Not an Easy Tale to Tell: Jackie Robinson on the Page, Stage, and Screen (2022)

- Introduction: Not An Easy Tale To Tell: Jackie Robinson on the Page, Stage, and Screen
Ralph Carhart - Ralph Carhart: An Interview with Sharon Robinson
Ralph Carhart - Ken Burns’ Jackie Robinson
Pat Ellington Jr. - Jackie Robinson and Jazz: Stealin’ Home
Steve Butts - Looking Back at the Jackie Robinson Film ’42’
Adam C. MacKinnon - The Books of Sharon Robinson
Sharon Hamilton - Jackie Robinson as Supporting Character
Nick Malian - Telling Jackie Robinson’s Story through Children’s Literature
Leslie Heaphy - ‘I Want to Take Your Picture!’: Reconsidering Soul of the Game and the Future of Jackie Robinson
Raymond Doswell, Ed.D - Robert B. Parker’s Double Play
Benjamin Sabin - Brother on the Wall: Spike Lee’s Jackie Robinson
Joshua Neuman - Mr. Rickey Calls a Meeting
Peter Dreier - The Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson
Dr. Milbert O. Brown Jr. - Jackie Robinson’s Television Appearances
Zac Petrillo - The Plot to Kill Jackie Robinson: Historian Donald Honig Plays ‘What if?’
Ray Danner - Jackie Robinson in Youth Theatre
Bryan Dietzler - The First: A Broadway Musical About Jackie Robinson
Luisa Lyons - Jackie Robinson’s Radio Shots
Ralph Carhart - Jackie Robinson: Comic Book Superhero
Tom Hawthorn - Jackie on Stage: Jackie Robinson and Vaudeville in 1947
Adam Berenbak - Cold Warrior: The Jackie Robinson Story
Tom Lee