Jackie Robinson’s Signing: The Real Story
This article was selected for inclusion in SABR 50 at 50: The…
Diamonds Are a Gal’s Worst Friend: Women in Baseball History and Fiction
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
The Business of Baseball
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
The Cubs as Literature
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
An Interview With John Sayles
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Napoleon Lajoie: Baseball’s First Modern Superstar
Editor's note: James Murphy's book-length biography of Napoleon…
Introduction: The National Pastime, Spring 1988 (Napoleon Lajoie Special Issue)
And now for something completely different ...
Spitball: Baseball’s Literary Journal
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Dissertations on the Subject of Baseball
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
The Voices of Fans: Fathers Playing Catch with Sons and The Neighborhood of Baseball
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
A Survey of Minor League Literature
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Where Baseball Literature Begins: Casey At The Bat
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
An Interview With Roger Angell
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Honus Wagner’s Rookie Year, 1895
This article was originally published in SABR's The National…
Roundtable: The Essential Baseball Library
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Well, It’s a Game, No? A Meditation on Baseball and Poetry
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Why is it So Hard To Write a Good Baseball Novel?
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
Two Who Paid for Their Sins
This article was originally published in The SABR Review of Books,…
SABR Picks 1900-1948 Rookies of the Year
A poll of the Society's members fills the void in the selections…
Is Ozzie Smith Worth $2,000,000 a Season?
In April 1985, Ozzie Smith signed a contract which called for…
Jack Bentley’s Sad Tale: Victim of Circumstances
When the New York Giants purchased Jack Bentley from the Baltimore…
Judy Johnson: A True Hot Corner Hotshot
William "Judy" Johnson was one of the slickest fielding third…
Irving Lewis: The Boston Brave Who Never Was
Many of even the most casual fans are familiar with the legendary…
Forbes Field Praised as a Gem When It Opened
On June 28, 1970, the Pittsburgh Pirates swept a doubleheader…