¡Arriba! The Heroic Life of Roberto Clemente (2022)

- Roberto Clemente and the Latino Ballplayer Experience
Zac Petrillo - Roberto Clemente’s Year in the Dodgers Organization
Joe Leisek - Roberto Clemente’s Puerto Rico Winter League Career, Part I
Thomas E. Van Hyning - Roberto Clemente’s Puerto Rico Winter League Career, Part II
Thomas E. Van Hyning - ‘The Writers Are Bad’: Roberto Clemente and the Press
Vince Guerrieri - ‘All He Required of a Baseball Was That It Be in the Park’: Roberto Clemente’s Offensive Skills
Mark Davis - ‘I Will Catch the Bleeping Ball’: Roberto Clemente’s Defensive Skills
Michael Marsh - Roberto Clemente’s Two-Assist Games
Bill Nowlin - Roberto Clemente in All-Star Games
Malcolm Allen - ‘The Best Damn Player in the World Series’: Roberto Clemente, the World Series, and the Making of a Career
Alex Kukura - Roberto Clemente and the Big Grab
Benjamin Sabin - The Great One: Roberto Clemente’s Race to 3,000 Hits
Juan Jose Rodriguez - ‘Momen’ and Monte: The Linkage Between Roberto Clemente and Monte Irvin
Doron "Duke" Goldman - Roberto Clemente and Curt Flood: Race, Labor, and the National Pastime
Emmanuel Mehr - Roberto Clemente and Martin Luther King Jr.: In Service of Others
Benjamin Sabin - Why Nicaragua? Roberto Clemente as an Adopted Son
Tony S. Oliver - The Response to Roberto Clemente’s Death
Justin Krueger - Roberto Clemente: Baseball Rebel
Robert Elias and Peter Dreier - Roberto Clemente: First Player From Latin America Inducted in the National Baseball Hall of Fame
Bill Nowlin - Que Viva Clemente! Roberto Lives On in the Hearts of Latino Major Leaguers
James Forr - Norman Macht: Roberto Clemente Remembered
Norman Macht - The Roberto Clemente Award
John Blankstein - Roberto Clemente, Humanitarian
Thomas E. Kern - Saint Roberto Clemente?
Richard J. Puerzer - Remembrance and Iconography of Roberto Clemente in Public Spaces
Justin Krueger - Roberto Clemente Postage Stamps Across the World
Tony S. Oliver - The Clementes and the Kantrowitzes
Howard Elson - The Clemente Museum
Thomas E. Kern