Claunch: Rare baseball find: a photo of Stars Park in St. Louis

From Amanda Claunch at the Missouri History Museum on October…

Rosen: The strange story of why Belize is full of Chicago Cubs fans

From Adam Rosen at Atlas Obscura on October 26, 2016:Less than…

Petrone: Who do you take to the World Series, your husband or your daughter?

From Susan Petrone at on October 25, 2016:What do you…

Savage: Cubs are lovable losers no more

From Josh Rosenblat at Northwestern Magazine on October 26, 2016,…

Huckman: Orchestra crowds cheered on 1908 Cubs in World Series

From Andrew Huckman at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on October…

Cozzens: The 1953 Boston baseball massacre

From Peter Cozzens at The National Pastime Museum on October…

Barry: Indians fans can hear that 1948 whistle blowin’

From Dan Barry at the New York Times on October 26, 2016, with…

Goldman: How Theo Epstein saved the Red Sox and now the Cubs

From SABR member Steven Goldman at Slate on October 25, 2016:There…

Deane: Chiefs of staff: The presidential surname all-star team

From SABR member Bill Deane at Wordpress on October 23, 2016:With…

Klapisch: The 1956 World Series and the end of a rivalry

From Bob Klapisch at The National Pastime Museum on October 25,…

Diunte: Clint Conatser recalls how he almost changed the course of 1948 World Series

From SABR member Nick Diunte at Baseball Happenings on October…

Calcaterra: Baseball violence has always been a low-tech affair

From Craig Calcaterra at The National Pastime Museum on October…

Brosnahan: ‘All the ancient gods come to life’: An interview with John Thorn

From Cory Brosnahan at PBS' American Experience on October 24,…

Brown: SABR member Pete Gorton is rekindling a Minnesota legend’s legacy

From Curt Brown at Minneapolis Star-Tribune on October 22, 2016,…

Birnbaum: Why the 2016 AL was harder to predict than the NL

From SABR member Phil Birnbaum at Sabermetric Research on October…

Bain: The worst in-season trades since 1950

From SABR member Derek Bain at on October 21, 2016:The…

Wunder: One Nebraska town’s century-old connection to the Chicago Cubs

From Michael Wunder at the Waverly (Nebraska) News on October…

This Week in SABR: October 21, 2016

Welcome to "This Week in SABR!" Click here to view this…

Brookbank: Cleveland Indians call on storied history during playoff run

From Mike Brookbank at Cleveland's NewsNet 5 on October 14, 2016,…

Wulf: Who was the real Myles Thomas?

From SABR member Steve Wulf at The Diary of Myles Thomas on October…

Sarris: Did a closed roof hurt the Blue Jays in Game 5?

From SABR member Eno Sarris at FanGraphs on October 19, 2016:Before…

Blengino: Prime ball-in-play traits of the 2016 playoff teams

From SABR member Tony Blengino at FanGraphs on October 20, 2016:The…

Moehringer: The Pyramid Rating System’s all-time Brooklyn Dodgers team

From SABR member Paul Moehringer at The Hardball Times on October…

Ben-Porat: MLB revenues, population, and social media

From Eli Ben-Porat at The Hardball Times on October 18, 2016:We…