Help select articles for SABR’s 50th anniversary collection

By Bill Nowlin

SABR’s 50th annual convention will be held in the summer of 2020. One project in the works to commemorate SABR’s first half-century is a compilation of 50 written pieces that showcase some of the best research produced by our members.

We welcome your suggestions for any stories to include. These might come, for instance, from the Baseball Research Journal or The National Pastime, from committee newsletters, from books published by SABR, from web postings, or from presentations at the annual convention.

SABR’s Board of Directors appointed a sub-committee of Mark Armour, Leslie Heaphy, Bill Nowlin, and John Thorn to help oversee this project. We would like to request your help. Over the past few months, we have ourselves scoured SABR publications and come up with a list. We then solicited each of the research committee chairs to ask among their members and send in “nominations” for items they recommend. There was a considerable overlap between the two lists — which speaks well to the choices made.

We would like to engage all SABR members to nominate your favorites in hopes that a few more gems will be nominated that perhaps the first two rounds did not turn up. Please be judicious in your nomination, only recommending pieces that you think are truly standout pieces, among the very best that SABR has published over the past 50 years.

Please feel free to send your nomination to any of the four committee members above. We look forward to hearing from you.

Originally published: May 10, 2019. Last Updated: May 10, 2019.
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