SABR’s original mission was to foster the study of baseball, establish an accurate historical record, and to facilitate baseball research and the dissemination of that research primarily through our publications. As we continue to grow, that will remain our mission. In our fifth decade of existence, we’re off to a pretty good start. SABR has earned the reputation as the Conscience of Baseball. We must be doing something right! We hope you’ll join us as we continue the journey in the 21st century and beyond …
- The SABR Bulletin. Volumes 1-41
- SABR Annual Reports. 2002-2011
- The SABR Membership Directory. All 23 editions from 1971 through 1999-2000.
- The Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract. Villard Books. New York. 1986.
- The 1980 Baseball Abstract. Bill James. Privately published.
- Early SABR correspondence from the files of SABR founding member Thomas Shea.
- Multiple electronic, telephone and personal interviews from various SABR members: Marshall Adesman, Mark Alvarez, Paul Andresen, Dick Beverage, Bob Boynton, Jeff Campbell, Jon and Marge Daniels, Bill Deane, Morris Eckhouse, Scott Flatow, Cappy Gagnon, Larry Gerlach, Bill Gilbert, Gary Gillette, Ernest Green, Stuart Hodesh, Tom Hufford, Fred Ivor-Campbell, Mark Kanter, Jack Kavanagh, Len Levin, Ed Luteran, Ron Marshall, Bob McConnell, Andy McCue, Barry Mednick, Pete Morris, Steve Nadel, Rich Newhouse, Bill Nowlin, John Pastier, Pete Palmer, Jacob Pomrenke, Dennis Repp, Jim Riley, Lyle Spatz, John Thorn, Rich Topp, Neal Traven, John Zajc and Tom Zocco.