More About the Kansas City Baseball Academy
In a recent SABR National Pastime article, historian Richard…
George Sisler Confronts the Evil Empire
George Sisler returned to action in 1924 after solving the eye…
Point Men: First MLB Players Born in Each Decade of the 20th Century
Major league baseball relies on a steady infusion of fresh talent…
Dubuque-Chicago, 1879
Picture this: The 2005 Chicago Cubs using a day off in their…
Old Hoss Radbourn: The Greatest of the 19th-Century Tobacco Hurlers
Rarely can an athlete lay claim to having been both the most…
Reuben Berman’s Foul Ball
You may be trampled and bruised, but if you catch a foul ball…
The Joy of Foul Balls: The Inside Story of Baseball’s Holy Grail
"Even at my age, I'd still like to catch a foul ball, if only…
Jackie Robinson in Film: His Significance in ‘Do the Right Thing’ and ‘Bringing Down the House’
Perhaps the most revered number and jersey in baseball history…
No Stars vs. All-Stars
Can there be a star quality team without any All Stars? Can…
Bobby Doerr in 1934: His Reflections on Life in the Pacific Coast League at 16
In 2004, a legion of baseball fans celebrated the Boston Red…
Early ERA Titles: A Reexamination of Pre-1951 Qualification Standards
In December 1958 one W. Reich from Sacramento wrote a letter…
Anson on Broadway: The Failure of ‘A Runaway Colt’
Adrian C. Anson, who rose to national prominence as captain of…
Carl Erskine: Ace Right-Hander for the Boys of Summer
Carl Daniel Erskine, born and raised in Anderson, Indiana, but…
World Series Final Plays
As Edgar Renteria bounced the final out of the 2004 World Series…
Forfeits were relatively commonplace in the early days of baseball.…
Baseball Notables at Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) in Arlington, Virginia, is…
The Face of Baseball: Photo Selections from the Detroit and Cleveland Public Libraries
Photographs make history come alive, and baseball images enhance…
The Best (and Worst) St. Louis Cardinal Trades
Unhappy with the team's contract offer for 2003 and beyond, Philadelphia's…
The Odyssey of Carlton Hanta
With the recent success of Ichiro Suzuki, Hideki Matsui, and…
Ty Cobb, Master Thief
Even though the value of stealing bases can be argued, there…
The Nugent Era: Phillies Phlounder in Phutility
A wag once wrote a history of the Philadelphia Phillies and entitled…
August 31, 1932: Day of the Ineligible Player
Well-seasoned SABR members will easily recall the days of perusing…
The Positive Grip Baseball Bat
The Louisville Slugger bat is advertised as "the bat of champions…
La Tropical Park, Then and Now
In February 2001, more than a dozen members of the Society for…