Fall 2014 Baseball Research Journal

- A Ballpark Opens and A Ballplayer Dies: The Converging Fates of Shibe Park and “Doc” Powers
Robert D. Warrington - The 1914 Stallings Platoon: Assessing Execution, Impact, and Strategic Philosophy
Bryan Soderholm-Difatte - The Third Brother Dean: “Elmer the Great”
Paul Geisler Jr. - Henderson, Cartwright, and the 1953 U.S. Congress
Adam Berenbak - “What’s My Line?” and Baseball
Rob Edelman - Fact vs. Fiction: An Analysis of Baseball in Films
David Krell - Remembering the 1954 Waco Pirates and the Mejias Streak
Sam Zygner - Giving Up the Stars and Reaching for the Moon
Mark Randall - A Season-Ending Doubleheader and its Impact on the 1966 World Series
David E. Skelton - High Altitude Offense: An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Runs Scored and Stadium Elevation
Eliza Richardson - Do Hitters Boost Their Performance During Their Contract Years?
Heather M. O’Neill - Revisiting the Ex-Cub Factor
Lee May and Frank Van Santen - World Series Game Situation Winning Probabilities: How Often Do Teams Come Back From Behind?
Douglas Jordan - A New Formula to Predict a Team’s Winning Percentage
Stanley Rothman - Editor’s note: Fall 2014 Baseball Research Journal
Cecilia M. Tan - Probabilities of Victory in Head-to-Head Team Matchups
John A. Richards - Matchup Probabilities in Major League Baseball
Matt Haechrel - Download the e-book version of Fall 2014 Baseball Research Journal
SABR - Appendix 1: Probabilities of Victory in Head-to-Head Team Matchups
John A. Richards - Appendix 1: The 1914 Stallings Platoon
Bryan Soderholm-Difatte