Bill Wambsganss of the Cleveland Indians completes an unassisted triple play in the 1920 World Series

SABR Triple Plays Database

This article was written by SABR

Welcome to the SABR Triple Plays Database, a comprehensive list of all triple plays turned in the major leagues since 1876.

Click the link below to find a list of all known triple plays in major-league history, sortable by date, team(s), runners on base, play sequence, fielders, pitchers, opposing batter, unassisted, end of game, and other categories.

Triple Play trivia nuggets: Click here for some fun facts about triple plays courtesy of Chuck Rosciam, including the story of a triple play where the ball changed hands 10 times, the only player to be put out in a triple play twice in one season for two different teams, a reliever who threw only one pitch to get three outs, and the only team to turn two triple plays in the same game.

Most triple plays in a season: The all-time record for most triple plays in a season might never be broken. A total of 19(!) triple plays were turned in 1890, but there were three major leagues in action then: the National League, the American Association, and the upstart Players’ League. Since 1901, the season high is 11 — done three times, in 1924, 1929, and 1979. Ten triple plays were turned in 1882, 1884, 1910, 1914, and 1921. The most recent season with nine triple plays was 1944. The most recent season with eight triple plays was 1965. The most triple plays turned by one team in a season is three. Here’s the list: 2021 Yankees, 2016 White Sox, 1979 Red Sox, 1979 A’s, 1965 Cubs, 1964 Phillies, 1924 Red Sox, 1911 Tigers. In the 19th century, it was also done four times (1890 Rochester/AA, 1886 Brooklyn/AA, 1885 NY Giants/NL, 1882 Cincinnati/AA).

History of the SABR Triple Plays Database: The triple play list was developed by Chuck Rosciam and Frank Hamilton as conceived by David Smith. Over the years, the list has been updated and corrected by many volunteer researchers since and digitized in its current format by members of the Baseball Records Committee, including Sean Lahman, Frank Hamilton, Chuck Rosciam, Frank Vaccaro, and Jacob Pomrenke. A list of known contributors is below.

Minor League Triple Plays: Click here to access a list of all known triple plays in minor-league baseball, compiled by SABR member Chuck McGill.

Corrections or updates: SABR members are invited to help fill in any missing or incorrect data. Please contact Sean Lahman or Jacob Pomrenke.

Contributors: David Arcidiacono, Priscilla Astifan, David Ball, Cliff Blau, Sam Clements, John Delahanty, Peter Garver, Raymond Gonzalez, Steve Gietschier, Joe Haardt, Frank Hamilton, Frank Vaccaro, Kevin Harlow, Ed Hartig, Richard Hershberger, Troy Kirk, Sean Lahman, John Lewis, Don Luce, Mike Lynch, Bob McConnell, Wayne McElreavy, Bill Nowlin, Jacob Pomrenke, Bob Richardson, Chuck Rosciam, John Schwartz, Ron Selter, James A. Smith, Stew Thornley, Richard Topp, Frank Vaccaro, and Jim Weigand, among many others.

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