Time For Expansion Baseball (2018)

- Introduction: Time for Expansion Baseball
Maxwell Kates - Foreword: Time for Expansion Baseball
Tal Smith - Which of the 14 Expansion Franchises Yielded the Most Successful Draft?
Maxwell Kates - How The Devil Rays Came to Tampa Bay
Peter M. Gordon - Making the Valley Major League: An Ownership History of the Arizona Diamondbacks
Clayton Trutor - The Making of the Marlins
Stephen R. Keeney - Colorado Rockies: The Time Zone With A Team
Roger L. Kinney - The Birth of the Toronto Blue Jays
Maxwell Kates - Major League Baseball Returns to the Pacific Northwest
Steve Friedman - The Flight of the Seattle Pilots
Bill Mullins - It’s a Major League City or It Isn’t: San Diego’s Padres Step Up to the Big Leagues
John W. Bauer - ‘Les Expos Sont La’: The Expos Are Here
Danny Gallagher - Mr. K Brings Baseball Back to Kansas City
Joseph Thompson - Expansion, Round Two: How Charlie Finley Blew Up Baseball
Warren Corbett - “The Name Is Mets – Just Plain Mets”
Leslie Heaphy - Here Come the Colts
David E. Skelton - The Washington Senators Begin a New Term
Chris Jones - A Season in Homer Heaven: The Birth of the Los Angeles Angels
Warren Corbett - Rickey’s Folly: How the Continental League Forced Baseball Expansion
Warren Corbett - The Colt .45s and the 1961 Expansion Draft
Stephen D. Boren and Eric Thompson - Mis-Management 101: The American League Expansion for 1961
Andy McCue and Eric Thompson