Beane: Tech-driven revolution and the future of sports

From Billy Beane at the Wall Street Journal on July 8, 2014:Baseball—my…

Pavlidis: The evolution of Cubs starter Jake Arrieta

From SABR member Harry Pavlidis at Baseball Prospectus on July…

Thornley: Millers, Saints were gateway to majors for Minnesota baseball stars

From SABR member Stew Thornley at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune…

Schulian: The ‘average professional baseball player’ who changed sports writing

From John Schulian at on July 9, 2014:Jim Brosnan,…

Markusen: The short, wild life of the Inter-American League

From SABR member Bruce Markusen at The Hardball Times on July…

Goldman: 75 years later, Ruth’s hug means almost as much as Gehrig’s speech

From SABR member Steven Goldman at SB Nation on July 8, 2014:Lou…

Hogan: Baseball Seals in San Francisco

From SABR member Larry Hogan at The National Pastime Museum on…

This Week in SABR: July 3, 2014

Welcome to "This Week in SABR!" Please note that the SABR office…

Appel: Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at 75

From SABR member Marty Appel at The National Pastime Museum on…

Levine: The ingrained, misguided 162-game schedule

From SABR member Zachary Levine at Baseball Prospectus on July…

San Diego library’s vast baseball collection steps to the plate

From Kate Osborne at's Padres POV on June 30, 2014:Original…

Herron: Isotopes helped on path to bigs by former PCL hurler

From SABR member Gary Herron at the Albuquerque Journal on July…

Sarris: Reds slugger Jay Bruce on hitting

From SABR member Eno Sarris at FanGraphs on July 2, 2014:Before…

Thorn: Lou Gehrig, 75 years after The Speech

From SABR member John Thorn at Our Game on July 2, 2014:Lou Gehrig…

Watch SABR panels at the 2014 MLB All-Star FanFest in Minnesota

SABR was in Minnesota for the 2014 MLB All-Star FanFest! SABR…

Sandomir: Words to remember from Lou Gehrig

From Richard Sandomir at Sports on Earth on July 2, 2014:When…

Firstman: The Royals and anti-Three True Outcomes

From SABR member Diane Firstman at The Hardball Times on July…

Ervin: Former Negro League star Binga honored, remembered with grave marker

From Phil Ervin at Fox Sports North on July 2, 2014, with mention…

‘Don’t Let Us Win Tonight” chronicles Red Sox’s 2004 playoff run

From on July 1, 2014, with SABR Vice President Bill…

Carleton: Do some pitches do more damage than others?

From Russell Carleton at Baseball Prospectus on July 1, 2014:In…

Join SABR for the 2014 NYC 19th Century Baseball Interdisciplinary Symposium

Baseball history is not just baseball history. No aspect of baseball…

Kaplan: The Baseball Bookshelf conversation with Jayson Stark

From SABR member Ron Kaplan at Ron Kaplan's Baseball Bookshelf…