Ted Savage
A talented African-American athlete and a fleet-footed outfielder…

Bob Saverine
For two years, 5-foot, 9-inch Bob Saverine teamed with 6-foot,…

Ralph Savidge
“Savidge has mastered the ‘finger nail curve.’ He believes…

Carl Sawatski
With his thunderous left-handed home-run stroke, the self-converted…

Carl Sawyer
If there were a Hall of Fame for baseball comedians, it would…

Eddie Sawyer
In 1883 the Worcester Ruby Legs became the Philadelphia Quakers…

Will Sawyer
In July 1883, the Cleveland Blues were in the thick of the National…

Dave Sax
“Baseball’s clichés remain largely unchanged through the…

Steve Sax
Sometimes it is by chance. Sometimes it is inevitable. But each…

Bill Sayles
It is fitting that Bill Sayles started his big league career…