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This Week in SABR: September 6, 2024

This Week in SABR: September 6, 2024

Welcome to “This Week in SABR” on Friday, September 6, 2024.
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Top Headlines

Subscribe to the Fall 2024 print edition of the Baseball Research Journal
Check out the new SABR MLB Team Employee Database
Register now for 2024 SABR/IWBC Women in Baseball Conference
Call for papers: Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts
SABR Games Project reaches milestone with 5,000th published article

Research Collection Events Calendar Around the Web

Spring 2024 SABR Baseball Research Journal

Subscribe to the Fall 2024 print edition of the Baseball Research Journal

Beginning in 2024, all SABR members exclusively receive the Baseball Research Journal electronically twice a year. The Fall 2024 issue will be sent out in early November. However, if you are interested in a paperback copy of BRJ for your personal library, we have rolled out a subscription option at a significantly discounted rate: $7 per issue for members, compared to $19.95 at retail.

Click here for a short video on how to subscribe to printed copies of BRJ.

Los Angeles Angels executive Roland Hemond, right, talks with two 1961 USC players before the expansion draft. (National Baseball Hall of Fame Library)

Check out the new SABR MLB Team Employee Database

A historical database of Major League Baseball team employees — covering more than 40,000 people dating back to the late 19th century — is now available online through SABR’s Business of Baseball Committee. The SABR MLB Team Employee Database offers a new lens into major-league front and back offices, from team owners to ticket sales.

The MLB Team Employee Database is available for viewing to all SABR members on the Research Resources page. Browse or search by person, team, or season to learn more about the scope of baseball and business operations.

Click here to read the full announcement at

SABR/IWBC Women in Baseball Conference logo

Register now for 2024 SABR/IWBC Women in Baseball Conference

Celebrated baseball author and photographer Jean Fruth will be the keynote speaker for the sixth annual SABR/IWBC Women in Baseball Conference, which will be held virtually on September 20-22, 2024. Fruth is a co-founder of Grassroots Baseball, an organization that celebrates the amateur game around the world and encourages kids to play ball, and the author of three books, including the upcoming See Her Be Her.

This year’s conference — co-sponsored by SABR and the International Women’s Baseball Center and hosted by Rockford University — is a virtual Zoom event. The conference will feature research presentations, panels, pylon unveiling, and presentation of the Dorothy Award.

Visit for complete details.

Call for papers: 2025 SABR Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference

All SABR members are invited and encouraged to submit a Research Presentation Proposal Abstract on any topic of 19th-century baseball for the 2025 Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. The 16th annual Ivor-Campbell Conference is scheduled for April 25-26, 2025. The deadline for proposal Abstracts is October 31, 2024.

Click here to read the full announcement at

Submit new project proposals to SABR Editorial Board by November 1

SABR’s Editorial Board welcomes new project proposals from members to be considered for publication through the Digital Library,, or any other multimedia formats. We strongly encourage new proposals that involve collaboration between SABR research committees and/or chapters, and web-based projects with an eye toward enhanced multimedia presentation.

SABR seeks to publish 2-4 web-based multimedia projects and 6-8 books per year. Book projects should be of a scope that can fit in a single volume, typically between 100,000 and 200,000 total words.

Click here to read the full announcement at

Call for papers: Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts

With the recent release of Volume 4 of Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of the Baseball Arts, SABR’s Baseball and the Arts Committee now turns its sights to submissions for Volume 5. All SABR members are encouraged to send along your submission, or your questions, to editors Joanne Hulbert or Jay Hurd before June 1, 2025. We are looking for poetry, memoir, artwork, humor, short fiction, historical fiction, science fiction, and parody.

Click here to read the full announcement at

August 7-11 Board minutes posted

Minutes from the Board of Directors meetings during SABR 52 in Minneapolis, including the 2024 Annual Business Meeting, have now been posted on the SABR website.

Click here to view all past minutes of SABR Board meetings.

SABR Research Collection updates

Find new updates to the SABR Research Collection below, including the Baseball Biography Project, Games Project, and Oral History Collection.

SABR Games Project new stories (clockwise from top-left): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Bob Gibson, Ted Williams, Brien Taylor, Ed Durham, David Palmer, Rick Behenna, Bill Butler

SABR Games Project reaches milestone with 5,000th published article

The SABR Games Project has reached a milestone this week with the publication of its 5,000th article! The newest batch of SABR Games Project stories includes notable and memorable games from all eras of baseball history, including:

Visit to learn more about the SABR Games Project or to get involved.

Featured E-Book from the SABR Digital Library

Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts, Volume 4 (2024), edited by Joanne Hulbert and Jay Hurd

Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts, Volume 4 
Edited by Joanne Hulbert and Jay Hurd

Visit to download the free e-book edition or save 50% off the paperback edition of all Digital Library books.

