Bert Delmas

In 1933, Bert Delmas experienced a meteoric rise through the…

Ike Delock

A vital part of the Boston Red Sox teams of the 1950s and early…

Jim Delsing

Steady-hitting James Henry "Jim" Delsing, known as a fleet outfielder…

Joe DeMaestri

There are many middle infielders who are tagged by scouts as…

Al Demaree

“He has nothing but a little curve and confidence,” Giants…

Frank Demaree

One more hit or one less at-bat would have given Frank Demaree…

Billy DeMars

Infielder Billy DeMars broke into professional baseball at age…

John DeMerit

Before signing a $100,000 bonus contract with the 1957 Milwaukee…

Don Demeter

A tall, rangy, 6-feet-4 Don Demeter played major-league baseball…

Gene DeMontreville

Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, of French parentage on March 10,…
Leon DeMontreville

Lee DeMontreville

Overshadowed by his more famous big brother Gene DeMontreville…