24 Years Before Jackie Robinson, Charlie Culver Broke Barriers in Montreal
In 1946, all eyes were on the Montreal Royals and Jackie Robinson…

A Global Fiasco: Walter Dilbeck’s Third Major League
Shifty. That’s a good word for Walter Dilbeck, the huckster…

Tom Loftus: The American League’s Forgotten Founding Father
In 1877, an auburn-haired 20-year-old from St. Louis, Missouri,…

The 1967 Dixie Series
From 1920 to 1958, baseball fans across the Deep South and Southwest…

Considerable Excitement and Heavy Betting: Origins of Base Ball in the Dakota Territory
When the Yankton Treaty was signed in 1858, the United States…

First Base Among Equals: Prime Ministers and Canada’s National Game
It could be argued that the most famous sentence ever written…

Lester B. Pearson: Canada’s Ballplayer Prime Minister
The first real job I had after university was working in politics…

Dennis Eckersley: The Last Thousand-Hundred Man
If you pick the baseball milestone carefully enough,…

Maris and Ruth: Was the Season Games Differential the Primary Issue?
This article discusses Roger Maris's 1961 season from a new…

Cubic Players
When Brandon Nimmo took his position in right field on September…

Baseball 1858-1865: By the Numbers
Little serious statistical or analytical research has been…

Using Clustering to Find Pitch Subtypes and Effective Pairings
Using Statcast data, it is now possible to compare…

cWAR: Modifying Wins Above Replacement with the Cape Cod Baseball League
Evaluating a player’s talent, ability, and contributions to…

Multi-Attribute Decision Making Ranks Baseball’s All Time Greatest Hitters
Introduction and History
I have taught or co-taught sabermetrics…

Henry Chadwick Award: Mike Haupert
Michael Haupert (1961–) dramatically expanded our understanding…

Henry Chadwick Award: Tom Tango
Tom Tango (1968–) was born in the suburbs of Montreal, where…

Henry Chadwick Award: Thomas Shea
Thomas Shea (1904–95) was one of the 16 founding members of…

Editor’s Note: Spring 2020 Baseball Research Journal
One thing I have learned through my long association with SABR…

Download the e-book version of Fall 2019 Baseball Research Journal
Read the Fall 2019 BRJ on your computer or e-reader!

Left Out: Handedness and the Hall of Fame
Handedness historically has been of importance to how the game…

Shifting Expectations: An In-Depth Overview Of Players’ Approaches To The Shift Based On Batted-Ball Events
One of the hottest and most polarizing topics in baseball today…

Why OPS Works
Pete Palmer, the inventor of OPS (on-base plus slugging), explains…

Rating Baseball Agencies: Who is Delivering the Goods?
In the summer of 2018 Washington Post reporter Jorge Castillo…

Hot Streaks, Screaming Grounders, and War: Conceptual Metaphors in Baseball
Until my freshman year of college, the only books I’d read…