2000 Baseball Research Journal

- Cy Seymour: Only Babe Ruth Was More Versatile
Bill Kirwin - August Delight: Late 1929 Fun in St. Louis
Roger A. Godin - Player Movement Throughout Baseball History: How Has It Changed?
Brian Flaspohler - Believe It Or Not: Hugh Bedient’s 42 Strikeouts in 23 Innings
Greg Peterson - The Truth About Pete Rose: Why You’d Rather Have Minnie Miñoso On Your Team
Philip Siller - The Fifties: Fire Away!
Paul L. Wysard - The Baseball Index: SABR Effort, SABR Tool
Ted Hathaway - Turkey Mike Donlin: One of the Twentieth Century’s First Sports Entertainment Figures
Michael Betzold - Individual Records by Decades: Wagner, Cobb, Williams, Ruth Lead the Way
Scott Nelson - The All-Century Team: Best Season Version
Ted Farmer - Frank ‘Home Run’ Baker: Not Just His Nickname Was Interesting
Marty Payne - Baseball Club Continuity: Keep Your Eyes on the Ball
Mark Armour - Claimed Off the Waiver List: Hall of Fame Castoffs
David G. Surdam - The 10,000 Careers of Nolan Ryan: A Computer Simulation Clarifies His Long Career
Joe D'Aniello - Before the Babe: Gavy Cravath’s Home Run Dominance
Bill Swank - The Essence of the Game: Connections
Michael V. Miranda - Pitch Counts: Hurlers Now Toss Fewer Innings But Do Just As Much Work
Daniel R. Levitt - Dexter Park: ‘Brooklyn’s’ Other Ballpark
Jane and Douglas Jacobs - Joe Wilhoit and Ken Guettler: Minor League Hitting Record-Setters
Bob Rives - Expansion Effect Revisited: 1927 Ruth or 1998 McGwire
Phil Nichols - Who Were the Real Sluggers? Top Offensive Seasons, 1900-1999
Alan W. Heaton and Eugene E. Heaton Jr. - Hack Wilson in 1930: How to Drive in 191 Runs
Walt Wilson - Wait Till Next Year? Some Analyses of Win-Loss Records, 1960-1998
Robert Saltzman - Mark McGwire’s 162 Bases on Balls: More Than One Record in 1998
John F. Jarvis - The Balance of Power in Baseball: Has Anything Changed?
Stuart Shapiro - New ‘Production’: Simplify, Simplify
Mark Kanter - Series Vignettes: World Series, Junior World Series, and Dixie Series
Bob Bailey - Chronicling Gibby’s Glory: Bob Gibson’s amazing 1968
Dixie Tourangeau - From a Researcher’s Notebook (2000)
Al Kermisch