The National Pastime: Baseball in the North Star State (Minnesota, 2012)

- Download the 2012 TNP PDF - Calvin Griffith: The Ups and Downs of the last Family-Owned Baseball Team
Kevin Hennessy - A Saint and a Miller
Doug Ernst - John Donaldson and Black Baseball in Minnesota
Steven R. Hoffbeck and Peter Gorton - Play Ball: Minnesota Baseball Litigation Lore
Marshall H. Tanick - Small College Baseball in Minnesota
Doug Skipper - University of Minnesota Baseball
Doug Skipper - A Perfect Right to Play: Billy Williams, Dick Brookins, and the Color Line
Todd Peterson - Dames in the Dirt: Women’s Baseball Before 1945
Anne Aronson - Twin Cities Ballparks of the 20th Century and Beyond
Stew Thornley - How (Not) to Build a Ballpark: The 1884 Minneapolis Grounds
Chris Kimball and Kristin Anderson - The Legacy of Twins Legends: Killebrew, Carew, Puckett, Mauer
Charlie Beattie - May 17, 2011: A Strong Man Dies — Harmon Killebrew
Francis Kinlaw - Top 50 Players in Minnesota Twins History
Aaron Gleeman - A Surprising Disappointment: The Minnesota Twins of the Late 1960s
Daniel R. Levitt - Felled By the Impossible: The 1967 Minnesota Twins
Mark Armour - Ted Williams’ Year in Minneapolis
Bill Nowlin - The Minnesota Twins Story
John Bonnes - SABR Collector Finds Mays Jersey
Stew Thornley - Two African American Pioneers Cross Paths: Roy Campanella and Carl Rowan
Joel Rippel - The St. Paul-New York Underground Railroad
Steve Steinberg - The Saints-Millers Holiday Series
Joe O'Connell - Baseball’s Twin Towers in the Twin Cities: The Minneapolis Millers and the St. Paul Saints in the American Association, 1902–1960
Rex Hamann - Perry Werden’s Record-Setting 1895 Season and the 1890s Minneapolis Millers
Joel Rippel - Rube and His Bears: A Short History of the Virginia Ore Diggers and the Team’s Time in the Northern League
Rich Arpi - Professional Base Ball Debuts in Minnesota: The St. Paul Red Caps, Minneapolis Brown Stockings, And Winona Clippers Of 1875–1877
Rich Arpi - The Rise of Baseball in Minnesota
Cecil O. Monroe - Introduction: Baseball in the North Star State
Daniel R. Levitt - Forward: Baseball in the North Star State
Greg Olson