Boston Red Sox

Doug Mirabelli

Between the minor and major leagues, there are thousands of baseball…
Al Ferrara (Trading Card DB)

Al Ferrara

A classical pianist who played at Carnegie Hall by 16, a World…