Tuck Stainback

Playing on seven different teams across 13 major league seasons,…

Gerry Staley

On September 22, 1959, with one out and the bases loaded in the…

Harry Staley

In the box, Beaneater Harry Staley pitched a mystifying curve,…

Tracy Stallard

With one pitch, Tracy Stallard guaranteed himself a place in…

George Staller

“His reputation is that of a driving, spirited leader who at…

George Stallings

A dignified, fastidious Southerner who managed in street clothes…

Oscar Stanage

Inconspicuous yet ever-present, from 1911 to 1915 Detroit catcher…

Charley Stanceu

Tom Brokaw dubbed Americans who lived through the Depression…

Jerry Standaert

Jerry Standaert was an infielder who hit almost the same in the…

Lee Stange

If the Detroit Tigers had only won their final game of the 1967…