Recent Highlights

Here are some SABR headlines from recent weeks that we don’t want you to miss:

New Members

Please give a warm welcome to all new SABR members who joined this week! View more Members-Only resources at or click here to download the Membership Handbook. Find contact information for any SABR member in the online Membership Directory.

Spencer Carlson Akron, OH     Casen Patton Portageville, MO
Brett Harrelle Herndon, VA     Griffin Reichow Ardmore, PA
Thomas Jorgensen Philadelphia, PA     Jay Sartori Royal Oak, MI
Satoshi Kemmotsu Osaka, JPN     Kevin Shaffer Bordentown, NJ
Declan Mahoney Perkasie, PA     Holly Smith Quakertown, PA
Mia Messina Philadelphia, PA     Richard Soltzman Philadelphia, PA
Brandon Olivarez Austin, TX     James Taglia Northampton, MA

Friends of SABR

Here is a list of SABR supporters for the month of August 2024.

Mark Armour   Duane Keilstrup
Lawrence Baum   Steven Lauer
Jake Bell   Henry Levy
Michael Berry   Peter Mancuso
David Boyle   Peter Marcus
D. Bruce Brown   Bruce McClure
Ralph Caola   Mark Morowczynski
Ken Carrano   Linda Nichols
Ralph Christian   Bill Nowlin
Karl Cicitto   John Rall
Jim Cox   Michael Rosenwasser
Chris Dial   Charles Roussel
Tom DiGiandomenico   Bob Russon
Mark Dugo   Ruth Sadler
Helen Edwards   Jason Scheller
Steven Elsberry   Douglas Schoppert
David Firstman   Rob Sheinkopf
Adam Foldes   Thomas Stone
Glenn Foster   Wesley Story
Robert Hagerman   Joseph Thompson
Rebecca Hancock   Neal Traven
Steven Hannigan   Marlene Vogelsang
Leslie Heaphy   Mark Wawrzenski
Tim Herlich   Steve West
Rockwell Hoffman   Beach Wires
David Hughes   Jeffrey Wood
Rob Janes   Don Zminda
Donald Jensen    

Want to become a Friend of SABR? Click here to make a recurring monthly contribution or click here to learn more about our Giving Circles to make a one-time contribution.

SABR Events Calendar

SABR's Emil Rothe Chicago Chapter invites all baseball fans to join us for a special Zoom meeting with Sharon Pannozzo, former Chicago Cubs Media Relations Director, at 7:00 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. All baseball fans are welcome to join.

Upcoming Virtual Meetings

  • September 7: Bob Davids Talkin’ Baseball: Gary Sarnoff (9:00 a.m. EDT)
  • September 8: Baltimore Babe Ruth (MD) Chapter meeting with J.B. Manheim and Lawrence Knorr (7:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 9: Clyde Sukeforth (NH/ME) Chapter meeting with Steven Greenes (7:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 10: Bud Metheny (VA) Chapter meeting with David Ostrowsky (8:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 10: 19th Century Speaker Series: Bill Felber (8:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 11: Roush/Lopez Tampa Bay Chapter meeting with Sam and Barbara Zygner (7:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 11: Joint SABR chapter meeting: H.R. Ryan (7:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 11: Emil Rothe Chicago Chapter meeting with Sharon Pannozzo (7:00 p.m. CDT)
  • September 11: New SABR Member Experience Meeting (8:00 p.m. EDT)
  • September 12: Mathewson-Plank (PA) Chapter meeting (7:00 p.m. EDT)

Upcoming In-Person Meetings

  • September 7: Magnolia Chapter baseball cemetery tour (Atlanta, GA)
  • September 11: Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter meeting (Tallahassee, FL)
  • September 14: Rabbit Maranville Chapter meeting (Springfield, MA)
  • September 14: Halsey Hall Chapter Hot Stove Saturday Morning (Minneapolis, MN)
  • September 14: Williamsport Sebring-Stovey Chapter meeting (Williamsport, PA)
  • September 14: Baltimore Babe Ruth Chapter: Book Series with Gary Sarnoff (Baltimore, MD)
  • September 14: Rogers Hornsby Chapter meeting (Round Rock, TX)

To add your SABR event to our calendar listings, please contact Jacob Pomrenke.

Research Committee news

Sign up for SABR research committee announcements at

Regional Chapter news

Sign up for SABR chapter announcements at

Click here to learn more about SABR chartered communities.

Around the Web headlines

Here are some recent articles published by and about SABR members:

Please note: Some articles may require a separate subscription to view online. SABR does not endorse, and is not responsible or liable for, any content that appears on a third-party website.

This Week in SABR is compiled by Jacob Pomrenke. If you would like us to include an upcoming event, article, or any other information in “This Week in SABR,” e-mail To find past editions of TWIS, click here.

Are you receiving our e-mails? “This Week in SABR” goes out by e-mail to all members on Friday afternoons. If they’re not showing up, try adding “” to your contact list to ensure they show up in your inbox.

Originally published: September 6, 2024. Last Updated: September 10, 2024.