Fall 2016 Baseball Research Journal

- The Historical Evolution of the Designated Hitter Rule
John Cronin - Discrepancy in an All-Time MLB Record: Billy Hamilton’s 1894 Runs Scored
Herm Krabbenhoft, Keith Carlson, David Newman, Richard “Dixie” Tourangeau - The Stallings Platoon: The 1913 Prequel
Bryan Soderholm-Difatte - The .700 Club: Blessedly Good Baseball
Douglas Jordan - Catcher Duke Farrell’s Record Performance: Game Notes from May 11, 1897
Brian Marshall - The Young and the Restless: George Wright, 1865–68
Robert Tholkes - Chief Bender: A Marksman at the Traps and on the Mound
Robert D. Warrington - The International Girls Baseball League
William E. McMahon, Helen E. Nordquist, Merrie A. Fidler - Organized Baseball’s Night Birth
Mark Metcalf - A Question of Character: George Davis and the Flora Campbell Affair
Bill Lamb - The Show Girl and the Shortstop: The Strange Saga of Violet Popovich and Her Shooting of Cub Billy Jurges
Jack Bales - The Great American Pastime (1956): Hollywood, Little League, and the Post-World War II Consensus
Ron Briley - Baseball Player Won-Lost Records: The Ultimate Baseball Statistic
Tom Thress - Download the e-book version of Fall 2016 Baseball Research Journal
SABR - Editor’s note: Fall 2016 Baseball Research Journal
Cecilia M. Tan - Appendix 1: Billy Hamilton’s 1894 Runs Scored
Herm Krabbenhoft