Cape Cod League A Talent Showcase
The Cape Cod Baseball League, one of the top summer collegiate…
Hazards and Tips for Researchers
An often-quotes passage in the book What Is History? by E. H.…
Chicos and Gringos of Béisbol Venezolana
A boy on a pony, his glove hitched to his belt, emerges from…
Bud Fowler, Black Pioneer, and the 1884 Stillwaters
The proliferation of professional baseball teams in 1884 provided…
Baseball’s First Publicist: Henry Chadwick
Imagine a newspaper that contains no sports section. Imagine…
A Genuine Halo: Saint to Cardinal to Angel
True baseball fans thrive on trivia. Here are four questions,…
Bitter Inter-City Rivalry Died When Twins Arrived
“Even during the depression we could always count on a good…
A Truer Measure of ‘Games Behind’
Baseball fans know that games behind (GB), the number that appears…
Baseball Tops All Sports as National Phrasemaker
That Americans are a highly competitive and sports-minded people…
Player Salaries Envy of Laborers
Complaints about high salaries of baseball players are nothing…
Who Rates as Baseball’s Most Complete Sluggers?
65 players have had 80 or more extra-base hits in a season. Lou…
TV ‘Good Guy’ Garagiola Downplays Diamond Career
Joe wasn't as bad as he often claims. At 24 he was hitting .347…
Ben Geraghty: Too Good in Minors to Manage in Majors
Ben Geraghty, a survivor of the 1946 Spokane bus tragedy, won…
Wilmington Quicksteps Glory to Oblivion
After clinching the 1884 Eastern League pennant in mid-August,…
They Could Run But Couldn’t Walk
Alex Sanchez went to the plate 207 times before drawing his first…
Study of ‘The Count’ Yields Fascinating Data
The results support many homilies about the benefits that a pitcher…
Ralph Glaze: They Called Him ‘Pitcher’
An All-American on the gridiron in 1905, Ralph Glaze spent three…
The Tragic Saga of Charlie Hollocher
Triumph, mystery and sorrow marked his life. A weak hitter as…
The Rise and Fall of Louis Sockalexis
A mixture of fact arid fiction surrounds the legendary Penobscot's…
Seventh-Game Syndrome Key: Weary Pitching
Teams that blow a 3-1 lead in the World Series or LCS are twice…
Pitching Greatness: A 10-Year Analysis
Fourteen post-1900 hurlers have averaged 20 or more victories…
From a Researcher’s Notebook (1986)
Even contemporary writers were misled about Walter Johnson's…
Reminiscence: An Era Most Have Forgotten
The thrills experienced by a New York City youth who earned a…
Measuring the Greats on Prime Performance
Based on a ten-year span, Cobb batted .387, Ruth averaged 46…