Tom Sturdivant

Right-hander Tom Sturdivant pitched 10 years in the major leagues,…

Guy Sturdy

If a player collects six hits in his first day in the majors…
Bobby Sturgeon (Trading Card Database)

Bobby Sturgeon

For Cubs fans of the 1940s and 1950s, Bobby Sturgeon will always…

Johnny Sturm

Standing 6-foot-1 and weighing 185 pounds, Missouri native Johnny…

Ken Suarez

Ken Suarez, one of the “can’t-miss” catching prospects…

Jim Suchecki

Jim Suchecki was born in Chicago of Polish-American parents.…
Pete Suder (Trading Card DB)

Pete Suder

To be an everyday player for nearly every year of a 13-year career…

Willie Sudhoff

Blond-headed Wee Willie Sudhoff, although short in stature, was…