Gleeman: Q&A with Minnesota Twins GM Thad Levine
From SABR member Aaron Gleeman at Baseball Prospectus on August…

Whirty: Jerry Malloy Conference: Unity in passion, strength in numbers
From SABR member Ryan Whirty at Home Plate Don't Move on August…

Anderson: How baseball agents are negotiating the information gap in MLB
From R.J. Anderson at CBS Sports on August 15, 2017:In the 14…

Westcott: Darren Daulton was a favorite on and off the field
From SABR member Rich Westcott at the Delaware County Times on…

Blitzer: The ephemeral perfection of the immaculate inning
From Jonathan Blizter at The New Yorker on August 13, 2017, with…

Rieber: Matt Harvey’s career corresponds to an odd mix of bedfellows
From Anthony Rieber at Newsday on August 13, 2017:At age 28,…

Mains: Double-switches and the Goldilocks convergence
From SABR member Rob Mains at Baseball Prospectus on August 14,…

Shieber: A photograph in a photograph in the New York Times
From SABR member Tom Shieber at Baseball Researcher on August…

Wendel: The American League pennant chase of 1967
From SABR member Tim Wendel at The National Pastime Museum on…

Thorn: Spalding’s bluff: the game’s crucial moment
From SABR member John Thorn at Our Game on August 14, 2017:There…

Diunte: Paul Casanova, 75, was everyone’s ‘hermano’
From SABR member Nick Diunte at La Vida Baseball on August 14,…

Gershon: How baseball went from pastime to profession
From Livia Gershon at JSTOR on August 11, 2017, with mention…

This Week in SABR: August 11, 2017
Welcome to "This Week in SABR!" Click here to view this…

Arthur/Matthews: Baseball’s hot hand is real
From SABR members Rob Arthur and Greg Matthews at FiveThirtyEight…

Dewan: Trading for Jonathan Lucroy
From SABR member John Dewan at ACTA Sports on August 11, 2017:Last…

Baumann: Whit Merrifield looks like the next David Eckstein, but better
From SABR member Michael Baumann at The Ringer on August 11,…

Sarris: Joey Votto and the changing strike zone
From SABR member Eno Sarris at FanGraphs on August 9, 2017:Joey…

Blengino: James Paxton, that other truly dominant starting pitcher
From SABR member Tony Blengino at FanGraphs on August 10, 2017:In…

Schechter: How the 1934 Giants blew the pennant
From SABR member Gabriel Schechter at The National Pastime Museum…

Pomrenke: An Opening Day ovation for Black Sox exile Eddie Cicotte
From SABR member Jacob Pomrenke at Wordpress on August 9, 2017:When…

Bates/Parker: This Week in Baseball History podcast: Mark McGwire destroys rookie HR record
From SABR members Mike Bates and Bill Parker at This Week in…

Thorn: Otis Shepard, baseball’s greatest graphic artist
From SABR member John Thorn at Our Game on August 10, 2017:If…

2017 SABR Jack Kavanagh Memorial Youth Baseball Research Award winner announced
SABR is pleased to announce the winner of the 2017 Jack Kavanagh…

Gleeman: Quadruple-A all-stars
From SABR member Aaron Gleeman at Baseball Prospectus on August…