The SABR Review of Books

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SABR - From Frank Merriwell to Henry Wiggen: A Modest History of Baseball Fiction
Andy McCue - Baseball Fans’ Notes
Luke Salisbury - Fantasy Made Real
Elizabeth McGrail - An Interview With Jim Brosnan
Richard Johnson - The Realism of Roy Tucker
Leverett T. Smith Jr. - Diamonds Are a Gal’s Worst Friend: Women in Baseball History and Fiction
Peter C. Bjarkman - The Business of Baseball
Gary Hailey - The Cubs as Literature
Darlene Mehrer - An Interview With John Sayles
Richard Johnson - Spitball: Baseball’s Literary Journal
Gerald Tomlinson - Dissertations on the Subject of Baseball
Peter C. Bjarkman - The Voices of Fans: Fathers Playing Catch with Sons and The Neighborhood of Baseball
David Ulin - A Survey of Minor League Literature
Dick Beverage - Where Baseball Literature Begins: Casey At The Bat
Glenn Stout - An Interview With Roger Angell
Dick Johnson - Roundtable: The Essential Baseball Library
Paul Adomites - Well, It’s a Game, No? A Meditation on Baseball and Poetry
Ira Stone - Why is it So Hard To Write a Good Baseball Novel?
Luke Salisbury - Two Who Paid for Their Sins
A.D. Suehsdorf - Roy Tucker, Not Roy Hobbs: The Baseball Novels of John R. Tunis
Philip Bergen - Illustrated Baseball Books
Mark Rucker - Baseball Joe Matson: The Greatest Player Who Never Was
Jack Kavanagh - A Tour of Yankee Literature
Mark Gallagher - Bob Broeg: A Reminiscence of Red Smith
Bob Broeg - Survey: What Baseball Books Do You Return to Most Often?
Paul Adomites - Revealing a Larger Truth: A False Spring, by Pat Jordan
Darrell Berger - Baseball Juvenile Literature
Leverett T. Smith Jr. - The Negro Leagues Revisited
Jules Tygiel