1980 Baseball Research Journal

- Intentional Bases on Balls:The First 25 Seasons
John Schwartz - Is Pitching 75% of Baseball?: Expert Opinions
James K. Skipper Jr. - Jim Sheckard: A Live Wire in the Dead-Ball Era
Gregg Dubbs - Joe Oeschger Remembers
Lynwood Carranco - Maury Wills and the Value of a Stolen Base
David Smith - Lots of Home Runs at Atlanta?
Robert H. Kingsley - John McGraw and Pennant Park
Paul Greenwell - Newly Discovered RBI Records
Seymour Siwoff - Post-Playing Careers
L. Robert Davids - The Highest Scoring Games
Ronald G. Liebman - The Best Fielders of the 1970s
Ed Winkler and Jerry Gregory - The Hollywood Stars
Stephen M. Daniels - The Cannonball
John Holway - The Role of the Umpire in 1900
Ed Brooks - The Durable Dodger Infield
W.R. "Bill" Schroeder - The Mets Open in New York
John J. O'Malley - The Last Tripleheader
A.D. Suehsdorf - The Yankee Farm at Norfolk, Virginia
David F. Chrisman - They Never Played in the Minors
Ted DiTullio - The St. Paul Unions: Minnesota’s First Fling in the Majors
Stew Thornley - Three Shots of Rye
Robert C. McConnell - Umps as Multisports Figures
Stan Grosshandler - Triples, The Pirates, and Forbes Field
Richard L. Burtt - “Under the Lights”
Oscar Eddleton - Unrecognized Heroes: No-Hit Umpires
Larry R. Gerlach - Waddell and Schreck in College
Harold Esch - When Joe Bauman Hit 72 Home Runs
Bart Ripp - Detroit’s Dazzling Debut
Gordon Hurlburt - Dr. Arlington Pond, Public Health Official
L. Robert Davids - Frank W. Olin, Industrialist
Thomas D. Hufford - Hitting Homers Off Christy Mathewson
Raymond Gonzalez - From a Researcher’s Notebook (1980)
Al Kermisch - Home Runs by Decades
Eddie Gold - Edward Morgan Lewis, Educator
L. Robert Davids - Inside-The-Park Home Runs
Mil Chipp - A New Breed of Baseball Players
David Q. Voigt - Alfred W. Lawson, Aviation Pioneer
Lyell D. Henry Jr. - Average Batting Skill Through Major League History
Richard D. Cramer - Baseball Coverage of the Charlotte Observer
Adrian O'Connor - Bill Lange’s Classic Catch Re-Classified
Arthur R. Ahrens - Johnny Berardino and Chuck Connors, TV and Movie Actors
L. Robert Davids - Billy Sunday, Evangelist
Robert P. Muhlbach