SABR’s The Baseball Index announces midseason 2019 updates

SABR’s The Baseball Index is pleased to announce its midseason 2019 update, which features more than 2,600 new entries to aid in baseball research. That brings the total to 258,735 citations of articles, books, essays and other materials that can serve as the basis for your research into baseball history.

TBI, which can be accessed at, is an ongoing SABR project to catalog the entirety of baseball literature, from the earliest references to the present day. The index is designed to help baseball researchers find materials that advance their work.

The most recent additions take the catalog through 2008 for Sports Illustrated. Bruce Slutsky has expanded the process of adding all the work of the SABR Games Project to the database, with more than 1,000 entries. Joe Wancho continues to add the articles from SABR’s Digital Library publications program as the books come out. Bill Lamb keeps up with new research-oriented articles from the newsletters of the Deadball, Black Sox Scandal, and Biographical Research Committees. All of these come with URLs to making finding the citations easier. We’re up to date on the Baseball Research Journal, The National Pastime, and SABR books (all with URLs) as well as Base Ball, Black Ball, Memories and Dreams, NINE, and other publications. Most of the 2019 books from commercial publishers have also been added.

More volunteers are always needed. We’d like to add more years of Sports Illustrated, Baseball Digest, and many books. We’d love someone to help us broaden collection of the BioProject material and someone to add URLs for all the older SABR material Jacob Pomrenke is adding to the website. Contact Andy McCue at to volunteer.

To use The Baseball Index or to learn more about the project, visit


Originally published: July 26, 2019. Last Updated: July 26, 2019.
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