Join the Friends of SABR to support our End of Year Campaign in 2019

We invite you to support our End of Year Campaign by joining the Friends of SABR, a circle of members who are committed to using their financial support to show how much they love and value baseball and what it means to our common history, society, and families.

First, here are some of our highlights in 2019:

  • Through our SABR Digital Library program, we are on pace to publish 13 original baseball books this year, including Jeff Bagwell in Connecticut from the Smoky Joe Wood Chapter and Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts from the Baseball and the Arts Research Committee. This, along with our flagship Baseball Research Journal and The National Pastime convention journal, and hundreds of new articles on the SABR website through the BioProject and Games Project makes 2019 the most prolific publishing year in SABR’s history.
  • We continue to pursue opportunities to disseminate baseball information in more ways, which has led to the launch of our weekly podcast, SABRcast with Rob Neyer. These efforts, along with those of our research committees, continue to make SABR the foremost research organization in baseball.
  • The dedication and hard work of the Negro League Grave Marker and 19th Century Grave Marker committees have established four grave markers this year for players that previously had no recognized resting place — including a marker for Saul Davis, the baseball scout who discovered Satchel Paige.
  • SABR continues to catalog baseball history, showcasing the way we preserve this rich history, through our work to digitize the William J. Weiss Collection and the SABR-Ottoson Photo Archive. We also maintain several valuable databases used by licensing partners such as and Sportradar.
  • Hundreds of members, friends, and thought leaders in the baseball industry gathered for the ninth annual SABR Analytics Conference in Phoenix and the SABR 49 convention in San Diego. These events combined to deliver dozens of innovative research presentations and panels on subjects ranging from the early origins of the game to modern sabermetric analysis. In addition, local chapters and research committees worked to put on more than 500 regional events with a focus on baseball research and fellowship.

None of these accomplishments would have been possible without your generosity — which is why I hope you will renew or even increase your support today.

There is so much on tap for 2020. We will be celebrating the start of our fifth decade with the SABR 50 convention in Baltimore — we hope you will join us! — and through SABR 50 at 50, an anthology of the most important and influential research SABR has published over the years.

2020 will also mark the return of the Jerry Malloy Negro League Baseball Conference, as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Negro National League.

One question we’re often asked is, “What is SABR going to do to attract new and younger members?” We’re excited to let you know we have more than doubled our student membership base in 2019 and we expect to build on this in 2020 through the introduction of new programming. For example, we are planning to launch a series of scholarships designed to build a community of younger researchers. These scholarships will cultivate participation and assist in delivering the SABR experience to a new audience.

You can support the End of Year Campaign and join the Friends of SABR by making a gift of at least $100 at

We will use your best gift of $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 to bring more young people into the beautiful world of baseball; to publish groundbreaking books and articles; and to promote research, preservation, and scholarship.


Originally published: September 9, 2019. Last Updated: September 9, 2019.
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