Maehara Stadium (Wailuku, HI)
E ho’omau ’ia ka mo’olelo.
“History will continue to…

Exhibition Stadium (Toronto)
Few multi-purpose stadiums in North American history can rival…

Cheney Stadium (Tacoma, WA)
Cheney Stadium is known as the “100-Day Wonder.” In 1960,…

Dodger Stadium (Los Angeles)
Fans cheer on their favorite team on June 29, 2021, at Dodger…

Maple City Park (Hornell, NY)
The history of Maple City Park in Hornell, New York,…

Oakland Park (Jersey City, NJ)
Days before the start of the 1889 National League season, New…

Sanders-Jacobs Field (Kennewick, WA)
As a kid growing up in Pasco across the river, being able to…

East Field (Glens Falls, NY)
East Field as pictured in 2021.
Over the course of…

Ebbets Field (Brooklyn, NY)
The iconic main entry of Ebbets Field was located at the…

Watt Powell Park (Charleston, WV)
“I remember these summer days when it was hot and that cool…

Louisville Slugger Field (Louisville, KY)
Set amid concrete parking lots and crisscrossing interstate…

Baker Bowl (Philadelphia)
Why would you ever call it
Baker Bowl,
When all Baker did

Superdome (New Orleans, LA)
The exterior of the Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana, is…

Yankee Stadium (New York)
In 1939, Yankee Stadium hosted the seventh All-Star Game…

Four Mile Run Park (Alexandria, VA)
Entrance to Four Mile Run Park in Arlington, Virginia, in the…

SkyDome (Toronto)
The term “nova” is a good metaphor for describing the story…

McDonough Park (Geneva, NY)
Pete Rose started there. Bernice Gera, professional baseball’s…

Maple Leaf Stadium (Toronto)
Maple Leaf Stadium, circa 1929. (City of Toronto Archives)

Montgomery Field (Carlsbad, NM)
Pitcher Gordon Zabasky winds up on the mound at Montgomery…

Jefferson Street Grounds (Philadelphia)
The Jefferson Street Neighborhood in 1860. From 24th Street…

St. George Grounds (Staten Island, NY)
St. George Grounds began as a paradise, created alongside the…

Scranton-Dunmore Stadium (Dunmore, PA)
Fourteen seasons. That’s all it took for Scranton-Dunmore…

Wahconah Park (Pittsfield, MA)
Wahconah Park: an outdated barn or a precious relic?…