May 14, 1904: After embracing spitball, Jack Chesbro kicks off impressive streak of 14 successive wins
June 21, 1904: White Sox rally in the 9th to beat Cleveland, but Cincinnati is main focus as baseball, politics collide
August 1, 1904: Pirates’ Charlie Case hurls a one-of-a-kind shutout with 11 hits allowed, no strikeouts
October 10, 1904: Rube Waddell salutes last-place Senators; Philadelphia’s Fred Applegate earns sole major-league win
April 28, 1905: Youngsters Ty Cobb, Eddie Cicotte, and Clyde Engle excel in Augusta’s South Atlantic League win over Macon
April 12, 1906: Boston’s Johnny Bates becomes first twentieth-century player to homer in first career at-bat