The Babe (2019)

- Introduction: The Babe (2019)
Jane Leavy - Babe – A Baseball Nickname
Bill Nowlin - How ‘Ruthian’ was Babe Ruth?
Mike Huber - Babe Ruth in Hot Springs: The Home Runs That Changed Everything
Mark Blaeuer, Mike Dugan, Don Duren, Bill Jenkinson, and Tim Reid - Showdown: Babe Ruth’s Rebellious 1921 Barnstorming Tour
T.S. Flynn - Babe Ruth in Minnesota
Stew Thornley - Babe Ruth Visits Louisville
Harry Rothgerber - The Babe Comes North
David McDonald - The Babe’s Canadian Connections
David McDonald - Babe Ruth and Baseball Diplomacy
Robert K. Fitts - Cigars, Horses, and a Couple of Homers: Babe Ruth’s Experience in Cuba
Reynaldo Cruz and Bill Nowlin - Babe Ruth and Cricket
Glen Sparks - Sale of the Century: The Yankees Bought Babe Ruth for Nothing
Michael Haupert - The Mystery of Jackie Mitchell and Babe Ruth
Leslie Heaphy - Babe Ruth And Lou Gehrig
Tara Krieger - Babe Ruth and Ownership: Not a Match Made In Heaven
Gary Sarnoff - Babe Ruth and the Boston Braves: Before Opening Day 1935
Carolyn Fuchs and Wayne Soini, with Herb Crehan - Babe Ruth’s National League ‘Career’: 28 Games with the 1935 Boston Braves
Saul Wisnia - U.S. Presidents and The Babe
Curt Smith - The Babe: In Person and On Screen
Rob Edelman - Babe Ruth Characterizations — and Caricatures
Rob Edelman - Babe Ruth: Brother Matthias To the Rescue
Brian (Chip) Martin - Babe Ruth: A Man of Simple Faith
Gabriel B. Costa - Babe Ruth’s Final Legacy to the Kids
Alan Cohen - The Babe’s Final Personal Appearance
Steve Smith - Even Against Hall of Fame Hurlers, Babe Ruth Was King of Swing
Ed Gruver - The Babe as a Pitcher
Pete Palmer - Babe Ruth Stealing Home
Bill Nowlin - Babe Ruth’s Lost 715th Home Run
Allan Wood