Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter meeting recap – 10/17/2016

Twenty-one members and guests of the Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter gathered at The Original Crusoe’s Restaurant in South St. Louis on Monday, October 17, 2016.

Chapter president Brian Flaspohler called the meeting to order. Barbara Sheinbein announced that she has been named as a member of SABR’s new Diversity & Inclusion Committee, which will be dedicated to promoting outreach into traditionally underrepresented communities in SABR’s membership base, and ensuring that SABR events provide a welcoming environment to individuals of all backgrounds. She is asking for any ideas that would be beneficial to the committee.

Items noted in “Today in Baseball History”: 1911 – The Philadelphia Athletics beat the New York Giants 3-2 in 11 innings to win Game 3 of the World Series. Frank Baker homers off Christy Mathewson to tie the game 1-1 in the ninth inning and earns the nickname “Home Run”. 1960 – The National League awards franchise to the New York Metropolitan Baseball Club, Inc. headed by Joan Payson, and a Houston group headed by Judge Roy Hofheinz, Craig Cullinan, and R.E. Smith. 1979 – Willie Stargell hits a two-run homer to give the Pittsburgh Pirates a 4-1 triumph over the Baltimore Orioles in Game 7 of the World Series. 1996 – The Atlanta Braves blow out the St. Louis Cardinals 15-0 in Game 7 of the NLCS. 2005 – Albert Pujols hits a two-out three-run homer off Brad Lidge in the top of the ninth to propel the Cardinals to a 5-4 NLCS win over the Astros, in Game 5, to extend the series to Game 6, where the Astros would take the crown.

With the league championship series in progress at the time, many expressed who they were backing and gave their personal reasons why. There was also some discussion on the upcoming Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations and what moves the Cardinals may or may not make over the off-season.

Craig Carter posed a question, wanting know if there has been any research done as to which starting pitcher match-up has been the most frequent, specifically between future Hall of Famers.

Bob Tiemann shared a copy of his hand-made scorecard he used at this year’s SABR convention game between the Cardinals and the Marlins. Some thought that perhaps an advanced degree in hieroglyphics could prove helpful in order to discern what occurred, however, Bob was able to describe the action with great detail.

Bob Tiemann’s trivia topic was “Cubs at Wrigley/Cardinals at Busch III”. Rick Zucker was the winner with a score of 24 out of a possible 27 and won a replica World Series trophy.

The next Baseball Fellowship Gathering (formerly known as the alternate meeting) will be on Wednesday, November 2 at the Sports Café, 3579 Pennridge Drive in Bridgeton. Next month’s regular meeting will be Tuesday, November 15 at Crusoe’s.

— Jim Leefers

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