Gleeman: Quadruple-A all-stars

From SABR member Aaron Gleeman at Baseball Prospectus on August…

Drooker: Converting the old-school fan

From SABR member Don Drooker at Rotisserie Duck on August 10,…

Carey: Replacement Level Podcast with Jay Jaffe

From SABR member Ross Carey at Replacement Level Podcast on August…

Foster: Looking back at the most recent forfeit in MLB history

From SABR member Jason Foster at The Sporting News on August…

Diunte: Darren Daulton and Don Carman maintained a special relationship to the end

From SABR member Nick Diunte at The Sports Post on August 10,…

D’Addona: John Hiller’s first win came during the 1967 Detroit riots

From SABR member Dan D'Addona at the Detroit Athletic Co. on…

Womack: Jay Jaffe’s ‘Cooperstown Casebook’ is a must-read for Hall of Fame fans

From SABR member Graham Womack at The Sporting News on August…

Willis: Found heirlooms bring fond memories of Ty Cobb for grandson

From Ken Willis at the Daytona Beach News-Journal on August 9,…

Roscher: All-girls baseball teams find a future of their own at national tournament

From SABR member Liz Roscher at Big League Stew on August 9,…

Folkemer: Turning three: triple plays in Orioles’ history

From Paul Folkemer at Baltimore Baseball on August 8, 2017:Last…

Deane: A polka-dotted all-star team

From SABR member Bill Deane at Wordpress on August 9, 2017:In…

Felber: Tragedy at the ball yard: Philadelphia, 1903

From SABR member Bill Felber at The National Pastime Museum on…

Carleton: The case of the missing firemen

From Russell Carleton at Baseball Prospectus on August 9, 2017:What…

Jaffe: After 10 years, it’s time to embrace Barry Bonds’ home run record

From SABR member Jay Jaffe at Sports Illustrated on August 7,…

Shieber: A portrait of Mickey Mantle in decline

From SABR member Tom Shieber at Baseball Researcher on August…

Albertson: Remembering former Phillies great Darren Daulton

From SABR member Matt Albertson at Sports Talk Philly on August…

Kates: A brief history of the Washington Stars

From SABR member Maxwell Kates at the Pecan Park Eagle on August…

Klapisch: Eddie Murray, the quiet man with the deadly bat

From Bob Klapisch at The National Pastime Museum on August 7,…

Thorn: Every picture tells a story from Hall of Fame Induction Weekend

From SABR member John Thorn at Our Game on August 7, 2017:This…

Goldman: Don Baylor was far more than his legacy suggests

From SABR member Steven Goldman at FanRag Sports on August 7,…

SABR welcomes new European chapter named for Bert Blyleven

SABR's Board of Directors has approved the formation of a new…

Spencer: Contours in batter comparisons: a trick up the sleeve

From Scott Spencer at Baseball Prospectus on August 4, 2017:Through…
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