Baseball Uniforms in the Future: What Might They Look Like Two Decades from Now?

The Kansas City Royals had so much fun on Turn Ahead the Clock…

Commissioner Announces New Alignment and Addresses MLB 2041 Season Initiatives

Editor’s note: This article is a fictional press release from…

The Future of Women in Baseball: An interview with Janet Marie Smith and Bianca Smith

When does a moment become a movement? If you’d asked just two…

Signs of the Times

Jerry slings the baseball to me from his crouch, and I can barely…

Transgender Player Signs With Oakland

Editor’s note: This article is a fictional press release from…

Baseball and Some Media Futures

I’m a science fiction writer who, quite literally, grew up…

Democracy at the Ballpark: Looking Towards a Fan-Owned Future

Think about your favorite baseball team. Think about the many…

Under Coogan’s Bluff

New York Giants stalwarts Christy Mathewson and John McGraw.…

How Climate Change Will Affect Baseball

Editor’s note: This article is from our special issue of The…

The ‘Natural’

Here we go. Logan was all nerves, with a touch of relief, as…

Nashville Stars Join Mexico City as 32nd Team in MLB

Editor's note: This article is a fictional press release from…

The Astrofuturism of Baseball

In one of the 1951 Bowman trading card sets, Jets, Rockets,…

Baseball in 2040: The Digital Viewer

A young boy does “the Wave” as a digital spectator to a…

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Bright Future of Baseball

Using machine learning, AlphaGo taught itself the game of Go,…

At the Intersection of Hope and Worry: How Baseball and Society Learn from History

Sixteen months ago, we were stuck in our homes wondering if,…

The Rules They Are A-Changin’

Before we can talk about the future of the rules in baseball,…

London Rounders Accused of Hacking Stadium Robot Umpire

Editor’s note: This article is a fictional press release from…

Intercontinental Baseball League Scheduled to Start League Play in 2039

Editor’s note: This article is a fictional press release from…

Stevens Nomination to Hall of Fame to Proceed

Editor’s note: This article is a fictional press release from…

Fan Experience to Include Virtual Reality Betting in Real Time

Editor’s note: This article is a fictional press release from…

The Future of Baseball Cards

Statcast will be 25 years old in 2040. The oldest Millennials…

Cooperstown 2040: Where the Baseball Hall of Fame Might Be in Roughly 20 Years

  Mike Mussina’s induction was a clear sign that Hall…

The Game Is Afoot

New Amsterdam Domed City, Mars Colony, Baseball League Game…

The Future of Baseball Gaming Simulations

The magnificent September sunset offered the perfect backdrop…
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