Spring 2019 Baseball Research Journal

- Hits in Consecutive At-Bats: Investigating the Nineteenth Century
Brian Marshall - Team Batting Average: A Comprehensive Analysis
Douglas Jordan and David Macias - Henry Chadwick Award: Leonard Koppett
Daniel R. Levitt - Henry Chadwick Award: Rob Neyer
Mark Armour - Henry Chadwick Award: Allan Roth
Andy McCue - American League or National League: Who Owns New York City?
Dusty S. Turner and Gabriel B. Costa - All The Duckys in a Row: In Search of the Real Ducky Holmes
Joan Wendl Thomas - An Ever-Changing Story: Exposition and Analysis of Shoeless Joe Jackson’s Public Statements on the Black Sox Scandal
Bill Lamb - Sweet! 16-Year-Old Players in Major League History
Chuck Hildebrandt - An Examination of MLB Play Call Challenges
Anne C. Marx Scheuerell and David B. Marx - File and Trial: Examining Valuation and Hearings in MLB Arbitration
Navneet S. Vishwanathan - World Series Game Situation Winning Probabilities: An Update
Douglas Jordan - Playing With The Boys: Gender, Race, and Baseball in Post-War America
A.J. Richard - Philadelphia in the 1881 Eastern Championship Association
Robert D. Warrington - Barney Dreyfuss Buys Pittsburgh
Bob Bailey - How Many Hits Did Ty Cobb Make in His Major League Career? What Is His Lifetime Batting Average?
Herm Krabbenhoft - Download the e-book version of Spring 2019 Baseball Research Journal
SABR - Editor’s note: Spring 2019 Baseball Research Journal
Cecilia M. Tan - Appendix 1: Ty Cobb’s Hit Totals and Lifetime Batting Average
Herm Krabbenhoft