Nancy Snell Griffith

Nancy Griffith is a lifelong baseball fan, having grown up listening to Bob Prince and Jim Woods broadcast the Pirates? games over KDKA. One of her favorite memories is attending a Pirates game at old Forbes Field and sitting in the right-field stands just behind Roberto Clemente. After she moved South, she transferred her allegiance to the Chicago Cubs, a largely futile exercise, but they were the only team being regularly broadcast at the time. Her current interest in textile league baseball was sparked by the biography she wrote of Clarence E. “Chick” Galloway for the Baseball Biography Project. She is the former Archives and Special Collections librarian at Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina, and is the author of numerous books and articles on local history.

SABR BioProject biographies written by Nancy Snell Griffith

SABR Games Project stories written by Nancy Snell Griffith

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SABR Journal Articles written by Nancy Snell Griffith

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SABR Research Topics written by Nancy Snell Griffith 

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SABR Research Articles written by Nancy Snell Griffith 

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SABR Ballparks written by Nancy Snell Griffith 

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