Russ Bauers

Northeastern Wisconsin’s growth followed on the heels of the…

Joe Bauman

He played 850 miles from the nearest big league park in a part…

Frank Baumann

One of the premier “bonus babies” of the 1950s, Frank Matt…

George Baumgardner

In many ways George Baumgardner could have become the hero of…

Jackie Mattson Baumgart

In the fall of 1992, our Milwaukee-area church invited a local…

Ross Baumgarten

While growing up in Chicago’s affluent North Shore suburb of…

Stan Baumgartner

In baseball history, few major leaguers have turned to sports…

Frank Baumholtz

For most people, spending a decade as a reliable major leaguer…

George Bausewine

While professional baseball played a prominent role in the life…

Ed Bauta

From 1960 through 1964, Cuban righty Ed Bauta pitched in one…

José Bautista

During Welcome Back, Kotter’s run as a popular television sitcom,…

Buzzie Bavasi

Buzzie Bavasi had a ball running a ball club. In 18 years directing…